Post #131875
October 02, 2018, 02:38:26 AM
Twilight vampires are basically boring angsty teenagers with fangs, and rather than burning in the sunlight...they sparkle in it. It's basically a series of books that was written by an obvious fangirl that had an obvious fantasy of wanting to be with a vampire, and somehow gained popularity in both its literary and movie form.
If you've ever watched True Blood, think that...but less cheesy, definitely less sexual, and with much less personality. It's basically less on every level, and was what propelled both Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson into stardom for a time.
I like my vampires to be a bit less angsty and a bit more burny. If they're shown a cross, it pains their eyes since they're demons of hell. I especially enjoy vampires from movies such as Underworld, and the recent game Vampyr since they possess more of a personality and they follow more of the traditional vampire norms.