Post #129208
August 23, 2018, 03:23:41 PM
6:25 is the last time Jock is seen. He is leaving Wesley's store. The yelling behind the buildings (at 6:30) is almost certainly his death. Adam enters the store right after this commotion (at 6:35), which suggests he was present. He also admits having bumped into Jock behind the bookstore. His excuse that he was avoiding Sonia does not make much sense, because in order to get to the bookstore, he would have to cross the main road, where she would be out on patrol. Did the murder happen behind the buildings and was Jock's body dragged to the warehouse, or did Jock enter his warehouse where he was attacked Adam? Ultimately, I'm not sure it matters. But Sonia was seen at 6:45 walking from outside the warehouse to the bookstore. Would she have noticed anything amiss, or was she an accomplice to the murder? At 6:55, Paul says he saw someone enter the pharmacy. In the initial character description, Paul is described as having a poor memory, so this could be just that. Sonia would not have been the person to wake Walter up, because she would have walked from the bookstore to the pharmacy, not past the bar. My intuition is that Sonia entered the pharmacy, and that Shirley is helping cover this up. Sonia says she gets home at 7:05, but that's when we know Adam left the store. It's possible that they didn't see each other, but unlikely. So Sonia messes with the pills and falls asleep upstairs. Except they're laxatives? Then Adam gets home, sees the pills moved, and eats chips.