The Frosty Bugle
Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
July 27th, 2021
Upcoming EventsAll times Eastern
July 29th at 10PM - Cards Against Humanity Night (Discord)
July 30th at 9PM - Minecraft Night (Wintreath Minecraft Server)
What’s Happening Now
Summersend 2021 Theme Nominations Open!Summersend is Wintreath's annual festival and culture showcase that takes place on our forums. This year Summersend will run from August 21-30, and we're looking for nominations for this years theme! Current nominations are "The Ocean", "The Lush Forests of Wintreath", and "Camp Wintreath", and if you want to nominate other themes just post them in the topic! Stay tuned for more Summersend information in the coming weeks, too.
Gerrick Wins Arena 8!@Gerrick emerged victorious from Wintreath's 8th Arena game! He was not only the last person standing, but did so by delivering the killing blow to every other player: @Wintermoot,
@Imaginative Kane, and
@TGN. Congratulations to him on his victory!
Mage Wars 2 Signups Open!Sign-ups for Mage Wars are still open! Mage Wars is a lot like the board game Battleship, where players target locations on a grid in hopes of finding and destroying their opponents' towers. This second game will have new mechanics that will make it more of it's own game, so if you're interested in playing sign up today!
New Forum Discussions
None this week!
NationStates RMB RoundupProvided by Acting Jarl of Regional Affairs @Dawsinian
A poll was introduced to the region asking what their favorite Star Wars trilogy was, and I am happy to report that a majority of the people who have seen Star Wars chose correctly and said that the original trilogy was their favorite. Even more impressive was that no one said that the sequels was their favorite. I mean, really, do they even count as Star Wars movies? Wintermoot, who has never seen Star Wars, has now launched a new poll asking the community whether Star Wars or Star Trek is better (and we all know the answer is Star Wars, duh -
@Dawsinian) (Nuh uh -@Wintermoot).
Thanks for Reading!