Post #83672
October 08, 2016, 01:36:20 AM
Hi there! So, first off, I apologize if this isn't necessarily the right place to ask questions. Still learning my way around here it seems.
I was hoping to learn a little bit more about the political/national kinds of RPs you might have here. I took a brief look at the Wintrean Union threads and it seems to be something I might be interested in, but I was wondering about the tech level its set in. Is it a modern setting, or more akin to fantasy? Does it take place "in NationStates" or is it a completely separate thing? On that note, does anyone here RP in the NS forums?
I remember way back when I played cybernations that I really craved a community for nation-building RP, and that I kind of tried to do that on my own and ended up abandoning it. Checking out the NS forums though, and from what I can tell about the game so far, is that its practically nothing BUT that kind of RP. It really intrigues me, but I'm rather lost lol.