If I recall, this is an election platform, not a "personally attack Gov from all directions at once" thread. Not naming any names, nor pointing any fingers, simply a reminder to anyone and everyone: Let's try and keep topics related to the political activities this region partakes in and what Gov personally wants to achieve should he be elected, rather than slamming him and not actually asking anything particularly relevant.
"If someone does not extend a courtesy to you, extend it to them and watch them flounder" - Anon.
To be fair, my question is relevant. While at a distance it may seem like my post is a direct attack, it's questioning his character, since everything I listed is something that will translate into how one will be in office. I'll even break it down by each point to clarify:
Point 1: If he shows that he can't respect others' decisions to step away from discussion, this translates poorly in terms of debating bills/legislation. There's going to be debates, and if it's someone that's more quiet, we know how this is going to go. In the UH, this is something that can't happen because it's a team effort.
Point 2: Again, it reiterates point one.
Point 3: We're all going to make disagreeable decisions, even in the UH. I've made them, Chanku has made them, and others are going to make them. But the point being is if we do, we need to be able to own up to these, apologize for when these mistakes happen, and continue. It's worrisome when someone blames others and goes in it in a cycle, and again this is something that would translate poorly in the UH.
Point 4: This is especially relevant because we want people in the UH that will get a lot done. If you're in the UH simply to be in it and aren't active, that's a problem we're trying to overcome. With a history of asking for positions but not doing anything to even be considered, that can be worrisome to some thinking you might want it just so you can say you got it.
Point 5: Again, this is especially relevant because we don't want UH debates turning into grudge matches. They're time-sensitive threads to where they need to be utilized to their fullest to get stuff talked about. For someone who has a history of turning threads into those including campaign threads (And again no, he's not the only one guilty of this, but he's one of the most known), again that's worrisome to people.
Point 6: Once more, this is highly relevant because the UH is a team effort. If the UH can't work together, it can't function. A person has to be able to put aside personal differences and be able to work with everyone within it so things can go fluidly. Again, when someone steps up who has a history of belittling others that don't agree with him and pushes them to get the response that he's wanting, it's worrisome because it makes people wonder if those behaviors will translate while in office.
So again, at that point my question is relevant. He's shown that he has all of these behaviors that would translate poorly, some of them even destructively, into a legislative office. So why should people vote for him?
The fact that he's even made a promise within this thread alone to not be passive, and he actually has been both dismissive and passive within this campaign already is reason enough to ask that question.
Just because my reputation may not be the best does not mean I am a poor candidate.
I'm sorry, Gov, but reputations exist for a reason. They're not only what people may hear about you, but they're also what people see you do. If you want people to take you seriously as a candidate, you need to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk.
If you want to be a serious candidate, you need to prove you're serious. Prove me wrong on my points I've made about you. Start getting active around the forum outside of the spam and game threads, start getting more involved in the OA, and show people that you really even deserve anything. Bite the bullet for once and stop pushing people to conform to your moral standards and try conforming to theirs by not getting all hot and bothered when someone chooses to ignore you.
Get out of your box and start seeing the world outside of your mindset.
EDIT: I also forgot one of the most important ones: Don't retaliate so much . One of the biggest problems is that you take everything said so personally that you retaliate until they bend down to you. This is something I've told Chanku on countless occasions, and I'm suggesting it to you as well, since it's one of the biggest reasons people hesitate with you. Take things in stride, and again, bite the bullet sometimes rather than respond in anger.