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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • TapaTalkalypse

    Zetaboards, the forum software of choice for many notable regions within NationStates, including Force, The North Pacific, The East Pacific, and The Rejected Realms, is being sold to TapaTalk. This means more than just a simple change of host; it means that things like themes, permissions, and working bbCode among other things that some regions have taken years to perfect will be gone. This shift is gradual and although many of the largest regions haven't faced it yet, smaller regions, Force included have. It hit us without warning and to compensate, we are shifting over to a self hosted forum at the moment. For us as a new region, the change isn't too major, but for many older regions with years of history in those forums, it's huge.

    by Renegalle

    Elections in Heart

    [ The Heart elections were an interesting spectacle, with two candidates withdrawing, two standing, Southern States and Johnpre both withdrew, and Alemputo and The scottish republic battling it out for the office of Prime Minister, There was a debate and two press conferences, each featuring difference in opinions, interesting questions, and, best of all, each candidate showed lots of respect for the other, and in the end, Alemputo was victorious, but both candidates showed respect, in this intriguing election period.

    by Lashnakia

    Elections in Force and the Trouble with Crazybloxian

    Early last month, Candidacy announcements began for Prime Minister of Force, the three that decided to run, were, Libertatis Regalis, Seoul-Pyongyang and Crazybloxian Empire, Now, we all know, that Libertatis Regalis was re-elected convincingly, however, the build up to election had controversy, Crazybloxian Empire was a controversial candidate, who had his election mainly based off RP, which was also a bit controversial, his inactivity was a downfall, not joining discord till late, and not answering questions, in the end he left the region, clearly seeing he was going to lose, This was unfortunate to have a candidate like that, thankfully the other candidates were very sensible, and the election ended peacefully.

    by Lashnakia

    PM Bennisia of Heart; A Region in Turmoil

    A few months ago, some controversy broke out, with Bennisia II angered because he couldn't stand in an election, he kept constantly trying to prove he was right, which lead to more problems and complications, which ended in him being removed as PM of Heart, Bennisia II brought activity to Heart, but also brought problems and controversy, he ended up moving to New Western Atlantic, where there has been more controversy since, but that's for them to talk about, not me.
    by Lashnakia

    A New Future for RGBN

    RGBN is a laid back region, once comfortably large and active (130+ nations) has been reduced to just 10. Being among our very first embassies, we took notice. An agreement between Force and RGBN was made handing over control over the region to Force and allowing the founder to lead as Governor. Now, under Force control, efforts are being made to make RGBN the great and welcoming region it once was through recruitment and a revamped system of laws and leadership.

    by Renegalle


    Total Population: 259
    Force Population: 158
    The New Kingdom Population: 36
    Heart Population: 55
    RGBN Population: 10

    Total WA Members: 55
    Force WA Members: 38
    The New Kingdom WA Members: 6
    Heart WA Members: 10
    RGBN WA Members: 1

    Copyright ?2018 by the Force Communications Ministry

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  • Thanks for the update! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • The Force Flyer

    ★ Issue XXI ★


    Elections for Prime Minister and House of Representatives took place, the Prime Minister announced a new Cabinet, Roleplay is finally becoming active, and an official cheese of the month has been named.

    Elections: Closer than Expected

    The January 2019 elections were quite exciting, with many winning by a landslide vote, and with others struggling to be elected.

    ChoiceVotes ForVotes AgainstVotes AbstainingStatus
    The Scottish Republic1161Elected
    Seoul-Pyongyang990Not Elected
    NotTheLibertyEmpire7110Not Elected

    House elections for this term were very successful for some, and devastating for others. For example, Seoul Pyongyang, who had served in the House prior to this election and been in Force for some time, lost due to a 9-9 tie. Contrarily, Marcelli, Edjerhan, Wracobia, and Carropia won by landslides. Marcelli and Wracobia had both been in the House the term before. The Scottish Republic had a close win, with one abstaining vote. While the elections were taking place, they were constantly switching from being ahead in the polls to behind. And lastly, NotTheLibertyEmpire suffered a hard loss of 7-11.

    Libertatis Regalis13Elected
    New Legland6Not Elected

    For Prime Minister Elections, New Legland and Libertatis fought for the position. Arguably the most surprising event of the elections was New Legland running against Libertatis Regalis, a time-proven Prime Minister who has spent a long time with Force. New Legland did eventually fall to Libertatis Regalis, but nonetheless showed perseverance in such a situation. Both Candidates supported bringing together new ministers, and moving ministers to different ministries. For example, New Legland supported moving Elysium to Minister of Culture, and also supported replacing the prior Minister of Culture. Libertatis Regalis planned to remove about 80% of the cabinet, due to events such as inactivity, ministers not performing their jobs to par, etc. Libertatis was also much more experienced in the position, and pointed out that an experienced Prime Minister was needed to perform duties correctly.

    Cabinet Appointments: the SCUT Triumphs?

    Prime Minister Libertatis Regalis has appointed a new cabinet for the first session of 2019. Going off of his plan to remove approximately 80% of the cabinet, there were many changes in the Cabinet with prominent members such as Elysium, being removed.

    Deputy Prime Minister: Vamperiall
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: New Legland
    Minister of Internal Affairs: Chundukeratopia (now resigned)
    Minister of Culture: Carropia
    Minister of Communications: Marcelli
    Minister of Defense: Lashnakia  (now resigned), currently The Chariot
    Domestic Policy Advisor: Waltonburg-Vallonheim
    Foreign Policy Advisor: Sword BJ

    Two of the initial appointments to the Cabinet as well as one of the appointments later on were all former high-ranking officers in the SCUT, a now defunct alliance Force was once at war with. New Legland served as their head of Foreign Affairs, Chundukeratopia served as their head of Internal Affairs, and The Chariot was head of their Armed Forces. With Chundukeratopia choosing to resign from the Cabinet, this now leaves two. Could the SCUT be making a comeback? Only time will tell.

    Roleplay: Finally Active!

    Roleplay in Force has finally become more active, with many new people joining, especially with the introduction of the new Official RP Community. This system introduces a number of programs designed to maximize the realism of the RP and help make calculating things such as populations and GDPs easier. There have been many map annexations and thus, the map of Force will soon be expanded. Many nations have chose to introduce policies; most notably tariffs on goods from other countries. Additionally, some nations have chose to form pacts to try and wield greater influence on the world stage. With this new activity, it is our hope that the lore of Force will continue to expand and reach new horizons.

    Cheese of the Month

    In recent news, the Prime Minister has declared Extra-Sharp Cheddar to be the official cheese of Force. Anyone caught consuming other types of cheese may be subject to dirty looks and peer pressure.

    RegionNationsWA Nations
    The New Kingdom382

    Copyright © 2019 by the Force Foreign Affairs Ministry
    « Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 12:04:55 AM by New Legland »
    New Legland
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  • Apologies for our inactivity!
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    New Legland
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  • It happens to the best of us. Thanks for the update! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Force Flyer

    ★ Issue XXII ★


    An emergency PM and Judge election was held among with the already scheduled House elections. Force also got caught up with some drama and lost an important Embassy? Find out.

    Elections: 2019

    Force has had two Elections one emergency Prime Minister and Judge election and the standard house election. So let's begin with the emergency Election.

    The emergency Elections came about after the resignation of Sir Libertatis Regalis and his short departure. Moments after major government officials held an emergency meeting on what to do next. decided to hold an Election to decide a new Prime Minister while Vamperial would act as interim Prime Minister until the Election is over. The two main candidates were New Legland and Lashnakia. The debate was fierce but in the end, Lashnakia ended up winning even though there was major opposition from other Parties and Independents as he was the National Party candidate.

    As for the emergency Judge after Sir Libertatis Regalis departure Western Chosetus promptly left with Sir Libertatis Regalis. The main candidates of the election were The Chariot, Harkhirchluvo and Seoul-Pyongyang. The debate contained a controversial question that was difficult for candidates to answer and proved a challenge to even the most experienced candidates. In the end, The Chariot came out victorious but many wonder what is next for the Force legal system.

    Now finally the House Election which is a major historical Election. This Election saw many new faces bidding for a seat such as Corestical and Spoonifo. The election debate contained major policy ideas from Sir Libertatis Regalis with his so-called "Transparency Act" and "Anti-Slander Bill" which is seen controversial. Spoonifo also stated he would like to pass a "Freedom of Information Act", which would mean some cabinet information would become public. Also in the election, we saw some old faces such as Seoul-Pyongyang who proposed a Prime Ministers questions and Carropia who said he would pass bills to encourage people to join the Force civil service. All in all an interesting debate.


    ChoiceVotes ForVotes AgainstVotes AbstainingStatus
    Libertatis Regalis1010Elected
    Corestical1110Not Elected
    NotTheLibertyEmpire470Not Elected
    Harkhirchluvo290Not Elected
    The Chariot920Elected

    New Legland4Not Elected

    Harkhirchluvo1Not Elected
    Seoul-Pyongyang6Not Elected
    The Chariot7Elected
    Ten Thousand Problems

    Around October 13 of 2018, The embassies between Force and the region 10,000 Islands, also known as XKI, were closed suddenly and abruptly. This was later confirmed to be a misinterpretation of Force's refounding of its ally, Marist Federated States, and an unauthorized raid by one of Force's members, which led to XKI acting upon it immediately, as it violates one of the region's policies against raiding due to it leading a defending-aligned military. Later, XKI's Delegate, Kuriko, offered to reengage diplomatic relations, which Libertatis Regalis refused. After five months of stagnancy on the matter, around the 21st of March, several citizens of Force were banned from XKI's Discord channel, once again, without public discussion (though it was later revealed that private discussions did occur). Embassies with Heart, one of Force's territories, were also closed. A few raiding runs performed around February were confirmed to have caused this. Renegalle, after discussions in Force, decided to take action. Using the nation ABC, a citizen of The North Pacific and a former diplomat of The North Pacific to XKI, Renegalle lodged a message on the XKI message board from The North Pacific through the embassies between both regions. The message contained the following message:
    "Dear Kuriko,
    I rarely comment on other region's RMBs, but when I do, it's for a reason. I have received word from my friends in Force that you are arbitrarily banning their members from your Discord Server. They are being banned without having violated any rules, without receiving notice of being banned, and it appears, solely because they are members of a specific region. As the former TNP Ambassador to 10000 Islands, I was surprised to find this out. You had always been very welcoming to me and others when I was in your region. I do hope this is some sort of misunderstanding, for it is not something I would expect a region with a reputation like yours to do. Please address these concerns.
    Thank you,
    This, however, caused outrage among the North Pacific officers. Pallaith, TNP's Delegate, made a statement on the situation, which condemned both Renegalle and Force for "using embassy posting to pursue Force's diplomatic agenda" and "unprofessional and adversarial foreign policy", respectively. Pallaith's main grounds for condemnation is that "TNP's diplomatic relations are not for other regions to use as tools for their own purposes."
    Renegalle was later dismissed as a Gameside Advocate by Pallaith, which he replied to by claiming TNP as a "government that considers its allies more important than its citizens". Further discussions were done on the matter, all of which support the decision. Embassies with Force and Heart were also closed during this time. Renegalle decided to handle the situation by taking the situation to TNP's Court, officially filing a request for the infringement of his free speech. While the court handled the request, Renegalle had released his private conversations with the Delegate of XKI, in which Renegalle demanded the unbanning of the several citizens of Force in their Discord server. XKI's Delegate, Kuriko, stated that "10,000 Islands does not bow down to anyone's demands for any reason", and confirms that the reason was indeed Force's activity in raiding and it violating XKI's policy, which Renegalle claims is "unfair, unwarranted, and destructive". These conversations end with Renegalle's demands ultimately denied, causing him to further pursue the court case. This case, until now, still lacks the Court's final ruling.

    - The Chariot and Caduceo
    New Legland
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • As far as NS dramas go, I don't get this one at all.

    Based only on what's said in your dispatch, XKI closed relations due to an error in judgement on their part, but when they offered to restore them you guys refused. When they later removed members of your community due to their policy on not being involved with raiders (which is what they seemed to have closed relations over to begin with), your then-delegate demanded that XKI reverse their decision, which is a violation of their regional sovereignty. Then someone posted a letter on the matter from his nation in The North Pacific where he misrepresents himself as a concerned Citizen and former ambassador from there rather than as a member of Force.

    Force is hardly the first person or group to run afoul of or disagree with XKI's R/D policies, and you have a perfect right to express your disagreement, protest their actions, or not have anything to do with them because of those actions. What you don't have the right to do is to tell a sovereign community how to conduct its own internal affairs or to misrepresent yourself to make it look like a third party has taken issue with it. And I don't get why if the initial closure was due to a misinterpretation on their party, why you wouldn't have simply accepted restoring relations when they offered them and let bygones be bygones. The whole thing is baffling to me.

    I don't usually comment on matters between other regions, but when it's posted here...well, at least its proof that I read the updates. :P
    1 person likes this post: New Legland

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Village Drifter
  • As far as NS dramas go, I don't get this one at all.

    Based only on what's said in your dispatch, XKI closed relations due to an error in judgement on their part, but when they offered to restore them you guys refused. When they later removed members of your community due to their policy on not being involved with raiders (which is what they seemed to have closed relations over to begin with), your then-delegate demanded that XKI reverse their decision, which is a violation of their regional sovereignty.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I only became a minister in Force after the closure of embassies, so I didn't have a say in that matter. However, I was in office when they banned our members from their server and I completely supported their right to do as they wanted with their foreign policy while Force's cabinet was discussing the issue. Unfortunately, everyone was too riled up over the fact that XKI would dare reprimand us for our military policy (something I had even warned about some time earlier), so I didn't even get the say in a matter which concerned my ministry.

    Then someone posted a letter on the matter from his nation in The North Pacific where he misrepresents himself as a concerned Citizen and former ambassador from there rather than as a member of Force.

    Force is hardly the first person or group to run afoul of or disagree with XKI's R/D policies, and you have a perfect right to express your disagreement, protest their actions, or not have anything to do with them because of those actions. What you don't have the right to do is to tell a sovereign community how to conduct its own internal affairs or to misrepresent yourself to make it look like a third party has taken issue with it. And I don't get why if the initial closure was due to a misinterpretation on their party, why you wouldn't have simply accepted restoring relations when they offered them and let bygones be bygones. The whole thing is baffling to me.

    I don't usually comment on matters between other regions, but when it's posted here...well, at least its proof that I read the updates. :P

    Renegalle had only notified me of a telegram he planned to send to the delegate of TRR, which, reading it again now, was admittedly also a bit dodgy. However, I was not told about and would not have authorized his message in TNP, so I just want to clarify that what he said did not at all represent the Ministry of Foreign Affair's view on the matter.

    But I'm not the one who writes the news. :/
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    New Legland
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  • Village Drifter
  • ★ Issue XXIII ★

    Force's Military catching up to speed, Turmoil in the Communications department, Discord rules broken and discussion channel bleached, and this Month's RP - all in this month's edition!
    Force Military Participates in Defense of the Warzone Federation  by  The Chariot

    In recent news, the Warzone Federation, a coalition of the Warzones meant to provide a stable government, came under attack from the New Pacific Order and Ballpit and Black Keep Militias. In response, they called upon several forces to defend, including Force’s.

    The context? Former Federation Secretary of Moderation and Former Head of Asiastate (WZFs official name for its constituent territories), Ballpit, defected to the NPO, directing them to attack Warzones owned. Black Keep, one of Ballpit’s supporters, lead a successful attack on Warzone Airspace, overthrowing the native delegate who was backed by WZF. The Lazarus Regional Guard, North Pacific Army, and various mercenaries managed to take back the Airstate.

    Contacted by Dinoium, Secretary of State of the Warzone Federation, the Force Army joined in to reinforce the delegacy, though NPO had stopped attacking. Eight Force troops participated as pilers in Warzone Airspace, Warzone Sandbox, and Warzone Asia, two of which fell out of WZF hands. Marking perhaps the first major operation by the Force Army, this perhaps foreshadows the potential of our already increasingly active military.

    The Curse of the Minister of Communications  by  The Chariot

    Hey, remember when the Force Flyer was released daily? Neither do I. After a string of Ministers of Communications who’ve done nothing, a longstanding tradition since our first, Caduceo, our most promising released a single newspaper before resigning.

    Citing other duties as a cause for inactivity, Spoonifo, also known as Dinoium, resigned and released a public apology for his inability to perform. “Wait, Dinoium?”, I hear you asking, “Former Deputy Minister of Communications in TNP, legislator for TNP and Pacifica, Judge of Pacifica, and Secretary of State for WZF among others?”, to which I answer, yes, that is how severe our MoComms curse is.

    After a single article meant to cover two hectic months of activity within Force, two flimsy, rushed, articles and a paper with subpar formatting was released along with Dino’s resignation letter. In lieu of the lack of choices, with Salibaic being in an unfavorable position after his court case with Libertatis Regalis, and other options either already holding positions or not being competent, Caduceo, the disgraced former minister, once again took up the mantle. And the results? You can see for yourself.

    Caduceo, Chariot, Chundukeratopia, and Centaurs  by  Caduceo

    Around the second of May, in Force's Discussion channel, one of the most active and most accessible channels in the Discord server, was temporarily turned to read-only between 5:49 to 6:04, as Renegalle deleted 114 messages sent collectively by Caduceo, The Chariot, and Chundukeratopia after breaking rule number six of the server rules, "No lewd media or conversations; jokes and hinting at things is fine, but be sensible" while conversing about centaurs, more specifically centaur intercourse and several other Equidae family members. Hentai, Rule 34, and Splatoon were also involved. While we currently have no access to these deleted messages, quoted below are statements from the people involved excerpted from post-deletion;

    "I think this is a good time to re-evaluate the rules put in place on this server." ~ Renegalle

    "Can't believe I got muted for splatoon hentai xD, It would just be really squishy" ~ Chundukeratopia

    "Going to run for delegate of TNP on the campaign that I got Force's discussion channel closed down for talking about horse sex" ~ The Chariot

    • Was first MoComm, disappeared abruptly
    • Temporarily shut down a channel in the regional Discord after discussing the logistics of horses" ~ Caduceo

    The situation eventually ended in Renegalle revising the rule to a more specific version, and the discussion channel continuing to function for the use of citizens. Clearly a peak of Force's achievements.

    May Roleplay News - War and Communism  by  Salibaic

    Renegalle and Salibaic has invaded Elysium after its non-cooperation. Originally Salibaic was on Elysium's side but due to pressure from Renegalle with threats to destroy Salibaic, they joined forces. This came about from an old rivalry between Elysium and several other people created after the great Elysium War. Elysium, after losing the war, was made into a Republic and paid Renegalle and Salibaic $25 Billion each in reparations.

    Communism is on the rise as we can see from the Siberian Union in a matter of days, becoming a Communist Republic. Adlandia was the only communist nation previously who had been known for committing numerous human right abuses.

    A major war between Renegalle and Carropia happened after Carropia has been constantly denouncing Renegalle for its interference in international affairs and forced removal of Salibaic land. This went to so far at one point that the UN almost sanctioned Renegalle, while denouncing Renegalle. The war was a victory for Renegalle with them taking $600 Billion in reparations.

    Major Terrorist attacks happened across Salibaic with hundreds killed and thousands injured. The Communist Party of Salibaic claimed the attacks as theirs which has lead to a crackdown on communists in Salibaic. A meeting took place between Salibaic and Renegalle regarding the attacks as the attacks also targeted the Renegalle Embassy in Salibaic.

    New nations have entered the area of planet Force with nation such as Loomburg gaining support from Salibaic and Siberian Union both with non-aggression pacts. Archonai also have gained support from Siberian Union with land concessions to Archonai.

    A new alliance has been made called the Imperial Alliance which is chaired by Salibaic. The Alliance is to protect Empires such as Salibaic. It's hopeful to gain more members in the future.


    RegionNationsWA Nations
    The New Kingdom414
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    « Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 10:16:23 PM by New Legland »
    New Legland
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  • Village Drifter
  • Issue XXV

    Force rejects invitation to Federal Union! Military does an oopsie that costs weeks of work! Elections - elections everywhere! This month's RP news, all in this month's edition of the Force Flyer!
    A Federal Failure  by  The Chariot

    Just a couple weeks ago, Force took another gander at the meta-region game. The Federal Union had many regions on friendly terms with Force: Aukumnian Imperium], Red Wolf Alliance, and The Wolf Clan, as well as the New Western Empire and The Democratic Republic. Other regions such as Thaecia were planning to join.

    In the negotiations, Force was seen as the no-man. Being the stubborn region who would not agree to most plans was a signature. Understandable, though, as Force has had a bad history with meta-regions. With the catastrophic Supreme Commonwealth of United Territories, and the alliance that just wasn’t up to PAR, under its belt, Prime Minister Libertatis Regalis was not optimistic about this new one.

    After less than a week of involvement in the negotiations, Libertatis would hold a vote, to which the Force cabinet refused to join the Union. Despite heavy encouragement from the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, others in the cabinet would refuse to join out of fear that it would detract from activity or infringe on sovereignty, despite claims by the Union that the latter would not come to be.

    Ultimately, after two failed attempts, it would seem that Force’s third try charm is not trying at all.

    The Investigator - Success In The House Unwrapped!  by  Carropia

    Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the official views of the Government of Force.
    Almost 1 year after it first convened, the house has come off its best term yet. With big names such as Libertatis Regallis, our current Prime Minister, The Chariot, long-time Minister of Defence, as well as long-time Representative Carropia.

    This three-headed giant of a group was able to pass quite a few bills into law, namely the Deputy Installment Act, The House Framework and Speaker Act, and the Government Transparency Act. To many in the government, as well as the citizens of Force this was refreshing, the House struggled to consistently pass more than 2-3 bills per term. This has to be the addition of Chariot and Libertatis, Carropia the third member of this all-star cast hasn’t had another prominent member since the removal of Salibaic. In an interview with Carropia, he said, “You know it was refreshing to have those guys out there with me, I’ve been in the House a long while and have struggled alone for far too long, it was very nice.”

    After this productive term, the people of Force once more have confidence in the House, the real question is whether they can keep up without Libertatis? While Tigslarlowducken, Caduceo, Lashnakia, Loomburg, Sir Sword BJ, and Carropia are all Reps. this term, the House has seen no progress yet a lot of drama. Hopefully, this new cast can turn it around and repeat the successes of the last term.

    Prime Minister Elections  by  Salibaic

    The july Prime Minister elections were rushed this time due to Renegalle and the former Prime Minister going away and thus could not deal with the election. The only candidates for PM this election was Sir Libertatis Regalis. Obviously he won the election with all votes for him. Not much was said in the debate but the cabinet has stayed the same. That there really was this election. See you at the next one.
    A Special House's Elections  by  The Chariot

    July’s House elections were… not ideal, to say the least. Following one of the most successful Houses in Force’s history, one of the least would turn up. Four people registered to run, only two answered the debate questions. Carropia, Caduceo, Tigslarlowducken, and Elysium Forests ran, with the last two not answering debate questions. After a nine-voter turnout, all were elected into the House. Quite ironically, the two nations who did not answer debate questions would go on to be Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
    Elysium Forests6-3Elected
    The results? Tigslarlowducken would show blaring unprofessionality in his run as House Speaker, knowing barely even his duties. Elysium Forests went totally silent after being appointed deputy, later revealed to be due to a vacation. And so, House Bill 13 was passed. This bill allowed for the Speaker to call upon special elections to fill the House. And then perhaps one of the most qualified Houses ever would come to be.

    Powerhouse candidates, all respected members of the Cabinet, would run for the house en masse. With New Legland, The Chariot, Lashnakia, Loomburg, and Sword BJ would run, with candidate Atharia (the only non-cabinet candidate) dropping out of the race. With only 4 House seats to fill, the race became not a question of who to vote, but who not to vote for.
    New Legland6-8Not Elected
    The Chariot14-0Elected
    Atharia3-11Not Elected
    Sword BJ10-4Elected
    Subsequently, Tigslarlowducken was voted out of his Speaker position, and emergency elections for it are being held currently.

    July Roleplay News - Decolonization, Annexation, and Nuclear Reactions  by  Salibaic

    Seoul-Pyongyang has had his homeland vacated by the State of Renegalle. In response, Seoul tried to reannex his homeland but was blocked by Salibaic. This has lead to Seoul denouncing Salibaic and shutting down embassies. Especially when Salibaic forcibly removed Seoul from their colony.

    Renegalle and Salibaic are decolonizing to help create a better world. The first steps have gone well so far but we are still yet to see the results this may produce on the world.

    Elysium and Adlania left the UN after being told time after time not to control nuclear weapons. This lead to Elysium building up an arsenal of nukes which it used to threaten Salibaic and Renegalle. Renegalle was already hated in Elysium after the great wars which saw Elysium lose more than ¾ of the economy and caused major infighting in Elysium. The threat was not put down. However, Elysium did rejoin the UN and gave up the nukes although defense experts from Renegalle and Salibaic both say Elysium will most likely still control nukes.

    The UN voted to condemn Sibir after it lied to the international community about Renegalle and Salibaic owning nukes. Salibaic in retaliation to this setup a UN vote but it failed after Sibirs allies came to his aid. Elysium also backed Salibaic proposal.

    Elysium has proclaimed that Sibir is not a nation but a terror organization and thus occupied former Elysium land that belongs to Sibir. Sibir in return handed over the land to Marcelli. Elysium then tried to annex the land back and almost succeeded if was not for Sibir alerting Marcelli. This has lead to an escalation with Elysium starting navel exercises outside of Marcelli land and launching missiles into the sea near Marcelli’s mainland. Both nations have also banned trade between each other.

    Three Weeks, Too Weak  by  The Chariot

    Recently, the Force made its first and only occupation and refound attempt failed. Miserably. Goddamned ASSholes.

    The attempt was made on AMYR, a region Caduceo desired for its name. With efforts from Caduceo, The Chariot, Renegalle, Salibaic, ImperialRussia, Empire of Elysium, and Carropia, the three-week occupation was fraught with ups and downs, from defenders, to failed refound attempts. On the 30th of June, the final attempt was made. Renegalle, Caduceo, and I left the region while Salibaic was delegate, using his powers to ban the native, [nation=District-VIII], 30 seconds before the update.

    And then... Artificial Solar System] refounded it.


    Communications Team

    > Caduceo - Minister of Communications and Professional Cookie Distributor

    > The Chariot - Senior Editor and Columnist for Chariot's Chitchat

    > Salibaic - Editor and Columnist for the Monthly Roleplay Updates

    > Carropia - Editor and Columnist for The Investigator


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  • Issue XXVII


    Controversy in the Court, General Elections, an N-Day loss-turned-victory, trouble in the Warzones, and a newly reinvigorated RP

    Controversy in the Court Part 1 by The Chariot

    During our recent, quite notable ministerial elections, two court cases were filed: Libertatis Regalis vs. Salibaic, and Libertatis Regalis vs. Greatest Elysium. While it is no secret that Libertatis is not the biggest fan of the defendants, these court cases have brought his distaste into the limelight.

    Libertatis vs. Salibaic was an old court case that technically never came to a close, due to it being privately settled. Libertatis filed it once again due to his claim that Salibaic was, again, twisting the words of others and being dishonest. This move would bring backlash to Libertatis, the recurring nature of it making some feel it was unfair. Once the case was accepted, Salibaic, clearly frustrated, agreed to take any punishment or condition levied at him, pleading guilty in the case. He was given a 3 month ban on voting.

    Shortly after filing Libertatis vs. Salibaic, Libertatis filed a case against Elysium as well. Elysium was a major supporter of Salibaic, and his campaigning is what got him in trouble. In the roleplay Discord, Elysium told Of Sgrub to vote, with the implication to vote for Salibaic. While this would not be a problem normally, at the time, Of Sgrub had ceased to exist, making him a non-citizen. Depending on constitutional interpretation, Elysium’s actions could be illegal. This, by extension, could also make actions by current Minister of Communications Loomburg in the past illegal, which could bring up further questions on the constitution.

    Controversy in the Court Part 2 and General Elections in Force by Lashnakia

    On October the 1st, Candidacy Announcements were officially opened for Prime Minister of Force. This was set to be a historic race, as neither Lashnakia or Libertatis Regalis, who had been criticised regarding his activity in the cabinet that term, were running. Libertatis Regalis has had 4 terms as PM, while Lashnakia had been the only person to have served as PM for a long time other than Libertatis Regalis, and he had previously stated he was planning to run. However, Lashnakia released a statement announcing he was going to step back from Governmental Affairs, and was not going to be running. With Libertatis Regalis running for the House, this produced the most wide open election for Prime Minister, really and truly, in Force history. Initially, 4 candidates made announcements stating their intention to run, however Zamperial later dropped out of the race in favour of a seat in the House of Representatives, who had only 4 candidates, and 1 ended up later being disqualified for not answering mandatory questions. Back to the race for Prime Minister however, the race was beginning to heat up. Lashnakia News Service made an offer to all three candidates to participate in a debate away from the usual questions posed on the forums. Two of three candidates accepted the offer, those being The Chariot and Salibaic. Due to technical issues, the debate was held in a voice channel, and was not published, however the substance of the debate still proved interesting. Among the main highlights, was The Chariot setting out his plans to abolish to Defense and Communications Ministry’s, Salibaic saying he would have more commitment in the job than his opponents. Both candidates seem to dismiss Salibaic’s previously infamous past, and set their sights on the future. Salibaic laid out his ambitious plans for Roleplay in both debates, while The Chariot argued his pro-independent defense policy. Had New Legland accepted the offer to participate, there could’ve been more of a debate on that, due to a differing position on defense policy. Both candidates gave slight criticisms of the outgoing PM’s activity, while not wanting to stir up conflict. Away from the LNS Debate, the normal debate questions didn’t seem to provoke much difference. Salibaic laid out his plans for RP, seemingly confident that could generate the activity the region had been lacking. Salibaic and the Chariot both stated their intent to cooperate in the case of an ally cutting ties and spreading false information about Force. Both candidates wanted to revamp Roleplay, although the Chariot had a more Culture-focused approach, and also wanted to bolster the military, which had previously had massive problems with activity. This election’s main focus was clearly on the dramatic dip in activity and how to fix it. In the days preceding the debate, Salibaic was comfortably leading in the polls, and the debate didn’t seem to swing voters any other way exactly. However one day after voting began, Libertatis Regalis dramatically took Salibaic to court, for similar charges to the case he took him to court for around 6 months ago. He also took Elysium to court for alleged voter fraud. There was drama in the cabinet, as Deputy Prime Minister Lashnakia dramatically resigned, citing his ‘displeasure’ at the PM’s decision to bring a court case, among other comments which ignited a rather fiery clash between the former Prime Minister. Despite all this controversy Salibaic was still elected Prime Minister, with 9 votes to The Chariot’s 6. The cases are still ongoing, as we wait for the Jury to rule on the case, we reached out for comment among those involved with the case, and the new PM’s previous opponent, The Chariot.

    An N-Day Almost Lost by The Chariot

    Who does everyone hate? Liberals. Last N-Day we set out to destroy all of them. And so, All Nations Against Liberals was formed. Consisting of several large liberal-hating regions such as Force, Free Nations Region, Alvaria, Red Wolf Alliance, and Thaecia, it was a hugely successful alliance, even reaching number one on the leaderboards multiple times.

    But then the liberal establishment struck.

    One person from UPPERCUTS started sending hundreds of puppets’ worth of nukes, constantly sapping our shields. Bikini Bottom, from the liberal region known as South Pacific, nuked us like the liberals they are, all directed at a single nation. After putting up a valiant fight against the liberal establishment that permeates NationStates, eventually lost to the biggest, the baddest, the most liberal: the technologically driven fully automated gay space communist known as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We climbed the leaderboards once again, but this time up the radiation board. Thousands upon thousands of nukes barreled in, wiping out all but few of our nations. Would the liberals prevail once again? It seemed so; all was lost.

    But then… in a plan proposed by grand destroyer of liberals, Cerdenia, the liberal-fighting force made a comeback. Secretly stockpiling nukes in Ousted Nations Against Liberals, we waited until the last second. Right before the event ended, all our nukes were sent out. A torrent of liberal-killing justice, ORAL’s position as a top ten faction was secured. With a little help from our friends over at the Augustin Alliance, the third ANAL coming managed to fend off the liberals. Amid the liberal NationStates, All Nations Against Liberals has managed to come out on top, showing that even under the suppression of the liberal establishment, justice will always prevail!

    The Airspace-Grounded Federation by The Chariot

    Everyone knows the Warzones are fragile. Unfortunately, it’s a fact that the Warzone Federation may have forgotten. Recently, the large, formerly GCR-backed coalition for Warzone stability collapsed, but not due to raiders, no. It was due to internal conflict.

    Warzones are fundamentally unstable. This is due to a couple reasons: they have no founder, there is no cost to banning, and bans are temporary. This makes is common fodder for raiders and defenders alike, as even the more peaceful side of NationStates military considers the warzones fair game. It was exactly this fundamental instability that the Warzone Federation sought to resolve. Boasting impressive update numbers and gameplay-wide support, things were looking up.

    Soon, however, a series of hurdles struck the Warzones. The defection of Ballpit, the controversy surrounding the banning of Dinoium, the repeated attacks against the warzones, and the nail in the coffin: Meat’s withdrawal. Meat had been occupying and defending Warzone Airspace with its military on account of the Warzone Federation.

    After an unclear conversation between former President Alnorud and Delegate Domais, Airspace decided to withdraw from the Federation. Soon, Warzone Africa decided to follow suit due to concerns over election clarity. After weeks of military struggle, the Federation eventually gave into the secessionist Warzones’ demands: impeach Alnorud and recognize Domais as the delegate of Warzone Airspace. Even though this deal went through, the fractures of the war were far from being repaired. John Laurens was appointed president, which many thought was unjust. Warzone Europe seceded from the Federation, with Alnorud at the helm. Shortly after, John Laurens disbanded the Federation.

    Roleplay Reset by Renegalle

    Following a long hiatus of RP inactivity, due mostly to the statistics program being down and thus a long backlog of applicants, RP is finally back. The newly re-created Ministry of Roleplay and its Minister, Alemputo, have created a new map for the RP as well as a reset, where existing lore has been vanquished and new lore is coming into being. No significant RP events have happened as of yet, but with the new activity, there will be in the days to come.


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  • Thanks for the update. Glad that you are here Renegalle. Welcome and hope you enjoy your time here. :D
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