I have a perfectly legitimate campaign question to ask you.
Throughout your time on Wintreath, you've shown the following:
*You don't respect others' decisions to not respond to you, and insist that everyone conforms to your own moral standards to the point that you will belittle and make them into a public spectacle in attempt to shame them for not following your standards. This even includes the Monarch himself, who you've belittled both in IRC as well as in the forums and even demanded he apologize several times because of something
you see as passive aggressive. This goes for members like myself and Hannah as well, who was even a specific reason for your IRC probation which you later violated (which I agree with the decision).
*To add this to IRC, you constantly would ping, query, or badger people in chat that didn't respond to you right away. Even if it was seconds away, you would even use Zaphyr to work around any possibility that they were ignoring you so that they would respond to you.
*You've shown that when you yourself come under fire, you choose to blame others rather than taking anything anyone says to heart. To bring up the Revocation from the past, it would have turned out very different if I hadn't pulled out of supporting it, as was evident by the number of people who voted the way they did simply because I withdrew support. In that same instance, you had several people both in the OH as well as in the general thread insisting that you take it to heart as a wake up call. Instead, however, you chose throw it at me, calling it "foolish" and even attempted to, even if jokingly,
talk Wintermoot into banning me.
*You have a history of asking for positions, most notably asking each of the Jarls including myself at one point if we would take you on as a Thane, despite putting in absolutely no efforts to show that you should even be considered. In fact, even when given the chance for Ambassadorship, you've never taken true initiative by immersing yourself in the forums. If you recall, I even gave you a chance by giving you a
month to get involved in a region I was ambassador of, and promised that if you did, I would talk Wintermoot into giving you the spot since it was a region that didn't know you. Instead, you made a total of
7 posts, 6 in your welcome thread, 1 in the embassy thread, and never bothered to branch out, and so I had to revoke that deal. When questioned in Elections, you boasted wanting to actually do something in a position, but still as of yet have never shown that you actually deserve any such thing.
*You also have a history of de-railing threads by making them about you and turning it into some grudge match. This is especially true around election time, as the campaigns have already shown where you're already baiting the people you don't like into retaliating against you. No, you're not the
only one that does this, but you're one of the guilty ones in this that does do it constantly.
You've also shown that your feelings matter more than the feelings of others, despite you constantly wanting to believe otherwise. When someone chooses not to respond to you, you bump your posts constantly or write something along the lines of how nobody cares about your feelings, even if really, someone might just not have seen it...these things happen since posts are ever flowing and constant. But rather than accept that not every post of yours will be read, you get into that pressing nature so people will like your posts or respond to it with sympathy, regardless of how that person may actually be feeling at that time (see reasoning for the revocation attempt in the first place).
So my question to this is, why on
earth (or any planet for that matter) should anyone vote for you? You speak of acting like a mature adult, and have condemned my and others' choices as being the opposite...but this is quite the instance of the pot calling the kettle black. A mature adult doesn't demand answers to the point you have, nor do they tout "suppression of free speech" when someone chooses not to answer.
A mature adult respects the fact that people have the choice to respond or not. If someone responds to what you say, then great! You were able to talk to them and get an answer from them. If someone chooses not to respond to what you say, then oh well. Move on with your life. Pestering them for an answer or throwing out "Passive aggressive" like it's going out of style isn't something a mature adult does.
So I ask again...why on earth should anyone vote for you when you talk the big talk, but have shown time after time that you're still walking in baby steps?