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Proposal: Mateo Regional Cutie Pie Act
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  • Then we agree that titles can be something given out on a more casual basis so what, pray tell, is the issue?

    My issue stems from is that I don't really Mateo as having done much of anything beyond just being in the region, and they have only been here for two months. I honestly wouldn't oppose Nox's title being granted (beyond it being a silly title that makes little sense to me, and honestly, kind-of meh).
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Well, in the time he has been here he has been a kind, friendly and affable presence in the region, he has contributed to the region through his personality and through his demeanor and, as such, I find it to be worthy to give him this title, myself. We can agree or disagree on if he merits it or not but I, personally, think Matro does and if that is the core contention, well, there really is no way to resolve it and, frankly, I will proceed regardless since, again, I believe that he has.
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  • Personally, I'm in the vein of where if you want a title, then you should be allowed to have it so long as it's not infringing on existing nobility/government/royal titles (IE "King of ____" or "Duke of _____) unless you were granted such a status already.  If you want to be known as the regional cutie pie, then sure, go ahead.  Wintreath's official mascot? Absolutely.  If you're a Duke and want to be known as the Duke of Donuts? Fantastic, so long as you were made a Duke previously.

    I guess I'm personally just confused as to why we have to go through the grand gesture of making titles go through the Storting except for ones that are tied to a commendation or Paragon-ship or some other type of elevation (unless this was purely a joke act, which I do still approve of the title anyways).

    That's why I created the Official/Unofficial Wintreath Nicknames thread in the first place, so people could have fun titles for themselves, it'd be put on a list, and they could proudly display it in their usernames (and in that one we allow fun Jarl/King/Queen/Noble/Royal titles so long as they put "Wintreath's Unofficial" in front of it unless they have that actual ranking).  I don't really see the point in making it something that has to be passed through the Storting and made a spectacle of.  If Mateo wants to be the Regional Cutie Pie, great.  If Nox wants to be the mascot, excellent.  Rather than going through the back and forth of why it shouldn't be a storting issue (and how it cheapens/diminishes anything, god forbid)...why not just go the middle road, post in that thread, and still be able to display it proudly?
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    « Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 05:52:28 AM by Pengu »
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  • Oh, and if the storting retro-actively gives titles to past Commendation recipients, please make my title absolutely silly with just a ring of seriousness in it (Might I suggest "Protector of shiny gems and drunken sailors" and then something genuine at the end?).  If we're really worried about diminishing something as inconsequential as a title on a messageboard, then I suggest we go the next step and actually just give someone a silly title attached the their commendation, and I volunteer as tribute for that, being as that I am by nature quite silly.
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    « Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 04:51:47 AM by Pengu »
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  • Chanku, do you even realise Reon got his commendation simply for being such a positive presence in the region? There was nothing tangible that we could mention in his act and yet he was, in my estimation, Wintreath personified. This entire thing just shows, once again, that you do not understand what makes this community the place it is: its sense of fun and its welcoming stance to any and all newcomers. And these are values which you have now continually overlooked while you casually demean Mateo in this thread, even if unintentionally.
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  • Chanku, do you even realise Reon got his commendation simply for being such a positive presence in the region? There was nothing tangible that we could mention in his act and yet he was, in my estimation, Wintreath personified. This entire thing just shows, once again, that you do not understand what makes this community the place it is: its sense of fun and its welcoming stance to any and all newcomers. And these are values which you have now continually overlooked while you casually demean Mateo in this thread, even if unintentionally.
    Reon was also here for several years, was our WAD for a while, and did other things within the region.

    EDIT: he was also helpful in my evolution as a legislator and a jurist. I probably wouldn't be at the level I am without his help. He was a rather good legislator.
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    « Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 06:17:19 AM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Chanku, do you even realise Reon got his commendation simply for being such a positive presence in the region? There was nothing tangible that we could mention in his act and yet he was, in my estimation, Wintreath personified. This entire thing just shows, once again, that you do not understand what makes this community the place it is: its sense of fun and its welcoming stance to any and all newcomers. And these are values which you have now continually overlooked while you casually demean Mateo in this thread, even if unintentionally.

    To be fair, Reon was pretty active for quite some time long before he went to being really quiet.  While yes, it was difficult to really find concrete things to point out about him, he was still very much a presence enough for at least a couple of years.

    Not saying that Mateo doesn't deserve any kudos despite them being here only a couple of months, but Reon was definitely here quite some time to really garner the commendation.
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  • It's absurd to reason along the lines of how long someone has been a part of the community, or how many titles and positions they've held, when so many people have held the same titles and been here for even longer, and yet have not gotten the commendation. Those intangible things Reon got commended for would have have been just as commendable if he were here for a month.
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  • It's absurd to reason along the lines of how long someone has been a part of the community, or how many titles and positions they've held, when so many people have held the same titles and been here for even longer, and yet have not gotten the commendation. Those intangible things Reon got commended for would have have been just as commendable if he were here for a month.
    I do not entirely agree, some of those things were because of his involvement in the region. In fact his commendation does mention things beyond just being here. However, his presence for years did also somewhat make it commendable because of dedication. Being around for a month, and making a bit of an impact isn't as commendable as being around for literal years and working with the region to better it, holding and doing many things, and shaping large parts of the region.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • In a lot of ways, I see this in the same way I saw changing the Discord server icon for AJ...the circumstances just made it feel right in a way it hasn't felt right since.

    I don't know if I would generally support completely non-serious titles, but I agree with North that Mateo has been a unique, fun, and uplifting presence that has made an impact on the Discord community. He created the title as a fun thing, he didn't think it would ever seriously be taken up...that was my decision, that I took without telling him in advance. It does remind me of Reon, who also had a unique and uplifting presence on the community, though not quite in the same way. I don't think it's inappropriate to consider the title in consideration of our esteem for him and who he is.
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  • In a lot of ways, I see this in the same way I saw changing the Discord server icon for AJ...the circumstances just made it feel right in a way it hasn't felt right since.

    I don't know if I would generally support completely non-serious titles, but I agree with North that Mateo has been a unique, fun, and uplifting presence that has made an impact on the Discord community. He created the title as a fun thing, he didn't think it would ever seriously be taken up...that was my decision, that I took without telling him in advance. It does remind me of Reon, who also had a unique and uplifting presence on the community, though not quite in the same way. I don't think it's inappropriate to consider the title in consideration of our esteem for him and who he is.
    I personally somewhat disagree, and personally don't think that asking for him to be around a little longer is asking that much IMHO. Again he has only been here for like two months or so. It might feel right to you, but personally it doesn't feel that way to me.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • It might feel right to you, but personally it doesn't feel that way to me.
    I guess that's why I proposed it and you didn't. :P
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  • It's absurd to reason along the lines of how long someone has been a part of the community, or how many titles and positions they've held, when so many people have held the same titles and been here for even longer, and yet have not gotten the commendation. Those intangible things Reon got commended for would have have been just as commendable if he were here for a month.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree.  Like I said, I think if people want to have titles, they should be allowed so long as they're not noble/government titles that weren't given to them previously.

    I think the idea of having to Stortinize titles is quite silly, unless we're talking giving a special title via a royal elevation, commendation, or paragonship.

    But otherwise, I think titles shouldn't be something that has to be grasped so tightly like they're diamonds.  If someone wants to have a title, then they should be allowed to have it.  If there really is worry that it's going to "diminish" or "cheapen" those titles handed alongside those elevations/commendations/paragonings...then perhaps we need to rework or rethink the system a bit, because a title shouldn't have that much weight on a messageboard.

    I'm just saying that we shouldn't really cheapen Reon's commendation when he's been a good force on Wintreath since before you and I even joined here.  Remember, before I even became Jarl of Culture he was the Thane under Amalya, and Wintermoot nor Amalya really appointed without reasoning.

    We just happened to pop in sort of around the time he became less active, which was the reason I replaced him later in my JoC term.  But it really can't be argued that he didn't deserve his commendation, regardless if there was anything absolutely concrete we could list as far as accomplishments.
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    « Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 06:46:11 AM by Pengu »
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  • Where exactly did I argue that he didn't deserve his commendation?
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  • As far as commendations go, it's not just based in a person being here and being a positive force for X amount of time.  Everyone who has gotten the commendation has done more than just that, just like everyone who's gotten elevated or appointed to the cabinet has done so.  They're not treats that get handed out just because you're a nice person or you're friends with X amount of members.  They're supposed to be awards for services to the region.

    The only difference with commendations is that it's the Storting that makes the decision, rather than the Monarch.

    Yes, I can think of a few people on here that have been here for a good while and haven't gotten a commendation yet and many of them definitely deserve one (and am baffled as to why some haven't gotten one).  But at the same time, again, that's up to the Storting to decide...and if they want to keep to their once-a-year trend (which it seems like at right now), then that's up to them.
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