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Chanku for Underusen
Posts: 1 Views: 302

  • Citizen
  • I actually follow and care for the Laws of the Realm and how it operates. I have not attempted to destroy the region and the Constitutional Order. I will ensure Doc is prohibited from pulling any such shenanigans again, it is disrespectful and honestly disgusts and repulses me to an extent.

    Vote Chanku for Underhusen.
    5 people like this post: Michi, taulover, Red Mones, Ogun of Valeria, monkey
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
    1st Underhusen
    2nd Underhusen
    3rd Underhusen
    6th Underhusen
    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
    Pages: [1]