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PASSED (4-0-1) The FLAMES Act
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    This act shall be cited as the Failed Legislature Annihilation and Monarchical Executive Supremacy (FLAMES) Act.

    1. Sections I and II of the Fundamental Laws shall be amended to read as follows:
    I. The Monarchy
    1. All Executive and Legislative authorities and duties shall be vested in the Monarch of Wintreath.

    2. The Monarch shall have the authority to delegate Executive and Legislative powers and duties to subordinate officials and to create subordinate offices at their discretion.

    3. The Monarch shall have the authority to determine the line of succession and to appoint their own successor.
        a. In the event that the Monarch takes a leave of absence or has been absent without taking leave for one hundred and sixty-eight (168) hours, the successor shall assume the Executive authorities and duties as Regent of Wintreath until the return of the Monarch.

    4. The Monarch shall have the authority to serve as World Assembly Delegate of Wintreath or to delegate the authority to a subordinate official.

    5. The Monarch shall have the authority to issue decrees in relation to policies concerning the internal affairs of the Executive, the military, foreign affairs, familial houses, the nobility, and any other Executive authority which has been expressly granted through this document or any relevant laws.

    6.  As the Legislative authority of Wintreath, the Monarch and their delegated subordinate officials shall have the authority to pass legislation, repeal previously passed legislation, propose amendments to these Fundamental Laws, and take any other action deemed necessary and proper to execute the authorities and duties vested in the Monarch by these Fundamental Laws.
        a. The Monarch shall have the authority to declare war upon another region or organization.
        b. The Monarch shall have the authority to ratify or reject treaties with other regions or organizations.

    II. Referendums
    1. Only Citizens of Wintreath shall be eligible to vote in referendums.

    2. Referendums shall be overseen by the Monarch or the Monarch's designee.

    3. In any referendum, Citizens shall have the option to post their votes publicly or send their votes to the person overseeing the referendum via private message.

    4. Referendums shall open on the first day of the month after a petition has garnered the requisite number of signatures.
        a. Referendums shall be open for one hundred and sixty-eight (168) hours.

    5. A petition that has failed to garner the requisite number of signatures may not be petitioned again until the beginning of the following month.

    6. Any Citizen shall have the right to petition to place a non-binding resolution on the ballot of the next referendum.
        a. If six (6) Citizens, including the petitioner, sign the petition within one hundred and twenty (120) hours of its creation, it shall be included on the ballot of the next referendum.

    7. Any Citizen shall have the right to petition to place a proposal to amend the Fundamental Laws on the ballot of the next referendum.
        a. If eight (8) Citizens, including the petitioner, sign the petition within one hundred and twenty (120) hours of its creation, it shall be included on the ballot of the next referendum.
    2. Section V.2 of the Fundamental Laws shall be amended to read as follows:
    Citizens shall have the right to be informed of the reasoning behind and provided with any relevant documentation for any decision to revoke their Citizenship, and shall have the right to contest this decision before the Monarch.
    3. Section V.3 of the Fundamental Laws shall be amended to read as follows:
    Citizens shall have the right to vote in all referendums.
    4. Section VII of the Fundamental Laws shall be be amended to read as follows:
    VII. Constitutional Amendments
    1. No section under Administration may be amended without the consent of The Winter Nomad.

    2. Any Citizen shall have the right to petition to propose amendments to the Fundamental Laws as defined in Section II.7.

    3. The Monarch shall have the authority to propose amendments to the Fundamental Laws.

    4. Any Constitutional Amendment shall be considered ratified if approved by both the Monarch and by a two-thirds supermajority of the Citizens of Wintreath voting at referendum.

    5. Sections III and IV shall be struck from the Fundamental Laws, and all subsequent sections shall be renumbered accordingly.
    Peers (myself, @Wintermoot, @Michi, @trader and @taulover) may now vote Aye, Nay, or may Abstain from voting. As per constitutional guidelines, this requires a supermajority of two thirds to pass.
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 09:39:46 AM by Wuufu »
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  • Abstain.

    I do not personally support this act, but I must also recognize that it has the support of many prominent citizens and perhaps the community at large. As a representative of the Monarch, I do think this deserves to go to referendum, where I will of course vote against as a private citizen.
    1 person likes this post: Mathyland
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  • I will also abstain, due to my role in granting Royal Assent to Constitutional Amendments. I feel that given the nature of this amendment, the Monarch should remain neutral until it goes to referendum.

    Aye. At this point I'm afraid it won't go to referendum at all because everyone abstained. :P This vote should be taken as support on a referendum, not necessarily for or against the legislation itself.
    1 person likes this post: Mathyland
    « Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:17:34 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I was informed that this would in fact move to a referendum if passed, so I'll change my vote to aye.


    I'm with Tau on this.  Simplifying a complete legeslative destruction to  a vote between the storting just seems a bit harsh, but I do recognize the support it has.  I do think a referendum or some area where all of Wintreath rather than a select few can vote on it is much better suited considering it concerns a monumental part of Wintreath's future.
    1 person likes this post: Mathyland
    « Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 10:11:51 PM by Michi »
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    This act deserves the chance to be presented to citizens in a referendum, given how much energy has gone into it.

    With three votes for and one abstention, this meets the requisite number of votes in order to pass, so I do declare that this has PASSED the Overhusen and is now scheduled for a referendum.
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  • Aye, a referendum it is.
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