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Discussion: Updating the Name of the Legislature
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I would appreciate some input into how to go about one of the most wide-ranging changes that need to be done.

    The current law is peppered with references to the Storting, the Underhusen, and the Overhusen, which no longer exist. In some cases like commendations this isn't an issue and the case can be made that those should be left unchange. However, other laws actually specify authorities to those make it more complicated, I'm sure some of those authorities need to specify the Riksraad, while others need to specify the Landsraad.

    The question I have is how this should be done...would it be better to amend each act separately, or to try to craft a single omnibus amendment?
    1 person likes this post: taulover

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  • I think an omnibus bill would be best as the only changes that need to be done would be to swap out the names of the legislatures and officers -- nothing would alter the actual effects of the laws.

    So the following laws would have an easy fix as I just described:
    The Wintreath Commendation Act
    The Definition of Abstention Act
    The Persona Non Grata Act? (not sure if under the purview of the Landsraad or Riksraad)
    The Legislation Public Domain Act
    The Wintreath Holidays Act
    The Regional Clubs Act

    The following would be up to the Riksraad to fix:
    The Citizenship Act
    The Persona Non Grata Act? (see above)

    And the following could probably just be struck altogether as they're no longer used with the passage of the FLAMES Act (if a judiciary is for some reason decided to be necessary in the future, it should probably just be completely rewritten at this point):
    The Judicial Offices Act
    The Code of Criminal Laws
    The Declassification of Private Storting Discussion Procedure Act
    The Underhusen Elections Clarification Act
    2 people like this post: taulover, Sapphiron

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  • I agree with Gerrick - an omnibus bill of changes has been done before (although never to quite this scope) and that sets precedent for far-reaching amendment acts IMO.

    A rewritten judiciary is something people have talked about for a long time, but never materialises. Do we want to make that a target for the Landsraad to work on?
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

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  • I've put out a proposal to strike incompatible acts from the law entirely: the ASH Act

    I suppose the first thing we would need to decide is whether a judiciary is needed, and if so how it would work in modern Wintreath which has many aspects not involved with NationStates. The old system was almost never used, so if we were to replace it I would hope it'd be with something both relevant and useful to the community in resolving IC misbehaviour.
    2 people like this post: Sapphiron, taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • In a sense, the FLAMES Act already eliminated the Judiciary. There is no constitutional framework for it at all anymore.
    1 person likes this post: Gerrick
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  • I suppose the first thing we would need to decide is whether a judiciary is needed, and if so how it would work in modern Wintreath which has many aspects not involved with NationStates. The old system was almost never used, so if we were to replace it I would hope it'd be with something both relevant and useful to the community in resolving IC misbehaviour.
    Realistically Wintreath as a collective (NS RMB, forums, Discord) is as well-moderated as it need to be. The judiciary, then, would have no purpose to serve if it was intended as a place primarily to seek moderation judgements - say, something on the Discord was said, it caused an issue for someone else, they take it to the court to get the offender temporarily banned.

    This happens in a more streamlined manner amongst Wintermoot and the ops team without the courts as a middleman. I also think petitioning for a judgement to be overturned is similarly more efficient without the court as a middleman. It depends on whether we want to create a use for the courts by making this process more transparent with an opportunity for both sides to present evidence at the cost of the effectiveness of the current system.

    Perhaps the courts could be used for settling petty disputes, things that don't require mod intervention but nonetheless leave both sides of the debate with ruffled feathers. This would be a true jury of your peers situation, but I'm not sure it really justifies itself.

    How could we bring RMB affairs into a more central role for the 'forum' Wintreans, or vice versa? Perhaps in situations where NS Wintreans have got a little carried away on the RMB, the 'petty disputes' court might be useful?

    To be honest it feels like I'm looking for reasons to have a court system rather than finding them.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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