Greetings all,
Thanks for reading my campaign, its a little long but.......
I believe the Underhusen is the least active part of the government, and this is not because the Skrifa are inactive. In fact, most of our skrifa are the most active members on the discord and RMB. Because of this, I believe that it is the job of the citizenry if Underhusen members do not pass more bills or address more proposals. That is why I have a series of goals that I intend to accomplish
- Give out more commendations and paragons. Despite the rough patch Wintreath has had along with the current state of the world, I believe that this is the time we must commend our fellow citizens for their dedication to the region during one of the hardest times in its history, and also giving paragonships to many of our departed members that left a while ago
- Introducing the
WINTREATH ACADEMYIf I am elected, my whole term will be dedicated to putting the Wintreath Academy back in play. I know that this was created a while ago but it had severe lack of activity. This is why I intend to go through a point plan to create it to ensure its success. This will be a long process that may not start off till next year, but I believe Wintreath really needs to reaffirm its place as a region of cultural and connectivity, and i think this will allow us to connect more
1. Ask the region if they would be interested in the course
- I have talked to a few members on the discord that would be willing to teach courses from History to Math to even Scottish Gaelic! But the successes of these courses rely on our citizenry to participate. That is why, this Tuesday night, I will be posting a poll asking people if they would be willing to take courses on the forums (or discords) and then from then I will continue on my plan
2. Courses & teachers
- Many of our members have a wide variety of talents and interests that can all be used to make this a success. After seeing if the region would be interested in this, I will then ask a poll if people would willing to teach a course and to submit a preliminary list of courses.
3. With the help of the government, create a degree program, and set due dates for first course proposals & outlines
- We can award degrees that come with perks and later on we can add more complicated courses.
4. Merge the roleplay academy with the Wintreath Academy
- The roleplay academy, known as ARTS, has been a success though it has had a recent decline in activity. I believe that combining these 2 can promote both of them since I'm sure most of the teachers will be both ARTS teachers and wintreath teachers.
5. Advertise the course region & nation states wide.
6. Abandon the plan if the poll from #1 does not show citizen interest
Another plan I had was revitalizing the
Hvitt Riddaral (is that how you spell it
), which is the Wintreath military
However, if I do not get elected to the Underhusen, I will still advocate for the proposals I have mentioned before and try to revitalize the citizen platform. After serving as a government official for the past month, I know realize how much work it takes but I think we can really heal Wintreath and create a better future.
Vote for me, cause why not .