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The Frosty Bugle - October 3rd, 2021
Posts: 4 Views: 1297

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    October 3, 2021

    A Word from the Monarch
    Doing More with Less

    As you may know, activity in our community dwindled during the summer. Part of it is the traditional summer lull, and part of it is the fact that people are returning to their offline lives after over a year of pandemic living. While we have an excellent and dedicated Cabinet that keeps the lights on, there's only so much that any small group of people can do. So how are we marching on with fewer people and resources than before?

    Of course, one way is to get residents and Citizens involved, something that we haven’t done a good job of in recent years. Wintreath has so many things to do and so many ways to get involved that I know it can be overwhelming for somebody who hasn’t been involved before to figure out how. Our guides have never been very good, and at this point are horribly outdated. I’m hoping to fix that this season, and to do more to keep you in the know by regularly posting The Frosty Bugle.

    Speaking of The Frosty Bugle, thanks to a new script that automatically generates the code for the forums and NS dispatches, it now takes half the time for me to put an edition together than it used to. That speaks to another way we can do more with less: automation. If we can simplify or automate the more tedious things that need to be done, that’s more time we can devote to other things or to keep things going while we’re dealing with life offline.

    Either way, to do more with less we need your help! If you’re a resident or Citizen who would like to get more involved in any aspect of Wintreath, please contact me! Likewise, if you’re already involved and feel like a script would help you do things faster or better, also please contact me. Working from both angles, I’m sure that together we can make Wintreath a better place for everyone and have more fun doing it!

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath
    Dawsinian Becomes Jarl of Regional Affairs!
    After several months as Acting Jarl of Regional Affairs, Dawsinian took over the job on a permanent basis, which involves managing the NationStates region page and the regional message board (RMB). Upon his appointment, he immediately appointed Excalibur as Thane of Regional Affairs for the remainder of the season. Congrats to both!

    Red Mones Named Wintreath's Finest
    After taking a break to focus on offline life, Red Mones returned immediately jumped back into the thick of things, from welcoming new Citizens to being a regular, friendly face on the Discord. For those reasons his fellow Citizens voted him as Wintreath's Finest for August. Congrats to him! Also nominated was trader for hosting and maintaining the Wintreath Minecraft server and Gerrick for his unique sea-based Arena game design.

    #spam and #media Discord Channels Archived
    While both channels were active, we felt they were encouraging spam and immature behaviour throughout the entire Discord at the cost of actual conversations. Since their removal, activity on the Discord has surged (per Wintreath in Statistics), suggesting that renewed conversation has more than made up for the loss of activity from spamming on the Discord.

    Wintermoot Makes Statement for International Day of Peace
    Wintermoot had the honour of writing a statement on behalf of Wintreath for International Day of Peace, where he emphasized what we could do as people to promote peace in our own lives. You can read his statement along with those others have written and resources if you'd like to pursue an interest in peacemaking at the link above! Thanks to Ecclestia for organizing this effort and putting the dispatch together!

    Wintreath Participates in NationStates N-Day
    For this year's nuclear war minigame, Wintreath rallied behind its own faction with a lot of early enthusiasm that showed with a quick lead on the scoreboard. However, this gained the attention of the Crabs of the Apocalypse faction, who ultimately won the event, and we were ultimately crushed by the megafaction. Still, it was great fun that showed once again how we can stand out when we rally behind something together!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything
    The Posh Penguin - October 2021 Issue
    In this issue, Michi interviews the oldest boulder in Wintreath, broaches on regional monuments, and discusses the recent RP war with Uueidhhd on the RMB as well as NationStates N-Day and the controversy behind its results.

    Wintreath In Statistics
    Wintreath goes over the stats from September for the NationStates RMB, forums, and Discord. Did Wintreath rise or fall, and why? The answers are all here!

    The Aurora Borealis: Your Wintreath Skylights
    The Aurora Borealis is Wintreath's regional dispatch that goes to our friends and partners in other NationStates regions. In this edition, Ruguo highlights the recent happenings in Wintreath to a simple, witty, and easy to read format!

    Thanks for Reading!
    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more!
    3 people like this post: Gerrick, Red Mones, taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  •  While we have an excellent and dedicated Cabinet that keeps the lights on, there's only so much that any small group of people can do. So how are we marching on with fewer people and resources than before?

    a lot of our most important government people either left or were removed.

    Our guides have never been very good, and at this point are horribly outdated. I’m hoping to fix that this season, and to do more to keep you in the know by regularly posting The Frosty Bugle.

    You are keeping the RMB Etiquette, right? It is very important to regulating the Regional Message Board, though, most people don't follow it anyway.
    Welcome To Wintreath!
    • The Wombateer This City Needs!
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  • @Anthony (XXURBANXX): I'm sure we'll be keeping the RMB Etiquette guide, though it may be posted again by somebody else so we can continue to update it.
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • @Anthony (XXURBANXX): I'm sure we'll be keeping the RMB Etiquette guide, though it may be posted again by somebody else so we can continue to update it.
    That's actually been on my list of things I want to get done, amusingly enough.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    My Wintreath Resumé
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