Obligatory penguin video #5 (highly recommend this documentary series, especially this episode, penguins are scarily brutal and live a scarily brutal life)1) Why are you running for this position?This March will mark the time when I've held the Dispatches Thaneship for a full year. I'm very proud of what we've done in this past year: during this time we've revitalized the Orendi, making it regularly published again and of the highest quality design.
Orendi XIX is a bit behind schedule, but it's coming along nicely—most of the content is already written, and once that's completed the design work can be done. I am working (and if reelected, will continue working) to bring the issue to production as smoothly as possible.
Thus, I hope to continue working on the Orendi and other releases, continually improving the publications we send to our foreign friends.
2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.As usual, the (cautiously optimistic) Orendi release schedule, assuming all goes to plan:
Orendi XIX: early March
Orendi XX: mid-April
Orendi XXI: late May
Additionally, I will be setting my mandate to gain some level of proficiency in InDesign and graphic design in general, so that the Foreign Releases department decreases its
bus factor (an excellent term which Jarl Chanku brought to my attention in FA talks some time back). In addition to learning these skills on my own, I will also be working with Hydra to help me reach this goal.
2a) If you are an incumbent running for re-election, did you fulfill your mandate from the September election? If not, why didn't you?In a sense, yes, but that's mostly because Katie was appointed Diplomatic Officers Thane and fulfilled the goals of my mandate largely on her own. I did advise Chanku to appoint Katie to a Thaneship, which I suppose contributed to the success of the new ambassador program, but the credit for this work lies completely with Katie.
3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?Blatantly copied from my last campaign post:
Earlier experience:
- Wrote a few articles for Aura Hyperia and Wintreath in 2014/2015
- Put together New Hyperion Update #1 as Lord of Propaganda
Accomplishments as Dispatches Thane over past three terms:
- Put together 5 Orendis, currently putting together 6th
- Working closely with Hydra on redesigning and formatting 4 Orendis in newspaper/magazine PDF format
- Wrote ~13 articles for said 6 Orendis
- Created 2 puzzles
- Successfully bugged ambassadors to post dispatches
I also recently got an engineering position at my local student-run newspaper. The tech division is quite large, so what I'm doing is pure software development, and here in the Orendi we're doing PDFs, so there isn't much of an overlap here, at least in our current design.
4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in March?For the longest time I was by far the most active person on this forum. College has put a dent on that activity, but I'm somehow still
the most active person this year so far. I think that this trend will continue into the next term and beyond: I expect to be able to meet my commitments in Wintreath for the foreseeable future despite my RL commitments.
5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.I am co-founder, Lord of Propaganda, and WACom Delegate of New Hyperion, the Wintreath vassal region.