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Analysis: Straight Women and Gay Men Prefer Muscles and Money
Posts: 1 Views: 350

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Article:

    This is hardly a scientific study, but is this something that's obvious, or does it surprise anyone that society hasn't advanced all that much? Or is there anyone who thinks the article is wrong? I honestly doubt the results are far from the truth, half the reason guys want to build muscle is because they know that people want that. :P

    There was one quote I found interesting though: "although it appears as though we have moved forward, our desires are still mostly about money and strength.". For the past year, I've been reading some variation of that quote repeatedly, describing how it appeared we've moved forward on racism or attitudes toward women or bigotry, but then things happen that show maybe we haven't. Could it be that the only thing that's advanced as a society is people's ability to cover up how they really feel about these issues to make themselves look better and to avoid offending people?

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    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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