It is Halloween Night 2016 in small town Iowa, and trouble is brewing. Something out there is calling to you, just another ordinary citizen of this quiet little town. That something is death, for soon it will grip this town and everything you know will be dashed in just an instant. But you couldn't know that, could you? No, you were just there, on your normal routine; Getting ready for the trick or treaters at home? Selling candy at your corner store job for those last desperate few who forgot to prepare? Walking home after a wild costume party? It doesn't matter, what's about to happen hasn't been seen in an epoch: A collision of worlds...
This is the Call of the Night, a new RP I've been thinking of for the past week or so and helped develop with the help of the lovely people in the chat. It's Halloween night in your quaint little town, and tonight everything will change. Something new is coming: Monsters. They came from nowhere, and you don't know how to fight them, so all you can do is try to survive the storm, and maybe, just maybe, get the answers you're looking for...
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