See the first night after LoS bowed out I had realized Hydra was the seer and I defended. The next night, I knew they'd be the target again. But I couldn't protect again and I "wasted" a protect on Vro. After the fact, I asked if I could have skipped a protect, because I really would have preferred to hold on to the Vro save for a more likely scenario. But then everyone thought Nyght was the defender, so I protected Nyght right before he came out and said he was regular town. The fact that there was no kill that night was what actually mech cleared Nyght for me.
I was completely truthful all game about my confusion and general thoughts on things. Hahaha... The reason I think I was confused about the defender argument with Nyght was because I was the defender, lol, so I was curious how you all had decided on Nyght, as I didn't recall LoS particularly aligning with Nyght. But that was likely just oversight on my part. A couple times I was pushed here and there, and though LoS had left me with some posts to refer town players back to, I was afraid to use them in case I gave myself away as the other defender. So I kinda used the Nyght confusion to keep myself safe.
My last save was for Sapph, but then I got killed lol
@Vroendal at one point you asked me if I thought Nyght was defender, was that you feeling out whether it was me?
The one thing I want to learn, is how you all narrow down potential teams. I can only focus on whether one person feels sus or not, and actually my voting this game was entirely led by Vro.