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Wintreath in Statistics - July 2021
Posts: 1 Views: 573

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Overall, July was a mixed bag...however, the forums and Discord seem to have found their activity floors while activity on the NationStates RMB surged, suggesting that the declines we've faced over the last few months are waning. If things go as I predicted a few months ago, things should begin improving from here on out, but we'll have to see if that holds true. For the particulars of July though, read on!

    Forums: 120
    From June 2021: -29 (-19.6%) | From July 2020: -347 (-74.3%) | Breakdown: View Here

    July was an in-between period for forum games...the end of the Arena game and sign-ups for Mage Wars. Because of that, forum activity dimmed even further to make it the least active month on the forums ever. There are many long-term reasons, from the growing prominence of Discord to people returning to normal living offline, but it's still a cold reality compared to the numbers we were pulling earlier in the year when we had Werewolf games going on. On the plus side, I don't envision forum activity sinking any further...I feel that we've hit our floor for when there are no games going on.

    Top Posters
    1. Wintermoot - 46 posts (June #1)
    2. @taulover - 23 posts (June #2)
    3. @Gerrick - 13 posts (June #3)
    4. @Imaginative Kane - 6 posts (June #6)
    5. @Michi - 4 posts (June #NA)
    6-7. @a4b4c4 (June #NA) / @Aziara (June #NA) - 3 posts
    8-12. @Dawsinian (June #NA)/ @TGN (June #8-10) / @Fyrein (June #NA) / @Svipjoth (June #NA) / @Jasper1954 (June #NA) - 2 posts

    Discord: 9182
    From June 2021: -287 (-3.0%) | From July 2020: -12651 (-57.9%) | Breakdown: View Here | Daily Breakdown: View Here

    Discord activity technically fell slightly again when you count all channels including log channels. However, if you look at tracked channels, which only includes channels that are open for discussions, activity actually rose very slightly, suggesting that we've hit a floor for Discord activity as well. Activity has especially dropped in the content-warning-general channel following the ops team decision to ban discussions about policing and the departure of several members who frequented the channel. On the other hand, activity in the adult community rose to its highest numbers for its current iteration thanks to the arrival of several new members and a new weekly icebreaker discussion.

    The Discord stats for August should be interesting because they'll show the impact of Discord threads, especially for #roleplay (The Tavern in the Woods) and #spam (Spam Counting and Wintreath Skyscraper).

    Top Citizen Posters on Discord
    1. Wintermoot - 1593 posts (June #1)
    2. @Michi - 763 posts (June #7)
    3. @TGN - 632 posts (June #5)
    4. @redrevoltaire - 575 posts (June #3)
    5. @Drexyl Nox - 432 posts (June #9)
    6. @Dawsinian - 347 posts (June #11)
    7. @Mathyland - 304 posts (June #13)
    8. @Forren (atriskad) - 289 posts (June #15)
    9. @Dawcreeke - 242 posts (June #8)
    10. @Barnes - 232 posts (June #12)

    NationStates RMB: 761
    From June 2021: +439 (+136.3%) | From July 2020: -302 (-28.4%) | Breakdown: View Here

    In terms of performance, the RMB is the star of the month with activity more than doubling from the previous month. This is due to a number of reasons such as new and returning active nations, more activity from our regulars, and @Dawsinian's able stewardship of the RMB since becoming Active Jarl of Regional Affairs. While activity didn't reach the heights of last July (which was inflated by the pandemic and quarantines), I think this is a very good sign for Wintreath in the "new normal" times.

    Median Citizen Age: 24
    From June 2021: 0 (+0%) | From March 2020: N/A | Breakdown: View Here

    The median age remains the same at 24 years old. However, for the first time since we began collecting data on Citizen ages the average age ticked down from 25.5 to 25, mostly due to some younger members becoming Citizens.
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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