That last statement was encompassing for everyone, not just Chanku. There's 5 candidates, each capable (myself included) of asking questions galore concerning the seat. Let me pull up
@BraveSirRobin's past steak fry questions as an example:
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I wanted to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen? What do you think the main goal of the current Underhusen should be?
2. As we all know, for an organism to remain successful and prosperous, it must expand. What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath within NationStates? Are there strategies of other regions that you believe could be adopted by us to increase the success of our recruitment efforts?
3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
4. Who is your favourite politician from history?
5. What is your favourite form of government?
6. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer? As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate, or productive discussion, with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community! 
7. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Many of those I think still should be asked an answered by all candidates. I'll even start.
1. I'm running in this special election because there are some necessary changes I want to see happen, two of which are mentioned in my above post. Since the UH has been somewhat quiet this term, I'm hoping to shake that up some more a bit. I think the main goal needs to be coming to a decision on which Citizenship law we want to pass to expand citizenship requirements.
2. I think the current course we're taking is fine. We've got puzzles and games that we send out to continue interest from other regions, and we've got games and contests that we have here to continue building interest in both friends and new citizens wanting to be here and potentially stay. If we keep on this course, we should be fine. The more people see us as open, welcoming/inviting, and friendly, the more we'll have people wanting to be a part.
3. Indecisiveness. One of the biggest things we've been discussing is overhauling the UH/OH, and it's been met with massive indecisiveness because there hasn't been a spot that people can generally agree on. We want reform, yet we don't want it. We want a different, better system...yet we don't. People have urged for things to change, yet they vote against that change. It's hit in instances like that, in instances with our regional currency as well as other matters, and it's a massive problem that needs to change if we expect to really expand and grow into a better place than we are now. In the first of this event I stated that we lacked direction, and that goes hand in hand with this problem.
4. I'll quote what I said in the first debate that BraveSirRobin made, since it stands true even now:
I've never been the biggest into politics (I mean real-life politics), so I don't have a particular favorite at the top of my head whose career I know well enough to make such an established decision. If they were a politician that was for equality in all forms of the word, then chances are I liked them since first and foremost, that's my biggest thing I want from a politician.
5. Since I'm more of a Democratic socialist that believes in ideologies from both areas...a government that fits that is one I can agree with.
6. I think any questions asked, if they're within reasonable grounds, should be answered by candidates.
7. Medium well. I don't care too much for the "pink" in my steak, although I won't go crazy if there's some.