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Summersend Werewolf: Into the Woods
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  • Just a gentle reminder that day ends in just over ten hours and only one vote has been cast.
    oh, shit
    aight, time to roll a d8 (rerolling rolls of 5 because that's me)
    Vote: Hapi
    (I feel really terrible, I don't wanna kill you day one, I know the pain of the Day 1 Death Curse)
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  • Tbh, at this point I don't feel like there's enough information to lynch anyone, the day's devolved into a punfest with supporters and dissenters. Hapi was the first to vote, and Doc was the first to take the opportunity to jump on a voter, but that might not mean anything besides wanting to have something happen. I feel like there's been little to no WW strategy yet, just from what I'm guessing.

    I'm going to vote No Lynch. From what I understand this should cancel out a vote to lynch correct? I feel that judgments are being made on non-WW grounds, and are very very likely to lynch a town.
    • Birdbrain...
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  • I'm going to vote No Lynch. From what I understand this should cancel out a vote to lynch correct? I feel that judgments are being made on non-WW grounds, and are very very likely to lynch a town.
    At this point, I'm sort of just decided that day 1 mislynches should be assumed, and that even though that's a bummer when those happen, voting to lynch someone at least creates some opportunities to suss out people's intent. The wolves (or, to be thematically appropriate, 'lumberjacks') thrive not only on our lack of information, but our reticence to do anything that would subsequently give us information.
    Which is why even if my vote is essentially based on random nonsense, I'm still gonna vote to lynch someone, and I urge everyone else to do so too.
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  • You do bring up some very good points Doc. However, anything someone says related to the game can give information, I just worry that people will lynch entirely based on random nonsense, which doesn't tell me anything other than that they're jokesters (which I already knew:p). "But Vro," you may say, "you don't know for sure whether an action is related to the game or not, especially so early, it's dangerous to assume it isn't" Yes, that is true, however I feel that D1 lynches and votes too often result in preconceptions which bite town later down the road, and I would rather look at what was said yesterday and who died, which happens anyway, rather than trying to interpret nonsense votes which killed a most-likely town. (And let's be honest, killing one of two mafia members D1 is a big oof anyway. XD) At this point, the more roles there are in the game gives town more information, based on their actions. You may not agree with me, and I do really see your point, I was almost convinced, but I personally feel that going for a free-for-all lynch fest is setting us up for failure. Also, just in case Ruguo's gonna get on my case, I'm amending my vote to include vote in bold: Vote: No Lynch. There.
    • Birdbrain...
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  • In my opineion, we shouldn't vote someone off day 1.
    Red Mones
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  • I'm going to do what I always do and vote for someone on Day 1. Voting is used as evidence as time goes on, so more votes means more evidence. Plus, accusations (even when random) may cause people (the accused or others) to behave differently, which can help flush out wolves.

    Vote: Doc because the trees told me to.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • which can help flush out wolves.
    I guess you could say root out the wolves.
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  • There are wolves in this forest? Scawwy.
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • Birdbrain...
  • It's difficult to vote the wolves when you can't even see the forest for the tree puns. ;)
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  • Well, that's day. No one's dead. Remember to submit your night actions.

    Night Has Fallen!

    Night will end at 6:30PM EST tomorrow, the 26th.

    ...fog rolls in faster than it leaves...
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    3 people like this post: Vroendal, Imaginative Kane, Red Mones

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Weird me to hi
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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  • So what do we want to talk about?
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
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