Post #114573
December 12, 2017, 01:15:07 AM
Search revealed no posts containing the words Rage Revenant, other than that one just now, and the other topic saying what it does... and Gerrick didn't bother targeting the same squares as last turn, even if it was interesting to see if those squares would be picked if I blocked [17, 27] a few turns ago, so I'm guessing Gerrick picked at least one up but it wasn't broadcast to everyone? I hope only one was picked up, there's a very distinct advantage to getting to move to a random square AFTER the reveal that no edges were blue, since it could now be on an edge while the rest of us still aren't, right? Guess I'll give a repeat order and if that doesn't work, might have to GG to Gerrick for real this time.
Scorpion remains at [21,11]
[18, 13] [24, 6], [27, 9], [28, 6], [20, 2]