Post #87404
November 24, 2016, 07:03:16 AM
I'll put it to you bluntly, but as politely as I'm able to.
Firstly, this is your third election, and I don't think you fully understand the people here.
Normally, I could be wrong for saying this, but the election results during your last two attempts made it very clear - You only got 1 vote each time, and both times it was your own vote.
That in itself is extremely telling. Even the candidates we've had that have had arguments, made to clear they had a specific agenda, or didn't resonate with most people had more votes than just their own. The fact that you didn't manage either time to secure a single vote from someone other than yourself shows that you absolutely do no understand how this region works nor how its people think or feel.
But I also don't think you actually care to understand, either. Last election, you gave a lot of statements that reminded me of cotton candy: They were really sweet and sounded good, but you never really get your fill with them because in the end they're just empty, and you realize that it's just sugar that you're being fed. Absolutely nothing you said made me confident that you would be a good candidate as opposed to any of the others, and it was clear that I definitely wasn't the only one feeling that way.
I'll also note that you never really made an effort to pop on the forums often outside of elections. The fact that you keep disappearing when elections conclude, but appear when they start over is something else that's extremely telling. It shows that you don't really care about anything outside of getting a position here, and that really begs the question as to why. Again, even some of the most ambitious people here have made far more of an effort to show they care even a tinge, and that's reflected in the fact that they've gotten votes from people outside of themselves. They've gotten to know us, and we've gotten to know them.
But all I know about you is that you're running, again.
So my biggest question is why should I care? Why should I or anyone vote for you when you've made little-to-no effort outside of elections, let alone outside of the election period, to even show that you even want to try getting to know us and being a part of the actual community? You've already blown two elections, so what's going to make this third one any different?
And I don't want some more of those cotton candy answers that you gave out last election. I want some actual ones that show me that you even care about the community as much as you're making it sound like.