Post #67375
March 17, 2016, 05:58:47 PM
I'm teetering on changing my vote to NAY, although THIS POST IS NOT ME DOING SO. Yet.
If I'm honest, a change from a bicameral legislative to an open assembly involving all citizens who sign up for the forums is a big one and represents a complete shift away from how things have been done here since the region was established. What we have now has worked... but obviously enough people want a change. This is good, and I am in favour of the open assembly for various reasons, but I know that some aren't.
What I want, therefore, is for those who object to this change to VOICE THEIR REASONS, rather than simply bowing out and letting the region go where it wants to. We owe it to ourselves and our future citizens to do the best we can with this legislation, and letting it pass merely because that's what everyone else wants is no good reason not to solve all the problems with this Act now before it goes into operation.
So, if anyone here has complaints, if anyone here dislikes Open Assemblies and has good reason to do so, I'm asking you to vote NAY rather than abstain and explain your reasoning for doing so. There is no point going along with the majority simply because it seems too much effort to do anything differently. We will suffer for that in the future with a shoddily and hastily put together legislative, and that is not what Wintreath wants or needs.
EDIT: Please note this isn't a personal attack - I'm simply asking that we come together and work out all the minor errors this Act might contain, work to close any loopholes we might have overlooked and take on board criticism for Open Assemblies in an attempt to produce an outcome that not only works well for everyone involved but avoids the pitfalls such an Assembly might fall into in the future.
I've also heard that several individuals have felt somewhat browbeaten by proponents of this act, to the point of being called "blind" and feeling like they no longer want to take part in the legislative process of the region at all. I won't name names, but I have to say I am very disappointed in this behaviour.
Just because YOU support something does not mean EVERYONE has to, nor does it mean YOUR reasons will make sense to EVERYONE ELSE. Debate and dissent are vital parts of the political process, and shouting down anyone who might think differently to you shows a lack of maturity in how people handle discussion in the region.
Nuff said.