The Frosty BugleYour Chill Summary of This Week in WintreathDecember 26, 2021Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates
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A Word from the Monarch
A Community of LightEspecially for those who aren’t on Discord to see the message I posted on there, I want to wish everyone in our community happy holidays! For me, this time of year is always magical with the sights and sounds of the holidays, the crisp chill of winter in the air, and the way everyone seems jolly and uplifted. I hope that your holiday has been full of fun, joy, love, peace, and everything else that you hoped it would be! And if not, there’s still a few days left to enjoy them, so take some time to relax and take in the spirit while you can.
Something that stirred me this season is the importance of love to one another. We live in uncertain times, but love can stir hope in a weary world and shine brightly through the darkest of times. In many ways, what makes Wintreath so special is that we're a loving community. That doesn't mean we're perfect, but I think it's why we're such a warm and heartful community, why the dramas between each other hurt so much, and why in spite of that many of us remain friends and strive to do better as members of our community going forward. We're a community of people who practice love toward each other, and that's the core of what usually makes our community special.
In the new year, let's remember who we are and shine brightly for ourselves and for each other! For now, happy holidays and best wishes for the new year!
Upcoming EventsAll times Eastern
Minecraft Night - December 26th, 7PM EasternYou never know what will happen on a Minecraft night. Will you chat with regionmates while building something cool, go on an expedition into dangerous caverns, or tour someone’s really awesome building or town? Join us and see what the night holds for you! The Discord In-Game voice channel will also be open for anyone who wants to voice chat while playing.
What's Happening NowNews from Wintreath
Cabinet Elections ConcludeElections saw many fresh faces to the Riksraad, Wintreath’s regional Cabinet:
@DarchAngel as Thane of Gaming,
@Svipjoth as Thane of Roleplay, and
@Stigya2113 as Thane of Regional Affairs, in addition to the return of
@TGN to the Cabinet as Thane of Embassies.
@Michi also won re-election as our Delegate by default. Congrats to everyone!
Michi Returns As Jarl of Culture!@Michi has once again taken the mantle of Jarl of Culture, returning to the position that first brought him prominence in Wintreath. He brought Werewolf to Wintreath, put out light-hearted contributions that continue to this day, and most recently founded the Hearthkeepers. What will he do next? Check out his statement to find out!
RP/Government Forums ReorganizedLate in November, @Wintermoot announced a reorganization of the long-inactive RP and government forums. Notably, he archived all the RP forums except for the worldbuilding forum, then merged all the government forums into one (with several subforums). He then organized them both in one category, The Land of Wintreath, in the hopes that it will embody an actual place with government and private places in it. He also promised refinements and polishing for both forums in the future.
Stigya Voted November Wintreath's Finest@Stigya2113 was voted Wintreath’s Finest for November, for his role in founding and nurturing WARPP and his helpfulness in RPs. WARPP itself was also nominated for its activity and helpfulness in RP as well, but in the end Stigya won out 4-2. Congratulations to him!
Extra: The Campaign for the RP GuildDuring the thane election,
@Svipjoth and
@Stigya2113 put together an ambitious proposal to resurrect the defunct RP Guild by merging the RMB-based RP organization Stigya founded, WARPP, into it. The proposal would also move most RMB RP to the forums, where they feel RP could be better organized and separated from other distracting discussions on the RMB.
Extra: What is WARPP?WARPP was founded in September 2020 by
The Stigyan Triumvirate as a roleplay regional defense pact (WARPP stands for Wintreath Allied Regional Protective Pact). In the last year, WARPP has grown to encompass 15 active nations who wield a large amount of influence over the RMB. This has been used to organize the RMB community and improve RP on the platform over time.
Read More About It!Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything
The Posh Penguin - All I Want is Fish For Christmas EditionCheck out the story of how Thanksgiving and Halloween were canceled, Black Friday swept NationStates, and hear from a Christmas-loving mule who can see the future! Also, comics, a word search, and Christmas coloring fun!
Wintreath in Statistics - November EditionHow did Wintreath do in November? Wintreath in Statistics is a summary of activity and census stats from the previous month, with drill-downs to all kinds of neat data for statistics nerds who want to get the pulse of where it’s happening in Wintreath!
New Forum Discussions
New Years Plans?A daily icebreaker reposted from the RMB, we’re simply asking if you have plans for New Years, and if so, what are they?
Looking for Group
The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath’s Welcome WagonThe Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm, inviting, and welcoming community! They do this by welcoming and helping new members, posting daily questions for the community to discuss, creating weekly events, and more! Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi /
Penguin Dictators to join!
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