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Werewolf XXIII: A Lord of the Rings Adventure
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☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Come now Lau would you sell a wolf down the river to save yourself? But I'm more worried about Vro.
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • Come now Lau would you sell a wolf down the river to save yourself? But I'm more worried about Vro.

    Totally, but only when it can no longer be avoided.
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  • Come now Lau would you sell a wolf down the river to save yourself? But I'm more worried about Vro.

    Totally, but only when it can no longer be avoided.

    Your a better scum bud than me  :))
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • Sure, @Vroendal.
    OK, so, besides myself these are my thoughts on those that remain(not going to include Doc, because he has pretty much confessed to being scum). I remain confident that Wischland is town, due to the fact that, at least to me, her playstyle lines up with how she played when she was a town in XKI WW. She has also been pretty active this game. It also looks like ENE is going to be inactivity lynched, but they haven't posted that much so I can't really be sure of their alignment. I also agree with the majority of people in that Sapphiron is town, and furthermore a seer. Flying Eagles also hasn't posted that much to my knowledge, so the thing goes for him as does ENE. Now, I've been busy, so I've really just been scanning most pages due to the sheer amount of activity is more than I'm used to in a WW game. TGN is by my admission new to WW, and I was willing to give him a pass earlier in the game under inexperience, but I feel after playing this game and assuming he's been decently active, which he has been from what pages I have read, he should at least have started to gain experience in this game, which leads me to think that whole thing may now be an act, though I'm not sure. I also haven't seen Wintermoot make that many posts, so I don't have that much insight into his potential alignment either. On Dawsinian, while it's possible that when he was resurrected he could have become a ringwraith type scum, I don't really think that's the case, because I didn't detect any change in playstyle from him after he was resurrected, so I think he is town. My gut also tells me that Lau, BSR, Gerrick, Minish, and Hapi are town, though I can't explain why. I also after further thought, that Vro is likely town. So basically, kind of sus of TGN, but moreso of ENE and FE for not posting a lot up until now (hypocritical, I know, but I think they might have posted less than me. At least with ENE, not sure about FE).
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  • I'm still super paranoid, tbh. The writing was on the wall here, and even with Doc's fake claim, there was likely going to be no stopping this lynch. I'd have sold Doc out without hesitation if I were scum buds with him, to coast on some easy Town cred. I don't doubt that Vro would, either.

    That said, he's much higher up in my PoE than he was.

    Why do you still not like Wisch, Hapi?

    Same thought process I had with Doc and addresses about Wisch earlier.

    She's made an attempt to seem helpful without actually being super helpful in my eyes. Her defense there being that she doesn't know us which makes sense I guess *shrugs* but there's been enough play now to formulate an opinion and WW playstyle is more or less universal in my opinion. She has been one of the more active players who like Doc kind of disappeared for a minute there when we were eating each other.  And I really don't dig the way she sealed Daws' fate as well as the timing of her Michi vote though I'm still bitter nobody listened to me there.

    But the more I think about Doc was INSISTENT for quite some time that Vro v Lau was town v town and now I am almost paranoid one of you two is actually wolf likely Vro and Doc was trying to push public opinion to either protect Vro or less likely give Lau further credibility as another person read him as town. Because AFAIK you've never actually been mechanically cleared either.

    What does your PoE currently look like?
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  • Sure, @Vroendal.
    OK, so, besides myself these are my thoughts on those that remain(not going to include Doc, because he has pretty much confessed to being scum). I remain confident that Wischland is town, due to the fact that, at least to me, her playstyle lines up with how she played when she was a town in XKI WW. She has also been pretty active this game. It also looks like ENE is going to be inactivity lynched, but they haven't posted that much so I can't really be sure of their alignment. I also agree with the majority of people in that Sapphiron is town, and furthermore a seer. Flying Eagles also hasn't posted that much to my knowledge, so the thing goes for him as does ENE. Now, I've been busy, so I've really just been scanning most pages due to the sheer amount of activity is more than I'm used to in a WW game. TGN is by my admission new to WW, and I was willing to give him a pass earlier in the game under inexperience, but I feel after playing this game and assuming he's been decently active, which he has been from what pages I have read, he should at least have started to gain experience in this game, which leads me to think that whole thing may now be an act, though I'm not sure. I also haven't seen Wintermoot make that many posts, so I don't have that much insight into his potential alignment either. On Dawsinian, while it's possible that when he was resurrected he could have become a ringwraith type scum, I don't really think that's the case, because I didn't detect any change in playstyle from him after he was resurrected, so I think he is town. My gut also tells me that Lau, BSR, Gerrick, Minish, and Hapi are town, though I can't explain why. I also after further thought, that Vro is likely town. So basically, kind of sus of TGN, but moreso of ENE and FE for not posting a lot up until now (hypocritical, I know, but I think they might have posted less than me. At least with ENE, not sure about FE).

    Wintermoot is cleared by Sapph.
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  • I'm still super paranoid, tbh. The writing was on the wall here, and even with Doc's fake claim, there was likely going to be no stopping this lynch. I'd have sold Doc out without hesitation if I were scum buds with him, to coast on some easy Town cred. I don't doubt that Vro would, either.

    That said, he's much higher up in my PoE than he was.

    Why do you still not like Wisch, Hapi?

    Same thought process I had with Doc and addresses about Wisch earlier.

    She's made an attempt to seem helpful without actually being super helpful in my eyes. Her defense there being that she doesn't know us which makes sense I guess *shrugs* but there's been enough play now to formulate an opinion and WW playstyle is more or less universal in my opinion. She has been one of the more active players who like Doc kind of disappeared for a minute there when we were eating each other.  And I really don't dig the way she sealed Daws' fate as well as the timing of her Michi vote though I'm still bitter nobody listened to me there.

    But the more I think about Doc was INSISTENT for quite some time that Vro v Lau was town v town and now I am almost paranoid one of you two is actually wolf likely Vro and Doc was trying to push public opinion to either protect Vro or less likely give Lau further credibility as another person read him as town. Because AFAIK you've never actually been mechanically cleared either.

    What does your PoE currently look like?

    Players remaining: 15/20 4 scum (since nobody thinks Daws got turned)

    BraveSirRobin - town
    Dawsinian - "confirmed" town
    Doc - confirmed scum
    Eastern New England - prolly bout to get inactivity lynched so meh
    Flying Eagles - sus
    Gerrick - legolas
    Princess Hapi - me good me god
    Laurentus - I'm operating under the assumption town because of Doc
    Minish - been operating under assumption if town no reason to suspect elsewise
    Sapphiron - seer
    The Greenlandic North - scum
    Vroendal - sus
    Wille-Harlia - no idea
    Wintermoot - confirmed town
    Wischland - sus

    With Doc scum confirmed 3 scum left and really four sus players left. I guess ENE might be sus too but *shrugs*

    I'm convinced TGN is scum because they aren't even attempting a defense at this point really. Would Doc have tried convincing the world Vro Lau was Town vs Town to save his scum bud? Dunno but most of the leaders trusted him so maybe it didn't seem risky.

    My bet scum is Vro Doc Wisch TGN and MAYBE Daws... yeah not giving that up  :))
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • Well, if you ever do decide to go the Daws route, go the Lau route first, because I guarantee that he's never scum unless I am.

    Also, if you think BSR is Town, then I am mechanically cleared. We discussed this already...
    2 people like this post: Vroendal, BraveSirRobin
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  • Well I was right about Doc and about me let's see what else I'm right about  ^-^ :o  O:-)
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • Okay, I have gotten over most of my paranoia. Minish is Town. She would not have been able to lie her way out of it if Turtle did happen to get back on, see she was claiming a clear, and then expose her. That would just have been an insane risk to take. That, and I firmly believe Doc's decision to mention we could lynch the Dawcreek slot points to Minish and Doc never being scum buds. So an update:

    BraveSirRobin - We're homies, so lock-town.
    Dawsinian - Same as BSR
    Doc - Scummy McScumface, who is also scum.
    Eastern New England
    Flying Eagles - PoE, but I'll be straight, my gut reads as Town.
    Gerrick - Some mechanical clearance, but not enough to be 100% sure of alignment. Seems townie. Will kill if there's literally no one else left from the PoE
    Hapi - Mech clear by Sapph
    Minish - Makes no sense for this not to be a mech clear. If scum, then whatever, she deserves the win. 🤷‍♂️
    Sapphiron - I mean
    Vroendal - On reflection, I am probably being paranoid for no reason. The length of time it took for Vro to realise Doc's claim seems natural. If it had been planned, I would have expected the post to come sooner than it did. Will still kill, and likely before Gerrick, if the current PoE doesn't work out, though. Has not been mech cleared by anyone, as far as I know.
    Wintermoot - Cleared by Sapph
    Wischland - Gut is reading Town, but will lynch if the PoE doesn't work out. I am guessing she's either the tracker or the watcher.

    So this is what my PoE looks like:

    1. TGN
    2. Eastern New England
    3. Wille-Harlia
    4. Flying Eagles
    5. Vroendal
    6. Wischland
    7. Gerrick
    8. Minish
    9. Wintermoot
    10. Hapi
    11. BraveSirRobin
    12. Dawsinian
    13. Sapphiron
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  • Oh wow, didn't realize an inactivity lynch could go this fast.

    Vote: Doc for being confirmed scum.
    "Slow and steady wins the race." - Aesop
    Eastern New England
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  • And to Lau, the (fish) soup given to you from who I suppose is Eowyn is from a deleted scene in the movie Lord of the Rings, though I believe it was mentioned in the books.
    Well, this quote explains some things.

    Otherwise, isoing Ogun reveals they were sus of Michi, then Vro.

    Guys, I am inclined to Town read Flying Eagles for this.
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  • Vote Ogun
    Alot of what people have already said, but generally Ogun just gives me weird vibes. Looking back through their posts they are very quiet, mainly only popping up to defend themselves, Vro, and TGN, without making any accusations or providing opinions on other people. Their highly defensive playstyle, especially when so closely focused on a select few players strikes me as suspicious. If Ogun does turn out to be scum, I'd suggest we follow up by lynching TGN and Vro. Otherwise, Ogun has just made some strange comments, for example, voting for Michi without any explained reasoning besides "'my precious' vibes" on D2 while also claiming not to be jumping on the bandwagon. Reading between the lines as if Ogun were scum, this says to me that they know Michi isn't scum and don't really understand all the arguments behind lynching that way, but will go with it because it's a mislynch. Weird stuff, hence the vote.

    A side note on Vro, while I do understand the suspicion on Vro, I believe Ogun seems more scummy than Vro does. Vro still gives me townie vibes, and it kinda seems like people have been voting for Vro cause they don't know where else to turn. If Ogun does turn out to be scum, then, for the reasons above, I'll be more open to lynching Vro. But not today.

    This post bugs me, but I can't explain why.
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  • Because she's maf  :P
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • @Adorable Oracle Hapi, how certain are you of Gerrick's innocence, looking back at D2? Mechanically speaking, I mean.
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