Thane of Integration (voted on by all Citizens):
- Represent the gaming community in the Riksrad and regularly take part in Cabinet meetings and discussions
- Ensure that Citizen applicants are properly welcomed to the region and given information of use to them
- Assist in determining the previous experience, skills, talents, and interests of new applicants and direct them to areas of Wintreath that may interest them
- Encourage Citizens to remain connected and engaged with the community
- Encourage Citizens who have gone inactive to come back and give our community another chance
- Encourage participation in multiple areas of Wintreath (ie. forums, Discord, the region page)
Thane of World Assembly Affairs (voted on by Citizens with a NationStates nation in Wintreath, candidates must have a NationStates nation in Wintreath)
- Determine votes on World Assembly proposals or determine systems to determine their vote
- Ensure that their NationStates nation has the highest number of endorsements possible, at least the highest number in the region.
- Represent Wintreath in communications regarding the World Assembly.