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The Frosty Bugle - January 14th, 2022
Posts: 1 Views: 430

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    January 14, 2022

    Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates

    Want to Subscribe?

    The Frosty Bugle now offers a subscription service for anyone who doesn't want to miss the latest news and highlights from Wintreath! To subscribe, contact Wintermoot on NationStates, the Wintreath forums, or Discord. You can choose to subscribe to any of those platforms, where you'll be pinged when a new edition comes out.

    A Word from the Monarch

    Happy New Year to Wintreath!

    As I celebrated the new year, I was struck with high hopes for our community in 2022.

    In many ways we’ve been living in the shadow of the Schism and other dramas from 2020. It’s completely understandable. Those events created months of strife and conflict in a community that isn’t used to it. It devastated many of the people involved, and the departures that resulted left holes in our community that may never be fully filled. I believe the wake of those events will be remembered as a lost era of stagnancy and inactivity, and one of the worst our community has ever gone through.

    But I truly feel we’re beginning to come out of the other side, and that vibrancy is returning to our community. We've been fortunate to have members return, and new members take up leadership roles in our community. We have new thoughts and ideas flowing, reinvigorating everything from avatar of the month to the RP guild. Thanks to groups like WARPP, promising new nations on the NationStates side have a pathway to get involved with others in Wintreath. Minecraft nights are usually a success, and even the forums are holding their own when it comes to activity these days. The signs of a new, brighter age are emerging everywhere you look.

    I doubt those of us who went through those horrors and tragedies will ever forget them. For better or for worse, they are a part of our personal histories just as they are a part of our region’s history. However, it’s time to take what we have learned from those times and build a stronger, friendlier, and heartier Wintreath. One that reaches even higher for the ideals that this community stands for.

    Thank you to everyone who has stuck by this community over the past year, as well everyone who returned even after everything that happened. Thank you to the members of our Cabinet who did an incredible job holding things together in quiet times. And thank you to our supporters who backed the work I'm doing in Wintreath more than ever. I believe our perseverance has carried us through to a new era, one that I look forward to celebrating with you.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern

    Minecraft Night - January 16th, 7PM Eastern
    You never know what will happen on a Minecraft night. Will you chat with regionmates while building something cool, go on an expedition into dangerous caverns, or tour someone’s really awesome building or town? Join us and see what the night holds for you! The Discord In-Game voice channel will also be open for anyone who wants to voice chat while playing.

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath

    Stygian Wins Wintreath’s Finest of 2021!
    Wintreath’s Finest of the Year is an annual contest that pits everyone who won the monthly honour that year to recognize the person who most stood out for the year. This year saw Stigya (The Stigyan Triumvirate), who had just won the monthly honour in November, win out, narrowly beating out Svipjoth and TGN (The Greenlandic North). Congratulations to him!

    Svipjoth Wins Wintreath’s Finest December 2021!
    This month’s winner was Svipjoth, for her work as Thane of Roleplay and plan to resurrect the old RP Guild (you can read more about this in the last edition of The Frosty Bugle. This month, she was the only nominee for the honour, eliminating the need for a poll and definitively making her the winner! Congratulations to her!

    80’s Synthwave is our Graphics Theme for the Month!
    This month, Jarl of Culture Michi (Penguin Dictators) revived the defunct forum avatar of the month contest with a new spin: that it would apply to Discord profile pictures and flags as well. The winning theme was “80’s Synthwave”, which was nominated by Waggleton (Dashiki City) and enthusiastically embraced by the community. Thanks to Michi, our Discord server icon even has a bit of 80s synthwave action.

    Thanks to our Supporters!
    Thanks to our Patrons for this month: Argin, Dawsinian, HannahB, Gantar180, Gerrick, and Crushita! They help cover the costs of running Wintreath and support the time I spend developing for it. Also thanks to our Discord server boosters: trader, Red Mones, and Ruguo. Thanks to them we have more emotes and features to enjoy on the Discord!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything

    Wintreath in Statistics - December Edition
    How did Wintreath do in December? Check out all the stats and data from the month that was to get the pulse of where it’s happening in Wintreath! New this month is a top ten posters list for the NationStates RMB!

    New Forum Discussions

    Your Wintreath Family Experience
    Wintermoot is looking to make changes to Wintreath’s family system, and would like your input! If you would like to share your experiences in your family or what you would like out of a Wintreath family whether or not you are in one, just post here! You may also contact Wintermoot privately if you don’t feel comfortable making a public post.

    What Are You Grateful for Today?
    A new space you can practice gratitude and positivity in. What are you grateful for today? Let us know here!

    Favorite Gaming Memory
    What is your favorite gaming memory? (Credit to Anthony/XXURBANXX for originally posting it as an icebreaker on the RMB).

    New Years Goals?
    Now that we’re into the new year, what are your hopes or goals for it? Did you make any resolutions? Let us know here!

    Ask Dashiki anything
    A new AMA posted by Waggleton, otherwise known as Dashiki City on NationStates. If you’d like to ask him something, well, asking him anything here!

    Looking for Group

    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath’s Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm, inviting, and welcoming community! They do this by welcoming and helping new members, posting daily questions for the community to discuss, creating weekly events, and more! Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Thanks for Reading!

    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    2 people like this post: taulover, TGN

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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