A few quick technical updates tonight...
Nation TagsLike many other NS-related forums, you can now use nation tags to link to a nation's NS page. The code for that is:
[nation]Nation name[/nation]
Region TagsYou may also do the same with NS regions, like so:
[region]Region name[/region]
Spoiler TagsWe also now have a spoiler tag, which you can either use the code below to create or the button in the post editor:
Video EmbeddingWe also have video embedding, which means you can watch posted video clips directly from the forums! You don't need a tag to do this...the system will automatically detect a Youtube link, for example, and display the clip. Check out Charax's music topic for some examples of this.
Posted Image FixImages posted to the forums should now be automatically resized to fit their container if they're too big. This means that images should fit within your window (even on phones
![Tongue :P](https://wintreath.com/forums/Smileys/newdefault/tongue.gif)
Chat PageThe chat page is now available to unregistered users.
PM ChangesTwo changes have been made to personal messages. The first is that instead of ALL messages from everyone being in one long list, they will now be separated into conversations for each person you've exchanged PMs with. If you would rather all your PMs be in a list, or that they be shown one at a time instead of in a conversation, you can modify this by going to
Profile->Modify Profile->Personal Messaging and under
Display personal messages:, set that to whichever option you want.
Also, PMs are now ordered from most recent back, which should make it so you won't have to scroll down to see your latest PMs. You can change this back by going to the same area and unchecking the box for
Show most recent personal messages at top.