Praise Spud! Vote Crushita!
Hello everyone, it is your friendly Potato Pope, Crushita, here to run for Underhusen! It's been a while since I've had the fortune of running for the UH, but I felt like if I was ever going to run again, now was the time! With all the discussion on reforming the legislature into a different form, I would like nothing more then to use the boatload of experience I've gained both inside and outside of Wintreath to help shape a region that I've had the opportunity to be a member of for so long. In particular I've had the fortune to serve many terms in the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain, which has taught me a great deal. What then would I like to see? As an original burn-it-downer I consider it my duty to be consistent. However, I am hesitant to go to an Open Assembly system, thus I would like to propose a new approach:
Burn it Down, Carefully.
A regions inner workings are a funny thing. Changing one thing can have drastic, unforeseen consequences. Whatever problems the current system might have, it is what brought us this far. Despite this, I do think some tinkering could be needed. Thus I would like to propose the creation of an Open Assembly Role Play legislature to serve as a trial run for the Open Assembly idea being brought to the Underhusen. This body would act to make Roleplay legislation for the region. It would ideally serve as both as a way for newer members to become more familiar with how legislatures work, and as a test to see if we can avoid the main pitfall of an Open Assembly style legislature: inactivity. So if nothing else I'm campaigning to see this idea brought to the public eye, but I would much appreciate you voting for me in the upcoming election!
Finally, I would like to say
PRAISE SPUD! Vote for Crushita!