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Judicial Offices Interim Amendment Act
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    1. This is to be cited as the Judicial Offices Interim Amendment Act

    2. Section 2.3 of the Judicial Offices Act is amended to read as follows:
    A Peer or a Skifra of the Storting may not hold more than one judicial position at any one time if the combined number of members from both houses exceeds 14. If the combined number of members from both houses is less than 14, a Peer of Skifra may hold two judicial positions at any one time. No Peer or Skrifa may hold two Judicial Positions within a panel on the same case.

    3. Section 6.2 is hereby repealed.
    4. A new Section, numbered Section 7 is added, which reads as follows:

    5. A new Subsection, numbered Section 7.1 is added, which reads as follows:
    Any Justice may, at any time after the start of a case, start a vote on the dismissal of a case. If a majority of the Justices agree, the Chief Justice is to dismiss the case, and the case is to be terminated as if it were never filed. Dismissal may be for a lack of standing, lack of jurisdiction, lack of justiciability, or anything else the court finds necessary and proper.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
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