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The Frosty Bugle - February 15th, 2022
Posts: 2 Views: 572

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    February 15, 2022

    Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates

    Want to Subscribe?
    The Frosty Bugle now offers a subscription service for anyone who doesn't want to miss the latest news and highlights from Wintreath! To subscribe, contact Wintermoot on NationStates, the Wintreath forums, or Discord. You can choose to subscribe to any of those platforms, where you'll be pinged when a new edition comes out.

    A Word from the Monarch
    In Search of Communities

    Recently I had a revelation. I was thinking of what makes up a community, and I realized that a community forms when people who have something in common interact with each other over it. It’s not enough to merely have people in the same place who have something in common. If they never interact with each other over it, it’s not a community.

    On one hand, we have all kinds of communities. We have a Werewolf community who plays Werewolf games together and has an interest in seeing that side of things developed. We have a roleplay community who roleplays with each other, which will soon be formalized in the re-establishment of the RP guild. We have a general discussion community of people who like to answer icebreakers and post on the forums with each other, and we have a Discord community of people who chat with each other.

    But on the other hand, this aspect shows some of the areas where we’ve wanted to have a community, but have struggled. We have all kinds of people who are LGBTQ+, but there’s rarely any LGBTQ+ discussion or interaction on that basis. We have plenty of gamers, but they rarely if ever play games with each other. In both cases, we aspire to have a community around these things, but have come up short because we’ve yet to form interactions with each other around them.

    One of the things I would like to do next season is explore those and other areas. Are there discussions or events that our LGBTQ+ members and allies can come together on? Are there ways to bring our gamers together? Are there any other groups we can bring together? I’ve even wondered if we could get a furry community going, seeing that we have more furries in Wintreath than you would think at first glance.

    We already have an awesome community. When people talk about what they like about Wintreath, the community is almost always the first thing they bring up. By exploring the many different groups that are a part of Wintreath, I believe we can only make our community even more special and awesome.

    We will see what the future holds for us in this and other areas. In the meantime, stay frosty.

    The Welcome Wagon
    Aloha to our new and returning Citizens!
    Please welcome Kiddian (Kiddian States) to our ranks of Citizens! He’s been around Wintreath for awhile now, so I’m very happy to see him become a Citizen and take the next step to becoming involved in Wintreath (he also joined the Hearthkeepers!).

    If you would like to become a Citizen of Wintreath, all you have to do is join our off-site forum and then fill out this form. Citizens gain full rights under our regional constitution, gain access to Citizen-only areas of the forums and Discord, and can participate in our government from our all-Citizen assembly to the Cabinet that runs the day-to-do operations of Wintreath.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern
    Minecraft Night - February 20th, 7PM Eastern
    You never know what will happen on a Minecraft night. Will you chat with regionmates while building something cool, go on an expedition into dangerous caverns, or tour someone’s really awesome building or town? Join us and see what the night holds for you! The Discord In-Game voice channel will also be open for anyone who wants to voice chat while playing.

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath
    Wintermoot Begins Wintreath History Project
    The Wintreath History Project aims to put together an authoritative text on the entire history of Wintreath. So far he’s divided the history into ages defined by events that impacted the direction of Wintreath, then started working on the history of the Gilded Age (June-November 2019), which was selected by random generator. This will be a work on progress for some time, but check it out and feel free to give your thoughts!

    Wintermoot Wins Wintreath's Finest!
    Wintermoot edged out Dawsinian to win January’s Wintreath’s Finest by a single vote. On a personal note, thanks to everyone who voted for me and for everyone who believes in me. It means a lot. Also thanks to Dawsinian, one of the few people around who was with me in Wintreath on Day 1 and has been such a great person in the community over the years.

    Dark Age Banners wins Avatar of the Month
    Everyone is encouraged to adapt this month’s theme for their NationStates flags, forum avatars, and Discord profile pictures! This marks the second time in a row that the nomination by Waggleton (Dashiki City) has won, a rare distinction given the number of nominations the contest receives every month.

    Wintreath Takes 8Values Political Quiz
    Our community is taking the 8values political quiz, which compares where you stand politically along four axises. The idea is to compile everyone’s results and see how the community as a whole has shifted since the community took the quiz in 2017 and 2019. If you’d like to take the quiz, you can post your results on the topic or in the #content-warning-general Discord channel!

    NoName Wins Werewolf XXV by Arson!
    Werewolf XXV has concluded with neither town or wolves winning. The winner turns out to be NoName, a third party arsonist who won by setting everyone and everything by fire. Fire, fire everywhere! Congratulations to them! Werewolf XXV was also the most active Werewolf game with 1,947 posts in the topic as of this writing.

    Thanks to Our Supporters
    As always every month, I want to close out this section to thank our January supporters: trader, Gerrick, HannahB, Crushita (Newvanda), Dawsinian, and Gantar180. It blows me away that people care enough to support me and what I do in Wintreath, and I always deeply appreciate it!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything
    Wintreath in Statistics - January Edition
    How did we do and where was the activity in Wintreath last month? Check out Wintreath in Statistics to find out and read Wintermoot’s thoughts about it all!

    New Forum Discussions
    Here are the new discussions on our off-site forums! If one of them interests you, why don’t you add to it with a reply?

    Looking for Group
    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath’s Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm, inviting, and welcoming community! They do this by welcoming and helping new members, posting daily questions for the community to discuss, creating weekly events, and more! Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Thanks for Reading!
    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    3 people like this post: Gerrick, Vroendal, taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Wombateer This City Needs!
  • This is a good Bagel.
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    Welcome To Wintreath!
    • The Wombateer This City Needs!
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