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Werewolf XXVII: A Golden Affair (Game Thread)
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Game Over on Round 4 Day
Root Host: Arenado Other Hosts: Marzipan

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☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Well, I will say that those arguments are well put (although KoD, I find it strange you had Svip on "scum" in your reads list just yesterday but now are saying you have zero reason why you'd think they're scummy), and Corbin's change in writing style makes me feel worse about his alignment, but I'm gonna stick to where I am now. I haven't been swayed enough to change my vote from KoD/Neon. And with respect to Corbin: at the very least, I want newbies to not die so quickly - it's just not fun.

    @Imaginative Kane

    There's only about 12 hours or so left in the day, so make sure you vote. We have two wagons right now (KingofDominaria and Corbin), so it'd be the best idea to choose one of them, but at least put your vote somewhere.
    I died day 1 3 or 4 games in a row. We can't keep new players alive just because they are new that doesn't help anyone learn and that certainly doesn't help town. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Well, I will say that those arguments are well put (although KoD, I find it strange you had Svip on "scum" in your reads list just yesterday but now are saying you have zero reason why you'd think they're scummy), and Corbin's change in writing style makes me feel worse about his alignment, but I'm gonna stick to where I am now. I haven't been swayed enough to change my vote from KoD/Neon. And with respect to Corbin: at the very least, I want newbies to not die so quickly - it's just not fun.

    @Imaginative Kane

    There's only about 12 hours or so left in the day, so make sure you vote. We have two wagons right now (KingofDominaria and Corbin), so it'd be the best idea to choose one of them, but at least put your vote somewhere.
    I died day 1 3 or 4 games in a row. We can't keep new players alive just because they are new that doesn't help anyone learn and that certainly doesn't help town.
    That is completely fair, while i do want to learn more, i do not want to ruin the game that way. 
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  • That's because I am a first time player! Closest thing I've come to this style of strategizing and consideration is in Among Us, and even then, I do not immediately go after particular people... I think part of it too is because, since moving, I missed out on the happenings of the first day, so having to catch up and compartmentalize all that info plus trying to read subtext has been difficult for me. I take no offense at all, Neon, thank you for the words of encouragement. I'll try to do better, even if I feel lost right now!

    My stance is unchanged because from where I'm sitting, Corbin was pressured to put more effort into his posts and responded by putting more effort into his posts. Corbin is pretty obviously (to me at least) unfamiliar with mafia games in general, and that he is putting in additional effort to meet other players where they expect to be met when he has a nonstandard communication style indicates that he's most probably inexperienced town rather than scum coasting under the cover of newness.

    With all of that said, I'm really not liking how certain Neon and KoD appear to be that Numbers was the intended target of the Killer. We had a role that is confirmed to swap 2 players, and unless both of you know Aerso well enough to know who he would or wouldn't swap N1, I don't like the assumption that any of the kills N1 we're 100% deliberate.

    The way I see it, there's only 2 reasons to hold this assumption: you have no idea what a bus driver role even does because you're new to the game, or the kill you submitted went through unaffected.

    Coupled with how KoD seems to be invested in portraying the wolves as quiet and/or inexperienced, and I can easily see a wolf-lead narrative being built up in this here thread.

    I'm also really not liking how eager Michi is to jump on that Corbin suspicion train.

    I really want to declare wolfteam to be Neon/KoD/Michi, but I'm also staring down my "first deathtunnel = town" tendency.
    Dr Frank-N-Furter (NoName), the Town Escort, was killed in the night by a Killer.
    Q (Aersoldorf), the Town Transporter, was killed in the night by the Wolf Chief.
    Night 1 has ended. Day 2 has begun. It will end at 2200 (UTC+8 ) 9th June. Good luck.
    Starting off with Svipjoth's quote, along with reading posts, looking at the list of votes at the top of the page should be helpful for finding some patterns.

    I agree with some of your points Melehan about Corbin being new and possibly not a wolf and especially the likelihood that NoName was not the Killer's original target. Also agree on the possibility of KoD being a wolfteam with Michi. Not sure about who the Killer's target would have been (if they were swapped) but if they were not swapped then I could easily see NoName having been targeted to make KoD seem more scummy since they were raising suspicion about NoName during Day 1.

    As I'm typing this out I am seventh (and more) guessing myself on my reads so this is definitely subject to change drastically.

    Equally likely to be Town or Scum:

    Potentially Town:

    Now to explain why. Joslisonoria I obviously cannot be sure on since they have been silent.
    Svipjoth I could see being an inexperienced Townie or Scum but I am not too suspicious of them so far with the inexperience they have shown.
    Corbin I am not too sure about with their posting. I think they are probably town but others have made good points about them possibly being a Wolf but they seem less likely so far.
    Dolby has done some posting and if they are as experienced as others have said than their lack of posts during this day phase is concerning. They did one post discussing whether Abi could be a wolf but aside from that the other posts have either been filler or helpful information providing. I am not sure that the latter is indicative of them being town aligned though. Otherwise I lack insight so I am just suspicious but unsure about them.
    Gerrick I am not too sure about yet. You've made some points but have not shown much of the reasoning behind them. Now this could be related more with the amount of posts to read than other leanings but it could also be that you are hiding some information you have gleaned, not too sure yet. If the wolves targeted Aersoldorf than they could have been attempting to frame Gerrick for voting for Aersoldorf but I suspect that might not have been why they did (just a suspicion).
    Melehan so far seems to be deliberately drawing shade on themselves while contributing to discussions in a townie manner. Because of that I can easily see you flipping either as scum or town.
    While Abi could be using their sheer flood of posts to power wolf, they seem more likely to be town affiliated so far because of their analysis of other players.
    KoD seems likely to be town being framed so far but I can also see them being the 3p. If NoName was the 3p target and not a swapped target than I could see KoD being the framed target, especially since NoName had voted for KoD although that seems more like it was a joke vote. At the same time, their suspicion of NoName from the beginning definitely does not look good now that we know they were Town.
    I have honestly forgotten now why Michi was in the either scum or Town category.

    Looks like I'll probably be asleep when this Day phase ends.

    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
    Oldies are goodies.
    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
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  • Since I was being blocked from my previous post for some reason I'll add this to this post.

    The more I've thought about this, the more comfortable I've become voting for KoD despite the likelihood of them being framed.

    Vote: KingofDominaria
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
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    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
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  • Neon, do you know how freeing Champs is to me?

    It's invigorating. It sets my soul free.

    It's that energy that I strive for. The raw feeling that comes with unabashed mafia gameplay at its purest.
    I'll be real here I thought I was going to hate champs. The set up seemed unbelievably boring and I thoroughly enjoy chaos in my games. I still do enjoy chaos but I also learned somewhere inside I also enjoy just base mafia gameplay. I'm not you, in that I will still meme and I will still make the mistakes only I can make but I'm genuinely more invested in this game than I've ever been I want to play more mafia of all types I want to get better at the game and I hope that you can see that even though I'm still going to play the Wintreath style I've fostered for myself I'm actually genuinely trying to improve myself and play the game. Even when I'm fucking around and RPing with Numbers day 1.

    WRT Gerrick: This slot is certainly emulating Koba which is worrying. I'll be honest Gerricks play has always felt weird to me I think I see things where there is nothing. I'm leaning mildly scummy but I'm hardly committed to that read currently. One thing people are trying to teach me is to go about how I read things differently and I'm trying that here. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Vote: KingofDominaria

    I cast my vote. 
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  • Vote: KingofDominaria

    I cast my vote.
    Please include reasoning.  I'm definitely not the only one that wants it, since non-reasoned/sheep votes will always catch my interest and skepticism.
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  • Vote: KingofDominaria

    I cast my vote.
    Please include reasoning.  I'm definitely not the only one that wants it, since non-reasoned/sheep votes will always catch my interest and skepticism.
    First off because I am tried and want to go to bed, second off here we go. I think truly they are a 3P, the killer. The way they act seems to me that they do what someone to die. Now I will say that there is the possibility that I am wrong. I am only human. But they have not accnolaged me that way at all, and are very accusing. It feels reakless to me, like a hole in a story. Self prepared yet not perfect. While neither of us has to be right I am fairly confident in my answer. About a quarter of this is just instinct however, as I don't know them well. Their behavior in response to my accusations seem defense, and they are responding with no it is him. We are all only acting mostly on gut feelings and instinks as of yet it feels to me. Yet I am fairly confident in my choice.
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  • The good news is someone is going to die today. The bad news is that someone is my town core...
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Vote: KingofDominaria

    I cast my vote.
    Please include reasoning.  I'm definitely not the only one that wants it, since non-reasoned/sheep votes will always catch my interest and skepticism.
    First off because I am tried and want to go to bed, second off here we go. I think truly they are a 3P, the killer. The way they act seems to me that they do what someone to die. Now I will say that there is the possibility that I am wrong. I am only human. But they have not accnolaged me that way at all, and are very accusing. It feels reakless to me, like a hole in a story. Self prepared yet not perfect. While neither of us has to be right I am fairly confident in my answer. About a quarter of this is just instinct however, as I don't know them well. Their behavior in response to my accusations seem defense, and they are responding with no it is him. We are all only acting mostly on gut feelings and instinks as of yet it feels to me. Yet I am fairly confident in my choice.
    See this is the content that would've made me think oh this is a confused new player who is mimicking those around them because they can't get their footing. The problem is that it's come so late now that I'm having trouble reconciling this with the earlier double down and further more with the fact that you've now been put on the defensive and are being forced to back track on that double down. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Not that any of you are going to read this since you seem convinced me and KoD are paired because we have a similar understanding of the current have state but here's some reads

    Mel - null leaning scum. Is contributing lightly but not in a way that feels real to me. Has W/W potential with my top scum read. Isn't playing the way I'm used to seeing her play pushes are light hasn't really broken the game open in the way I expect early from Mel. Haven't liked the last day at all. 

    Michi - town
    I was concerned early with the content being solely about flavor and not about game state but that's something I generally  expect of Michi so it was a null day 1 for me currently has risen to my town core today by pushing for more info and using what he is seeing to make reads. Currently part of my town core.

    Neon - most towny town who ever towned.

    Svip - town lean
    Generally feels lost but wants to contribute the way they went about it felt realistic for a new player trying to get their feet wet without drawing attention. Not enough content to full town read yet.

    Dolby - null
    I liked Dolbys day 1 but yes disappeared. I don't think that's indicative of anything but it's impossible to read when most of the info has come out today. 

    Gerrick - scum lean
    Feels like pushing an agenda on me and KoD I know I'm town. KoD is my top town by that very nature I have to sus this slot but he's also potentially paired with my top scum read and his push onto me/KoD came at a time in the phase were pressure on us was mounting. Opportunity knocks ya dig. 

    Kane - back to null
    I hate this slot with all my heart. Top scum read early day 1 big post that made me change to top town read than his most recent post undid almost all of that equity instantly. The reads list feels opportune and flimsy he's nervous to commit to much of anything. He votes onto KoD in a close race with poor logic possibly to save his scum bus? Equity with Corbin I want to flip Corbin

    Jos- null
    Nothing doing

    KoD - top town no cap
    This is KoD at peak KoD. Defiant in the face of pressure. 100% certain in himself. Pushing loud and controlling a thread. Granted I think you're overblowing his control of the thread a bit he's loud and he writes big messages that you really should read entirely because they have massively valuable insight but he's only burying you because you're content is non existent. He's hardly buried me or even buried Corbin this phase. Point is this is just KoD and reading KoD scum for being KoD is generally bad. Of course I will flip on KoD in lylo probably like usual 

    Corbin - scummiest scum who ever scummed 

    Faked to play off the newbie vibe. Would wolf chat tell him to play up his new ness? Yes. Doubled down. Got pressured panicked and flipped the switch. Content feels like a lost lamb but it feels like a lost lamb who is trying to save himself because he got caught

    Pls kill in this order. 

    Corbin > Gerrick > Mel > Kane

    Win the game. 

    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
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  • The host walks on stage, a bit of a serious expression on his face.

    "I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the civility clause. Remember, this is a civil game, we have several new nominees and we want to maintain a friendly, welcoming environment for everyone. You don't have to avoid any confrontation at all, just please avoid...directly insulting or hostile language, please and thank you."

    The hosts face softens a bit.

    "Now, I hope you enjoy the game and good luck, everyone."

    The current day phase will end in 9 hours. The current vote standings is as follows:

    KingofDominaria: 4 (Melehan, Gerrick, Imaginative Kane, Corbin)
    Corbin: 2 (Neon Abigail, KingofDominaria)
    No Vote (Never Voted): Michi, Svipjoth, Dolby, Josilsonoria

    Additionally, @Dolby has not met the minimum post requirement. Please make a minimum of 2 posts before the end of the day phase to remain in compliance.
    « Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 05:13:58 AM by Arenado »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • A couple things to add as I get ever closer to the post cap and am silenced forever.

    The wolves want to kill me and KoD because we are loud and we are generating movement in the thread they want to stomp out activity because that makes their job easier the pressure on me and KoD eliminates almost 50% of the total content of the thread. 

    Together the two of us have 80 of the 180 total non host posts in this thread. We are pushing and they are afraid of it. 

    My world view entirely changes if Corbin flips green or KoD flips red but I believe whole heartedly in my world view
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
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  • Day Phase is coming to an end I need to see some movement
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
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  • Even if you're not voting with me vote somewhere
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
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