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A Werewolf Story: General Mountain Rescue (Presented by Hallmark)
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  • Alright, so as some of you know, I'm currently hosting a Werewolf game in the region of 10000 Islands.  It's my first time doing Choose Your Own Werewolf over there, and after the Christmas Star-Wars-ripoff game that I did, I decided that I liked sharing the more unusual ones when they have more fleshed out types of stories.

    For this game, the voted setting was the Mountains, and the voted genre was Drama.   I've actually never done anything in the Drama or even Romantic genre before, so this is sort of a surreal experience having to channel my inner sappiness. The first road I thought of was Soap Opera (which is where the name comes from, it's basically Soap Opera material.  But as the story evolved in my head, I thought "Eh, a general Drama series that's produced by Hallmark actually makes sense."  So, the game evolved into Hallmark Presents: General Mountain Hospital.  Is there a mountain? Yep, it's introduced in the start.  Is there a rescue?'ll happen eventually.  Like all "good" Hallmark movies, it has to build to that and introduce the drama first.  And before you ask: No, it doesn't revolve around the people doing the rescuing, but more about the people that would end up being rescued.

    So without further ado, let me introduce the story.  And I'll also explain certain things in the scenes that may seem like they have no relevance.

    ("Barry Wolverton" was a nod to Barry who is a historic WW player in 10KI and also played Werewolf 2 and 3 here in Wintreath)

    Scene 1 (Screen Test/Day Phase 1 intro)
    The year is 2020, the setting is Mayor Louis' mansion along Mt. Palisades. The Mayor is currently there, enjoying some afternoon drinks with his comrades: Mark Night, Emry Nathaniel Anderson, Senator Gerald King, Governor Henry Tuga, Judge Dorian Rabil, and the mayor of the neighboring town of Tacopolis, Uriel Ventus. His wife Queenie is also there, sitting next to her husband. Watching from the outside are Mayor Louis' bodyguards, Aerso Dolfinson and Martin Grayson. Upstairs away from the crowd currently in their offices or on business calls are the mayor's adult children Ammon, Andy, and Echo.

    It's summer time, and it's a sunny day at that to mark such a wonderful gathering of friends, as if the heavens themselves are smiling down on them.

    Mayor Louis: A Toast to the wonderful engagement of my friend Uriel and his lovely wife Ayuna who couldn't join us this afternoon.
    Everyone raises a glass
    Uriel: She sends her regards to everyone from her meeting in Wintropolis.
    Mark: And here I thought you were never going to settle down with just one.
    Everyone laughs
    Uriel: So what about you Mark, have you found that special lady yet?
    Mark: Hardy har Uriel, you know I can't just yet.
    Emry: Is it about Felicia, Mark? You know you are allowed to move on, I'm sure she'd want it.
    Mark: Yes, well, I'm just not ready yet. Anyways, we're celebrating Uriel's engagement!
    Gerald: No no, don't try to change the subject Mark. I know this beauty from the office that has been dying to meet my friend that just happens to be a Nobel Prize winning scientist.
    Mark: I'm sure that's the only reason she'd want to meet me.
    Gerald: That and I'm sure she liked your picture on your dating profile.
    Mark seems confused at this comment
    Mark: What dating profile?
    Gerald, Uriel, and Emry glance at each other as their eyes turn to Henry
    Henry: Well...the fellas and I wanted to help you move back into the dating world, so we might have made you a profile.
    Henry pulls out his tablet and shows Mark a profile of him on the popular dating app Lovr. Mark glances at it several times as if trying to understand it, but is more focused on his profile picture: an obviously doctored shirtless picture of himself.
    Mark: That's not even my body in the picture, I look nothing like that!
    Henry: Yes, well you have to embellish a bit to get the girls!
    Mark sighs as he sets the tablet down
    Mark: Look guys, I really appreciate it...but I'm just not ready for the dating world yet.
    Mark gets up and walks out
    Gerald: I guess now would be a bad time to tell him that I invited her over...

    Comments: So like all sappy dramas and many Hallmark movies, there has to be some intro where you meet all the main cast, or they get some nod.  In this scene, it's mainly about introducing the people sitting around the table, although if this were an actual show, there'd be a cut to Louis' family upstairs as they'd talk about what's happening on the phone.  But in the interest of both keeping the game going and their characters being more "seen" than "heard," they're mainly just acknowledged in their own way for the intro.

    Admittedly, the things I think of when I think of a drama is: Characters with sad pasts or the death of a loved one.  And it's very not like a drama to not interject that piece of tragedy into a happy occasion (there's always that debbie downer, right?).  So the first thought I had was "What's something that would bring down the mood of your engagement? Ah! A friend of yours bringing up his dead wife!"  Granted, he wasn't the one to bring it up exactly, but it just doesn't scream "Sappy Hallmark Drama" if the happy occasion was allowed to remain as such when that character exists.
    Scene 2 (Screen Test/Day Phase 1 end, Action Phase/Night Phase 1 begin
    Palisades Park, afternoon. Mayor Louis is commemorating a new gazebo that was built in the center of the park, a memorial to the founding mayor, Mayor Shelter. His wife Queenie is standing alongside him as are Ammon, Andy, and Echo who are sitting in their seats on their phones. Also behind him are Henry, Dorian, and Gerald. The others are scattered amongst those in attendance including Mayor Uriel and the two bodyguards Aerso and Martin.

    Mayor Louis: Today, we mark the completion of this Gazebo to honor the first mayor of what is now known as Palisades, when this town and Tacopolis were once the one town of Taco Peaks. We’re honoring a man who brought many of us much joy because of his kind demeanor and was a great friend to much of the people in this town.

    Everyone, including Ammon, Andy, and Echo who have looked up from their phones with curiosity, show a bit of a small, genuinely warm smile as Mayor Louis is speaking.

    Mayor: Because even though Tacopolis and Palisades are now two of their own independent cities, we still have a deep appreciation and love toward each other because of where we came from. Much of that was Mayor Shelter, who instilled those values in us. Taco Peaks was his family, and even though we may have split apart into two smaller cities, we’ll never forget where we came from. And this Gazebo with this beautiful memorial statue of our first mayor next to it---

    Mayor Louis gestures over to a fine looking statue of bronze of Mayor Shelter with smile on his face, along with a plaque that gives some info about the former mayor.

    Mayor Louis: --is a promise to never forget that.

    The audience, as well as those near the gazebo burst into applause as Mayor Louis cuts the ribbon on the gazebo.

    Comments: So this scene actually almost made me tear up a little writing it, specifically because of the fact that outside of the "Taco Peaks/Tacopolis/Palisades" town talk, I was actually talking about a real person that was a part of 10KI in the past.  Whereas Wintreath has the Amalya Quarter to memorialize Amalya (who is still alive I believe), 10KI has the Mayor Shelter Political Party (and at one point their fun & games forum (aka Taco Island) was called Mayor Shelter's Taco Island) to memorialize an exceptional member and former Mayor (basically moderator of that section) known as Shelter in the Storm.  As I said in the dialogue, he really was a very warm and friendly member, and always had great jokes/quips that he made in the threads.  Unfortunately, he passed away some years ago, which was pretty rough all around since he made such a big impact.  Since Louisistan, playing Mayor Louis, is the actual current Mayor of Taco Island, (and since the game is a modern-day Hallmark drama) I thought it'd be really fitting to pay a small in game tribute to the first Mayor of Taco Island that I was lucky enough to get to virtually meet before he passed.
    Scene 3 (Action Phase 1 End - Lead (aka Adventurer) Scenario results
    The Fox Hole Bar in downtown Palisades, evening. Henry, Gerald, Mark, Louis, and Uriel are all out there to take Mark out for pool to get his mind off of things. Mark is completely unaware that his friends have set him up on an impromptu meet with Gerald's female coworker. The teams for pool are Mark and Louis versus Henry and Gerald, as Uriel decides to keep score.

    Uriel: Alright gents, let's have a good game now, eh? Mark, you're up first pal.

    Mark steps up and prepares his cue, aiming at the cue ball. He hits it hard as it breaks the row of balls perfectly, sinking the #2 ball into a nearby pocket. The friends cheer thunderously as Mark seems to be enjoying himself.

    Mark: Alright boys, looks like Louis and I are solids.
    Gerald: So Mark...I know that you said you weren't ready to date yet, but I thought you might want to meet that coworker of mine that I was talking about.
    Mark sighs and sits down.
    Mark: Look, I really appreciate that you guys are trying to help me out, I really do. It's just that...when Felicia died, it's like part of me died with her. She was soulmate, my whole being...and I'm just not ready to really give my heart to anyone else right now, it's just too painful.
    The others look at each other for a moment as they acknowledge defeat.
    Uriel: It's fine Mark, we get it. We shouldn't have pushed as much as--
    Uriel is bumped on the shoulder by Henry, who subtly motions for him to look ahead. Sitting at the bar in a beautiful red top and casual black jeans is Gerald's coworker Nancy.
    Uriel: A-as much as we did. Whispering to Henry what do we do now? She's looking at us like she's waiting for a signal!
    Henry shrugs his shoulders. Coincidentally, Mark decides to leave for the moment to use the restroom.
    Mark: I'll be back guys, and gal. He says gesturing politely to Uriel. Nature calls.

    Mark leaves. The friends gesture for Nancy to come over, which she does.

    Nancy: So what's going on? Am I still going to meet Mark?
    Henry: There's been a slight change. He's still broken up over his fiance that passed away in that fire and he's saying he's not ready yet.
    Nancy: Oh my god, you didn't tell me that she died! She says this to Gerald directly
    Gerald: Yes, well I was hoping that he was moving on since it was years ago. But apparently he's still struggling with it...I think he feels guilty since he was at work when it happened.
    Nancy: Poor guy...
    Gerald: But hey, the boys and I had an idea to where it's not a total loss. Maybe you should join us and you'll warm up to each other?
    Nancy: What, be like one of the boys until he's ready to move on?
    Henry: Basically, yeah.
    Nancy: It's a little weird, but sure. Let me grab my drink.

    Director: Cuuuuuut! I SAID CUT! What the hell was that?! That wasn't part of the original script!
    Screenwriter: Yes, well the lead insisted on this change.
    Director: Well I hate it. The point of this show is to give ample screentime to a select few. We can't just be adding more characters to it! The whole scenario was supposed to be that the guys explain the situation and she leave in anger. This would have given the main cast more screentime which means better ratings. Throwing in new people just to "ease things" isn't what good drama is about! Do it again, and do it right! Gah! Let's hurry and move to the next scene!

    Comments: So this was one of those difficult ones to write specifically because the outcome could be different depending on what the Lead (or the Adventurer in the usual games) had chosen in their scenario.  At the start, I knew that I wanted this chosen outcome to be a neutral choice that affected everyone, and I wanted it to be a negative affect that would basically turn the game into a "Someone must be booted during each day phase."  But how would I write up the scenario to where it'd make sense?

    And then, boom.  The director getting upset because it was a script change.  That was just like a light-bulb moment.  The point of what I've seen from a Hallmark Drama normally is to introduce the characters early on that would be the focal point, and anyone else just takes away from the possible leads.  Since the game already has the Lead and Secondary Lead roles, it makes no sense for some random character named Nancy (who isn't any of the people playing) to get the screentime, so of course it'd make sense for the Director to get angry at this change.  There was also an added bit of the consequence, but I removed it from this since it was only put in there to give the players the idea of what that consequence of the Lead's scenario choice was.
    Scene 4 (Action Phase 1 End - Producers' removal choice/Screen Test 2 begin)
    Gerald is in his room packing his suitcase as there's a knock on the door.

    Gerald: Enter.
    The door opens, it's Mark
    Mark: What's going on? Are you going somewhere?
    Gerald: Unfortunately it seems I'm needed back in DC. They just called all of the Senators back for some kind of emergency.
    Mark: When will you be back?
    Gerald: I don't know, it could be a while.
    Mark: Well, we'll miss you old friend.
    Gerald: I'll miss you guys too.
    Gerald grabs his suitcase to leave.
    Mark: Hey Gerald?
    Gerald turns around
    Gerald: Yeah?
    Mark: I really appreciate what you guys tried to do for me. I know I've been moping a lot and you guys really tried to bring me out of that funk, even if I wasn't ready to come out of it yet. But the fact that you guys have always been there for me to care that much, I'm really lucky to have friends like you.
    Gerald: Mark...I know that it was really hard when you lost Felicia. I look back every day and wish there was something I could have done to save her. If I had only been there moments earlier, she might have still been alive, and I'll always feel that regret for as long as I live. But I just want you to be happy, I know it's what Felicia would have wanted.
    Mark: I know, and you know I could never blame you for not being there in time. You were always one of our best friends and were basically like a brother to her, and I'll never forget that.
    Gerald smiles as he tries to hide a tear, but fails. Him and Mark share a hug for a moment as they break away. Gerald grabs his suitcase again and walks toward the door.
    Gerald: Well...goodbye.
    Gerald leaves.

    Comment: This was a completely unintended but happy coincidence for this scene.  From the beginning scene, I had planned on Mark and Gerald having some kind of closer friendship (no, not romantic).  Mark has baggage and Gerald ended up being the driving force to getting back into only made sense to me that Gerald would have been Mark's closest friend.

    It was also an unexpected way to end since, if you played the Taco Islands/Wintreath's Got Talent games and remember PMing me your ending scenarios, I had players do the same thing here (but said that they'd have to be "dramatic" and basically something you'd see in a Hallmark movie for when characters are sent offscreen for good).  Gerald's player, Grea Kriopia actually never sent me a scene, so this was something that I ended up writing entirely myself.

    Considering they're both such good friends, the first thing that came to mind was "Who would show up at Gerald's door to say goodbye? Mark.  Maybe he wants to say something about his wife and Gerald's attempt to get him back into dating.  Maybe he's upset that they won't leave him alone about it, or maybe he feels appreciative." And that's how that scene ended up going.  Mark already talked about the death of his wife and how she died, so Gerald almost breaking down because he feels guilty just felt natural and right.  I hadn't even intended Gerald to have any part in that whole bit, it just sort of came out when I wrote that bit.  But it was nice because it made him leaving much more heartfelt and genuine to me to where Mark even says he doesn't blame him and tells him how much his wife basically adored him as a brother.   It was just a bit that I enjoyed writing in a feel-good-drama kind of way.

    I'm actually really eager to see where this goes not just in the game-play perspective, but also the story perspective.  It's odd to say the least, but I'm actually getting invested in learning what happens to these characters.  Not knowing who will get booted next makes it so much more suspenseful when it comes to how the story will unfold.  Despite really having nothing in common with Mark myself (As I've never had such a terrible thing happen with someone I loved, and have never had someone that I loved that much), I'm really finding myself attached to him as a character even though he hasn't even been developed a lot.  I dunno, maybe once this game is over, I'll turn this into a full fledged short drama story.

    However, I'll most likely change some small things, such as the careers of some of the characters (who don't currently talk as if they'd have those types of careers).

    But that's it for now, and I'll continue to post more scenes whenever the game updates.  To save on posting too often, I'll keep it to posting one Action Phase Starting scene, one Action Phase End - Lead Scenario and one Action Phase End - Producers' Results together for each post.
    4 people like this post: Wintermoot, taulover, Gerrick, Imaginative Kane
    « Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 12:09:33 PM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • So the gist of it is that Mark has yet to say Bye Felicia. :P

    You know, it seems to me that you're at your best when you're doing this kind of creative have so much talent for it, and I get the feeling that you love this kind of thing and the challenge of fitting it within a game. I think you should try writing a book or something sometime. :)

    And the gazebo dedication was really touching, too. I never met Shelter, but a few years ago I did read some of his posts and he sounded like a great guy. It's heartwarming how he's still lovingly remembered in XKI to this day. A testament to how someone can make such an impact on others even in an online community. :)
    2 people like this post: Michi, Imaginative Kane

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  • Scene 5 (Screen Test 2 End/Action Phase 2 Begin)
    Mayor Louis's home, late evening. The back balcony overlooking a beautiful view of the Palisades below. Louis' son Andy is there on his phone as usual, leaning against the balcony railing and looking out.

    Andy: I'm telling you George, this is going to be the deal of a century here.
    Louis walks out and sees Andy on his phone. He sighs a bit as he shakes his head, and walks over to Andy. Andy sees Louis approaching.
    Andy: Look George, I'll call you back in a bit. You'll be fine.
    Andy hangs up as you hear "But Andy I--" before Andy hangs it up.
    Louis: I'm impressed, I didn't think I'd ever see you off that thing.
    Andy: You know how it is dad, we've got a big deal coming up.
    Louis: Oh yes, I know. Your deals are always life changing and important.
    Andy: Now don't start that again.
    Louis: Andy, you walked out of my wedding to your stepmother for your "deal of the century" as you told me when you basically interrupted the ceremony to leave. For heaven's sake you walked out on your biological mother's funeral because of some deal that you had going on. The woman who helped raise you to adulthood, and you couldn't even stay off that damn thing to pay your respects!
    Andy: Look, I'm here now to pay my respects and be with you while you make these big changes in town like that little gazebo thing that you put in.
    Louis laughs almost angrily at this.
    Louis: Gazebo thing? That was a memorial to a wonderful man who happened to be my dad and your grandfather!
    Andy's phone rings as Andy reaches it to answer. Angrily, Louis grabs the phone and tosses it over the balcony as Andy freaks out and reaches over the balcony.
    Andy: Oh god, my deal! I need that phone or that deal will be ruined! Why did you do that when you know I need that?!
    Andy starts hyperventilating
    Louis: Oh stop it. I've obviously spoiled you too much because you've turned out to be a disappointing self-obsessed brat.
    Andy turns to Louis with a nasty look.
    Andy: Well I guess I just learned from the best then, father.
    Andy storms toward the door leading back inside.
    Louis: Oho, a tantrum over a phone that I bought for you in the first place? That's how it's going to be?
    Andy: I don't even know why I bothered coming here in the first place! I was never good enough for you was I? Even when I got this new job and made a name for myself, you could never be proud of me!
    Louis: You thought becoming some big shot that doesn't want to spend time with his family would be something I'd be proud of? You're quite possibly the biggest disappointment that I've seen in whatever suit you're choosing to wear!
    Andy: It's Brioni!
    Louis: I don't care!
    Andy: Well I don't care about you, or any of this! I'm leaving!
    Louis: Good, leave!
    Andy: I will!
    Louis: There's the door!
    Andy: (from the hallway) I see that!
    Andy opens the front door and slams it behind him. Queenie walks down from upstairs, having heard the end of the argument. She steps outside where Louis is, as he's sitting in deep thought in the patio chair.
    Queenie: Well that could have gone better.
    Louis sighs
    Louis: Queenie, I'm not in the mood for sarcasm right now.
    Queenie: I'm just saying, Louis. Regardless of how he turned out, he's still your son.
    Louis: Well I know that, obviously.
    Queenie sits next to Louis.
    Queenie: So what happened?
    Louis: I don't know. I just look at him and see myself when I was his age, practically cutting out my family for the longest time because I was always fixated on some grand scheme. My dad and I had the same argument when I was his age, you know? And I hated my dad for it just as I'm sure Andy hates me right now. I always promised that I'd never be that way with my kids.
    Queenie: And so you coddled them when they were kids, and Andy still grew up to be just like you.
    Louis: And I still grew up to be just like dad.
    Queenie: So what are you going to do now?
    Louis: (sighs) I guess I'll call the hotel he's at and hope he's there.
    Queenie: You're not going to go down there after him?
    Louis: No. If it was me, I'd only get even more furious because I'd feel like my dad was trying to corner me in my room.
    Queenie: Alright, well let me go grab the phone from the kitchen.
    Louis: Thanks sweetheart.
    Queenie contentedly walks to the kitchen humming a tune as she walks to the kitchen to grab the phone. She grabs it and walks back to the patio.
    Queenie: I'm back with your phone dear.
    Queenie says as she looks up. Louis is on the ground convulsing in pain as Queenie's expression changes in a snap. She rushes over to him immediately. He's not injured, but he's sweating profusely and clutching his chest. Queenie picks up the phone and immediately calls 911 for help. She then calls the hotel that Andy is at, only to hear that he's already left the city.

    Comments: So I love these dramatic end scenes for when someone is "Booted off the show," (aka lynched).  Andy was a character that I kinda already had an idea how his exit would be when it happened, since I was building him up as this guy who was on his phone in every scene (as were the other siblings).  I basically wanted one or all three of the kids to be so into whatever they were doing on the phones that it dug into their family life.  But then I know, what if one of his kids was particularly bad about it because their family life was already messed up?  And Andy's exit scene popped up.  Of course there'd be that one kid in an upper class family that would hate his father to that degree.  Why? Because their father probably was the hardest on him because he was the most like him at that age.  So of course their father would be disappointed and push harder, only for the kid to push back as they get older to a high degree, like exploding at their parent and walking out in a huff, leaving for wherever they came from to get there.

    Louis' heart attack was to set up for the Lead/Adventurer's next scenario.  At first, it was going to be Queenie grabbing the phone and then getting grabbed from behind, setting up for some kind of home invasion.  But then I thought "How many Hallmark movies are there that would have something like that in a family-friendly sappy drama?" And decided to change it to a heart attack...because that would still be just as intense while still keeping on the theme of Drama.
    Scene 6 (Action Phase 2 End/Screen Test 3 Begin)
    Palisades General Hospital, evening. Queenie is sitting there patiently, waiting for news on her husband. She's almost antsy, wishing that she was in the same room as him. As she's sitting there, someone else approaches.

    ? ? ? ?: Queenie Isles?

    Executive Producer: Cut!
    Director: Wait what? Why are we cutting?!
    Executive Producer: Because our newest cast member was demanding it, saying that they deserve to be in this scene and won't hear anything of it.
    Director: You're joking. I can't cut because some nobody actor wants more screen time!
    Executive Producer: You'll do it and deal with it. I want all production stopped for now until you figure out how to include them in this scene.
    the executive producer walks away.
    Director: Ugh, producers. No matter what type they are, they always have to meddle. Fine, we'll just cut for now and shoot the next scene. We'll just have to figure out a way to shoot around it so audiences aren't wondering what happened.
    Asst. Director: We can't just shoot the scene with that actor in it?
    Director: No, because apparently the Executive Producer intended it to be something for the Lead to decide how they wanted it to go.
    Asst. Director: But he just had us cut because some new actor wasn't in it.
    Director: Like I said, Producers, man.

    Comments: Admittedly this was probably my least favorite write up so far.  I actually had some really big ideas for the heart attack scenario to where the Lead would have had to make the choice that could have accidentally killed one of the other players or saved him.  But instead, the Nobody (aka the Negator) decided to use their power for the first time that night, so I had to improvise.  And unfortunately, that scenario had to be discarded.  I didn't know how to really work around it, so another random interruption to the show seemed like the best option.
    Scene 7 (Screen Test 3 End/ Action Phase 3 Begin)
    The Palisades Baptist Church, mid-day. Crowds of people are seated in the main area for what looks to be an extravagant wedding. Judge Dorian is dressed in an expensive looking suit as he stands there in the groom's area, with Mayor Uriel of Tacopolis being the officiator. Music starts to play as a young woman in her 20s is walked down the aisle by her mother, as the audience seems to be mixed between being in aww and confusion since Dorian is in his mid 60s. The bride moves to her position at the altar as Uriel clears her throat.

    Uriel: Dearly beloved, we're gathered here to witness the union of Judge Dorian Rabil, and Tessa Thompson..
    Uriel continues to go through the speech as the cameras shift over to Emry Nathanial Anderson and Henry Tuga.
    Emry: Can you believe he actually is going through with this? He knows that she only wants him for his money, right?
    Henry: I doubt he cares at this point, since I'm sure he only wants her because she's a knockout to look at.
    Emry: (laughing quietly) true. Any word on Louis?
    Henry: None yet. (turns to look over at Queenie in attendence) I'm surprised Queenie came by, I figured she'd be with her husband nonstop.
    Emry: I'm sure she needed to get out for a bit. This whole touch-and-go situation with Louis probably has her on edge, so she probably needed something good to distract her.
    Henry: I guess that makes sense. I can't imagine how she's feeling right now.
    People on both sides of them makes sounds for them to be quiet.
    Henry: Sorry, sorry.
    Emry: (whispering quieter) So what do you think they're going to do for their honeymoon?
    Henry: Something expensive, I'm sure. Probably a trip to Hawaii at a nice hotel or something. You know how Dorian likes to spend on his little pets.
    Emry: Except this time he married one of them.
    The cameras cut back to the altar.
    Uriel: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

    The two kiss as the people in attendance applaud. The bride and groom head out of the church and toward a limo that says "Just Married" on the back window. Tessa tosses the bouquet before hopping into the limo, as Uriel is surprisingly the one to catch it.

    Uriel: (laughing) I mean, I am already engaged.

    Tessa and Dorian wave as petals and rice are tossed in celebration. They both get into the limo and drive off, as Dorian and Tessa head to their honeymoon destination: Italy.

    Comments: So this ended up being an amusing scene on multiple levels for me, some of which wouldn't be realized until, amusingly enough, the next scene.  First off, Dorab's character never got a word in at all...he was basically a true ensemble character: seen when the show needed a body, but never heard.  Being a Judge, I wanted him to be older, and I wanted him to have some kind of young hot and possibly dumb trophy wife that he'd fawn over when she was around.    What better way to send him off than to have a wedding where there's very little focus on him, but on the other characters talking about him?  It wasn't my original intention, but I found it to be brilliant after I finished the write up and looked back on it, especially because of what ended up happening both later in the game and in the show...
    Scene 8 (Action Phase 3 - Lead/Adventurer Scenario Result)
    Palisades Cemetery, mid-day. It's a cloudy, almost rainy day as a crowd is gathered for a funeral. Emry Nathanial Anderson is presiding over the funeral, as the crowd is crying. The picture of the deceased is obscured because of the occasional rain drops hitting against the glass.

    Emry: We're gathered here today to celebrate the life of the deceased, someone who was very dear to me and the rest of this town. They were a well respected and kind person that did so much more for this town than anyone I'd ever known.
    Queenie is crying in attendence, with her children Echo and Ammon consoling her.
    Emry: But I know that they wouldn't have wanted us to mourn them, because they always got the most they could out of their life even if it was cut short. And even made some of us promise that we wouldn't be "moping" for their funeral.
    Queenie smiles just a little through her tears at this thought. Mayor Louis, looking better out of the hospital, walking up and kissing Queenie on the cheek.
    Louis: (whispering) Sorry I'm late honey.
    Queenie: (Whispering) i-it's okay honey.
    Louis: (whispering) I can't believe that Mrs. Finnigan passed away.
    Queenie: (whispering through tears) She was always my favorite teacher growing up.
    Louis holds Queenie close.
    Louis: (Whispering) She was mine too. Things just aren't going to be the same around here without her.

    Comments: So this was the scenario to work around the heart attack one.  It was basically one of those "Two Weeks Later" types of scenarios where something would happen which would either dictate that the person in the hospital died or lived.  In this scenario, Mayor Louis would have survived in all of the choices, but how he showed his face was down to three choices:
    A) It's a funeral and the audience thinks that it's for Mayor Louis, but then halfway through it gets revealed that it's for some random character that has nothing to do with the main cast.
    B) It's Mayor Louis' birthday and people are at his house celebrating (with the audience thinking that he's still in the hospital or something), and he comes out as spry as he normally is.
    C) It's the day that Mayor Louis comes out of the hospital, with him stepping out of the hospital and everyone being there and supporting his recovery.

    The Lead was against Option C thinking it was a "Returning Party" when he should be resting (when in fact, it would have been mainly everyone meeting him at the hospital the day of his release to offer support, and was in fact the Good Choice).  They narrowed it down to options B (the birthday party, which would have resulted in him choking on cake (the poor guy) and being incapacitated for the next the Bad Choice)...and decided on Option A: The Funeral Fakeout.  Personally, despite it being the Neutral Choice that did can't have such a dramatic scene hanging without some kind of beautiful fake-out to make the audience cheer thunderously when they see him alive.
    Scene 9 (Action Phase 3 End/Producer's Choice/Screen Test 4 Begin)
    Palisades Park, evening. Mayor Uriel Ventus is there near the gazebo, taking it all in. She admires the statue to Mayor Shelter for a moment.

    ? ? ? ? : Uriel?
    Uriel turns around to see a beautiful blonde woman with emerald green eyes staring at her.
    Uriel: Vanessa, what are you doing here?
    Vanessa: I'm sorry, I just had to see couldn't wait.
    Uriel walks over and puts her hand on Vanessa's shoulder to hug her. Vanessa hesitantly steps back.
    Uriel: What's wrong?
    Vanessa seems uneasy and nervous for a moment. She regains herself for a moment.
    Vanessa: I'm sorry Uriel, but it's over between us.
    Uriel: Vanessa...what are you saying?
    Vanessa: I'm saying I can't do this anymore. Uriel, I...I'm seeing someone else.
    Uriel: You...what?!
    Vanessa: We've been having an affair for some time now, and I just can't pretend anymore.
    Uriel: Who is she?
    Vanessa: he is a Senator in DC, where I'm heading.
    Uriel: He? Vanessa, please...
    Vanessa: I'm sorry Uriel.
    Vanessa leaves.
    Uriel: Vanessa, please...don't leave me. Vanessa! VANESSA!!
    Uriel breaks down and cries, this officially being the worst day of her life.

    The next day, Uriel is in her office packing up, still fighting through tears. Mark knocks on the door, as she clears her throat and says "Enter"
    Mark: Uriel, are you leaving?
    Uriel seems surprised to see Mark.
    Uriel: Oh, yes. I'm resigning my mayorship of Tacopolis and I'm going back to San Francisco. I just can't be here anymore.
    Mark: I'm sorry Uriel.
    Uriel: (having difficulty hiding her sadness) It's not your fault. You've only ever been a great friend to me.
    Uriel and Mark hug, as Uriel kisses his cheek and then pats it with her hand playfully.
    Uriel: I'll miss you Mark.
    Uriel leaves the building as she enters a cab, her destination: Palisades Airport.

    Comments: So this is where I say that one Wedding scene was amusing in multiple areas.  Here we have Uriel who everyone was gushing on at the beginning about her fiance and engagement.  She's basically been a big part of the gang ever since her first scene and was there for Mark when Mark was having troubles getting over the point that she was with the rest of the guys in helping getting him set up.  She also had just officiated a wedding after learning one of her best friends was in the hospital (not to mention caught the bouquet, making her look back on her own engagement with glee), and was at the funeral for a teacher that much of the town (herself included when she lived there in her school days) grew up with and loved.  And being on her own for a moment to catch herself, she gets the biggest negative news out of all of them: her fiance was having an affair with a guy, and was leaving her.

    I mean...damn.  And this was all just a chance buildup since it was up in the air whether Uriel's player would have been booted from the show.  For all intensive purposes, United Royal Islands (Uriel's player and also the Nobody) could have negated the entire night and survived.  But instead, she chose not to use her power and instead I got to write up probably one of the more emotionally intense drama-powered scenes for this game so far.  I mean...damn

    That's the extent of it so far.  It's been an experience since nobody has booted any of the characters that have PMed me their final-scene writeups, so I've been making all of them up as I go. 

    The game is currently in Screen Test 4/Day Phase 4, so I'll post more when it's in Screen Test 6/Day 6!
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    « Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 08:46:28 AM by Pengu »
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