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Tell Us About Your Summersend Experience!
Posts: 11 Views: 1350

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • With things starting to wind down, I thought this would be a good time to talk about the festival itself. What was your experience like? How did you like it? What did you like most about it, and was there anything we could improve on in your opinion?

    We do Summersend every year with the goal of making it bigger and better than the last one, and I already that know we will definitely have our work cut out for us next year. Any opinions, suggestions, or thoughts you have can only help us. :)
    3 people like this post: taulover, El Fiji Grande, Imaginative Kane

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • This was (and continues to be) a fantastic festival! You have right to be very proud. Thanks for the invite and for showing me such a good time. I'll definitely have to return for other games and events down the road. I also really wish I'm not the only TNP nation to come join in on the events, and next time, I'll rally more to get people to come. (You can use what I say as a testimonial.)

    What I liked most about Summersend were the creative games. You couldn't have said it better, Wintermoot - the games around here are really what set Wintreath apart - or, erm, that's the primary aspect of Wintreath that I have seen that sets the region apart, though I'm sure you have many other distinguishing factors. My favorite game was the Murder Mystery game, even though no one made a correct accusation, and even though it died down at the end (I got kind of busy IRL).

    I had an extraordinary experience! However, there are of course some things that can be improved upon to make the festival even better next time around. Listed in no particular order:

    1. Spam Wars. As the festival continues to grow, the spam games will likely become even more active, dragging down the server even more. Without upgrading the server, I think instituting the 30 seconds-between-posts thing from the get-go is a good idea. Also, implementing BSR's idea of decaying post count (if the grid game gets reused) is a good idea, because that will encourage people who join the festival later to get involved.

    2. Spyfall. I know that you folks play a lot of Werewolf and Spyfall around here, and that can get old. But I think next time, you should include Spyfall. That's one of my favorite games.

    3. Foreign Visitors. Advertise the festival more in advance, so more people see it. At the conclusion of the festival, invite them to join Wintreath's Discord (I'm already there, so no worries) to help keep in touch and to allow for future interregional games, even when there isn't an event going on. More people should cross more borders more often.

    My two cents. Do what you will with that; regardless of what you decide, I'm sure next year's Summersend festival will be just as great, if not more so. Hopefully I'll be able attend again. I'm already looking forward to it!


    P.S. Just noticed that this is my 1000th post on these forums!
    « Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 11:43:24 PM by El Fiji Grande »
    Wintreath: (2020)

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  • This was (and continues to be) a fantastic festival! You have right to be very proud. Thanks for the invite and for showing me such a good time. I'll definitely have to return for other games and events down the road. I also really wish I'm not the only TNP nation to come join in on the events, and next time, I'll rally more to get people to come. (You can use what I say as a testimonial.)

    What I liked most about Summersend were the creative games. You couldn't have said it better, Wintermoot - the games around here are really what set Wintreath apart - or, erm, that's the primary aspect of Wintreath that I have seen that sets the region apart, though I'm sure you have many other distinguishing factors. My favorite game was the Murder Mystery game, even though no one made a correct accusation, and even though it died down at the end (I got kind of busy IRL).

    I had an extraordinary experience! However, there are of course some things that can be improved upon to make the festival even better next time around. Listed in no particular order:

    1. Spam Wars. As the festival continues to grow, the spam games will likely become even more active, dragging down the server even more. Without upgrading the server, I think instituting the 30 seconds-between-posts thing from the get-go is a good idea. Also, implementing BSR's idea of decaying post count (if the grid game gets reused) is a good idea, because that will encourage people who join the festival later to get involved.

    2. Spyfall. I know that you folks play a lot of Werewolf and Spyfall around here, and that can get old. But I think next time, you should include Spyfall. That's one of my favorite games.

    3. Foreign Visitors. Advertise the festival more in advance, so more people see it. At the conclusion of the festival, invite them to join Wintreath's Discord (I'm already there, so no worries) to help keep in touch and to allow for future interregional games, even when there isn't an event going on. More people should cross more borders more often.

    My two cents. Do what you will with that; regardless of what you decide, I'm sure next year's Summersend festival will be just as great, if not more so. Hopefully I'll be able attend again. I'm already looking forward to it!


    P.S. Just noticed that this is my 1000th post on these forums!
    Thanks for taking the time to give us your insight and advice. :)

    I think there was some talk about hosting a Spyfall game when we were planning Summersend in the Cabinet, but I guess nobody wanted to host a game...maybe cause the last game was just a few months ago. Hopefully we'll have a regular game soon though, and I'll make sure you know when sign-ups are open for one. Another player would be more than welcome. :)

    How would you recommend we advertise the festival outside the region? We posted invitations to our embassies/consulates a week before the you think we should it earlier or more than once, or is there something we should be doing besides posting it in our embassies?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • That's mainly my fault for Spyfall.  I had discussed interest in hosting it for Summersend, and then ended up getting busy with work and didn't post signups in time.

    But I'll potentially be hosting a main game later.
    1 person likes this post: Imaginative Kane
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  • As for advertising the festival, my memory is off. I just remember having seen the ad on the same day as the festival began. That's my fault, not yours.
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  • As for advertising the festival, my memory is off. I just remember having seen the ad on the same day as the festival began. That's my fault, not yours.

    Yeah, we got it well in advance in Canada.
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  • As for advertising the festival, my memory is off. I just remember having seen the ad on the same day as the festival began. That's my fault, not yours.
    We could push it out several times in the weeks before the festival, perhaps.  No changes to the advertisement, but just overwhelm people with advertising it for like a month before it happens...
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

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  • I honestly don't know what's best. Perhaps include it beforehand in the Orendi (that's your regional newspaper, right?). You seem to have done a pretty good job of getting me here; I'll just have to be more attentive next time.
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  • I took a look at both embassies and I see the issue...the invitation was posted in Canada on 8/13, but wasn't posted in The North Pacific until 8/18, one day after the festival had already started. Unfortunately we've had issue like this with other dispatches, but they weren't so's an issue we'll have to tackle.

    I'm wondering what would be a good way way to send invitations and cultural announcements to individuals though, in cases where people have came and enjoyed certain games and events and want future notification of things. I made an announcements channel on our Discord last night, but that will of course only go to people who are on there and check the channel.
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Perhaps a mailing list?

    As Thane of Embassy Dispatches I've tried to get people to post by bugging them via mentioning on forums and Discord. Unfortunately I didn't do this for the Summersend invitation, partially since I didn't post the dispatch, partially because I was busy, and partially because I forgot, but I think that's something we can focus on in the future, especially for time-sensitive invitations.
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  • I would be amenable to a TG-based mailing list.
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