Post #69202
March 26, 2016, 04:42:11 PM
I'm not even going to pretend to have an idea of what people want this time around, and honestly, I might spend too little time on IRC to have a comprehensive idea at all. The OA mess really opened my eyes to how much people still rely on a few dedicated individuals to get the job done, and that is inherently flawed, since 5 people can't possibly represent the 40 or so people who log onto the forum each day.
That said, I'm of two minds about this.
On the one hand, I want to inspire people to take a more active role in the legal and government side of things, but on the other, if people don't want to get involved with so much politics, then perhaps we've been looking at the wrong system of governance for the past 5 months. It is clear that the current system failed us, so the question becomes: what do we do now?
I've really changed my mind about the whole OA thing, at least as it was when we put it forward to be ratified. A bunch of people appeared and voted it down, and then pretty much disappeared again without giving suggestions for how it could be improved. That pretty much spells trouble for an OA as we wanted to enact it. So fair enough, message received loud and clear.
Could there be a way to fix the current system? I don't know, but that is more what I'm leaning towards now, since whatever grand plans I have would rely on the current system to pass it, anyway. So it is, in my opinion, the only practical thing to do now.
I'm not going to pretend to have answers I don't have. We spent months on a bill that just failed, so I'm not going to push any agenda, bill or solution right now. I'm just going to do research, (hopefully) engage a lot of different minds on the problem, and then a time from now, try my hand at coming up with a solution again.
I understand that this campaign may not inspire much confidence, so do what you will on voting day, but please consider what I have said.