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The Future of the Minecraft Server
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Yeah on the topic of rare items, they're generally in my opinion objects of historical significance, for example, the Dragon Egg, books, etc.  If we're adding plugins that change the game a bunch, that ultimately really becomes a non-vanilla experience.  That's partially why I'm only in favor of adding QOL mods like better warping/ different places to warp as a sort of way to compromise about the sort of major buildup of land in the vicinity of spawn, and to sort of create a better initial spawn for newly joining folks
    2 people like this post: Ponderosa, taulover
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

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  • For my part, I've been on the server since 2018, and my base is by FAR the most I've worked on any Minecraft world, singleplayer or multiplayer. I do not think I would ever recreate it on another world. If the map were to be lost or reset entirely, my interest in Minecraft itself would deteriorate a lot. For me endgame MC is very fun. I do not think it has gotten stale, and in fact I have a long list of projects I would like to accomplish on the server.

    I do know the map can be intimidating to new players, and it can be hard to find new land gen. Even when we do find it, it is usually just exploited for resources to bring back to the core areas. I have previously suggested targeted resets, aka chunk "pruning" that clears away distant lands that were explored for resource extraction rather than actual settlement. Obviously that is not a small thing. Great care would have to be taken to avoid deleting people's bases and builds. I know Silv, Elbbsas, and Robin all have builds thousands of blocks from the core areas of the server, and these would all need to be preserved. Still, pruning would have the benefit of bringing 1.18 land gen close to spawn, and perhaps it could even be settled rather than just explored and exploited.

    Of course, chunk pruning is not an easy task, and comes with risks of corruption. I am not at all familiar with the technicalities associated with upkeeping a server and map of this magnitude. If pruning is a no-go, then warps are the better option.

    And any kind of item decay is also completely off the table for me lol. As the server museum keeper, these items are often the only physical record of previous players. My first tools are on display in the castle, and I like to look at them and think how far I've come. You are free to throw your items into lava if you want to start over with nothing.

    And finally, I do not have any love for MCMMO. I find it super distracting and annoying. Keeping things vanilla as much as possible is my preference (though being able to Silk-Touch spawners would be a nice quality of life change haha).

    2 people like this post: taulover, Hydra
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  • Also my two cents regarding resetting the server and starting from scratch. I do understand that the server has been around for 6+ years and that people have invested a ton of time into their builds thus far. Where this leaves new players though is having to play catch up or relying on the generosity of others for materials. I have trouble giving stuff away or feeling useful because everyone already has everything they will ever need. 

    If you're looking for ways to be useful: I have tons of materials, but I often have use for labor. Off the top of my head, I can use help in building roads, digging subway tunnels, and covering ground with wool for map art. I know many people in this very conversation participated in the excavation of my Pyramid factory. When 1.18 hits, I will have use for hired hands digging it back down to bedrock. I also run out of building resources like sand, wood, and stone frequently. And I am always willing to pay when someone catches a difficult mob for my zoo - phantoms, charged creepers, and blazes come to mind.

    Creativity is also highly valued. If I wanted to build my city on a singleplayer world I would. But I like having neighbors with amazing builds. I enjoy knowing there is a broader world beyond my borders. If you build a huge castle and city, that is being useful to everyone else. I am also always looking for more books and art to collect, but it is boring if I'm the only one doing it.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • I don't like anything that changes the vanilla nature of the game. We already have teleport well-established in this server which has shaped it, so I wouldn't get rid of it at this point, so I'd support adding more warps and maybe also more home options to keep supporting that existing infrastructure. I typically would support gravestones, but evading death is so easy on this server with the teleports that I think it's fine not to.

    I wouldn't support moving spawners, and certainly would be against changing spawners. Spawner farms just aren't very interesting. If you could just pay some money to make a bunch of iron golem spawners then you would never make proper iron farms, which are more interesting and cool. I also like the idea of adapting to the build geography of the environment, is something helped by the random spawner placement and the rarity of multi-spawners. I also think that in nearly all cases, the non-spawner farm is already much better in rates and also cool factor compared to spawners anyway.

    I've never thought about a plugin to move mobs since it's not very vanilla, but thinking about it I wouldn't be too against it. Minecraft mob moving mechanics are just too infuriating.
    1 person likes this post: Hydra
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  • I've been watching some more videos by a few of my favorite builders and I think that I've finally found some inspiration for the base that I'd like to construct. It will mean that I'll have to find a new location to build in, which is sad considering I've spent over 100 hours digging and improving my current base but I'd rather have the perfect spot than have to do an extreme amount of terraforming, plus I'd like to move to an area with 1.18 generated terrain. Not looking forward to having to move my storage room though. Over 500 double chests worth of stuff :P

    I've read everyone's comments and appreciate the feedback regarding MCMMO and moving/changing spawners. I can live without either of those, but would still love some sort of mob capturing ability to make it easier to move them. I'd also love to see some warps added and maybe the addition of a couple of extra homes that we could use. Being able to warp to the ender ender and possibly some public mob farms would be nice. And if I could set multiple homes (nothing crazy mind you) then I could set a home in a few biomes that I need for resources and just jump to them when I need to. I did enjoy the 1.18 gameplay yesterday, it was very smooth with almost no lag that I could perceive. 
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