Post #102694
August 11, 2017, 02:11:23 PM
I've been hesitant since I saw this. This type of game is always interesting. Unfortunately, the type of community that plays this game often ends up being toxic. I still remember this one website for Mafia games where it's like "You didn't do exactly what the long detailed offsite guide/script says? Reported for game throwing, 3 day ban. Permanent ban if you don't do exactly what we expect again." Really ruins the fun when you end up with people like that, who end up with more authority just by being there the longest, probably due to chasing away anyone who would play the game for fun (what a strange concept).
Is the Town of Salem community better? Or alternately, are you all able to do this without having strangers join in who will insist that we play the game their way? I'd just like to be able to join a real game, not listen to greifers who will attempt to report you and get you banned for not being a robot, I've been through that and it wasn't really any fun. I definitely don't want to spend money on the Steam version if there's a chance that other players will report the new player just as a scapegoat for them losing.