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Is it OK to punch a Nazi in the Face?
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  • The question that's been riveting America finally arrives here: Is it ok to punch a Nazi in the face?

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  • Yes, because then you could say they did "nazi" that coming.

    But in all seriousness, I don't think punching people is generally permissible. A Nazi is still a person, so in my book it's not ok to punch one.
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  • Depends. I suppose if you're convinced that punching one nazi now will avert more violence in the future, then there's arguably a moral imperative to do so.
    Example: you see Jim Nazi. You punch him. Hundreds of people see that this behavior will be met with opprobrium, avoid said behavior, and the civil war redux that people on the far right keep joyously announcing will be here any day now is averted because now there's way less nazis. This is an extreme example but punching someone should be an extreme situation anyway, since outside of that it's assault and battery, meaning your ass should go to jail.

    But if you just want to punch somebody because you have anger issues and there's a nice, semi-safe target available, then you're really not much better than they are.Some, sure, because at least you're not a nazi, but not a whole lot.
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  • No, of course not, just like its not OK to punch someone who cheats on you or to punch an office rival or to punch someone cause its Thursday. It is never legally justified to escalate to violence.
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  • I'd say only if they're inciting violence, not just because they're a Nazi. But then only until they're incapacitated -- don't kick someone when they're already down.

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  • Not even when it's set to music?

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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Because apparently trying to engage in meaningful debate and trying to change the other person's perspective and prove the superiority of your own ideology by showing its merits over the failed policies of National Socialism we should just punch them! That's always worked, as we can clearly see from the fact that there are no nazis today! After all, we all remember how nazism magically went away when somebody punched hitler in the face and his followers were freed from his magic spell! There totally wasn't a dedicated denazification program that was made specifically with the intent to eradicate nazism as a mainstream ideology through comprehensive reeducation, that would be ridiculous! And let's all remember that in the year of our lord 2015 we abolished the first amendment, made assault 100% legal, and instituted stringent hate speech laws! Oh, wait, none of that is true and this is just cancerous bullshit that's creating a neverending feedback loop which justifies these peoples' notions of being oppressed under some imaginary zionist occupation.
    so, in short, no. glorifying political violence is dumb.
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  • I don't support violence. As much as I can pretend to be an internet leftist who wants to punch Nazis and incite riots/protests due to injustice, I could personally never support hurting anyone. So as Gerrick said, only in self defence.

    We're not in need of a violent political revolution... yet.
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  • I just want to point out that despite the answer being an overwhelming no, the post of the neo-Nazi getting punched in the face got the most likes. =P

    One of the ideas that has provided stability and allowed America to endure for as long as it has is the principle that political disagreements are best resolved through discussion, debate, and engagement rather than through violence and conflict. It's true that at times it's failed to live up to that principle, as the Civil War shows, but otherwise American society has been remarkably safe and stable for that reason.

    When we say that it's alright to punch Nazis, what we're really saying is that it's alright to express our disagreement with them through violence, and that starts us on a slippery slope of excusing more serious transgressions. If it's alright to punch them, why isn't it alright to shoot them? Why isn't it alright to kill them? I'm sure someone would point out that Nazis killed millions in the Holocaust, so why hold back against those who aspire to Nazi ideas? And when they retaliate, won't they just claim self-defense?

    How long does it take to go from punching Nazis in the face to fighting running street battles, like something out of 1920s/30s Germany? That's what happens when violence becomes an acceptable method of resolving conflict.
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  • I never said that I did not enjoy seeing it or would not enjoy doing it. Just that you shouldn't do it.
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  • I don't support or condone any form of unprovoked violence, especially against the mentally handicapped.
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    Charles Watson-Turing-Donald
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  • I don't support or condone any form of unprovoked violence, especially against the mentally handicapped.

    I get you're trying to insult the Nazis, but I feel that is a wrong way to do it. If a mentally ill person kills someone, their illness will be a mitigating factor, reducing a prison sentence, or making it more understandable. After all, it wasn't so much their fault.

    With Nazis, they choose to be Nazis. It's usually not the result of a sickness, or a disability. It's them being dumb. And racist. In America today, they don't even have the excuse German Nazis had; they were forced to do it. But in America, saying they are mentally ill is an insult to those with a disability, and an excuse for the Nazis.
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  • I agree with Charles.  That's like saying the liberal left or the conservative right are mentally ill...or that communists or socialists or facists are mentally ill.

    They may have members in that capacity, but many in these are those who are mentally stable individuals who just think differently.  Is that way of thinking always correct? Obviously not, sincr a path that incites violence and death can't be correct.
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  • From a moral standpoint, I think we have decided as a world (or at least Europe decided for the world) that violence against anyone for any reason other than self-preservation isn't a 'good' thing to do.  Plus, what does violence really solve?  Nothing.
     Ironically, one of the biggest parts of fascism was the intimidation in the political process, and that's what we're seeing now happen to the folks on the way deep end right.  Violence doesn't solve the problem of the rise of right wing nationalism.  It only inflames it. 

    That being said, if the Nazi attacks you first, give 'em hell.
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  • Short answer: yes

    Long answer: yes
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