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A Capital For Wintreath?
Posts: 21 Views: 1847

Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • Wintreath, with 390+ members, has built a strong enough presence in the outside world to maintain a lively, self sufficient, external forum site.  However, like all large --> superlarge regions, constant recruiting is necessary in order to prevent the entire region from falling into the same predicament that *nudge* Spiritus *nudge* is in right now...i.e. recruiting troubles.

    Before I go any further, please let me introduce myself.  Who am I?  Controlled Interests.  Those of you who are on the RMB have probably encountered my annoying presence in the form of the ambassador I have in Wintreath.  Recently, I resigned my WA delegacy and left the frustrating region that was the NGA, and am now in Wintreath full time. 

    What I am now proposing is the creation of a new thread on NS (on-site as opposed to off-site) so that Wintreath can expand its on-site presence and attract more prospective nations.  The thread will RP the Capital of Wintreath, and will effectively be a regional factbook for all to read.  But who wants to read an advertisement? As many of you know, NS has a very strong "RP" community.  Many of the most popular RPs involve some form of war or diplomatic crisis or something of that sort.  When these RPs conclude, the nations involved often sign fake treaties.  In essence, I (and whoever is involved) will propose that the treaties be signed on our thread, meaning that they will see our region's info, and contribute to the number of views on the thread. 

    And why should I be creating this thread? Well, it's really because I have a deep interest in computer generated graphics and writing, and believe that this is the best way for me to contribute to Wintreath.  Here's some artwork that I have made in the past:

    I did also start the NGASE thread in Econ, which had over 4000+ views (I think...)

    Please tell me what you think, and whether you would be interested in joining the effort?
    1 person likes this post: Raven
    Controlled Interests
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Controlled Interests! Hai. :P First off, nice graphics! Your talent is pretty impressive. Also, a note...since you're here full-time now, you should probably apply for Citizenship so that you can access all the government Citizen-only areas or become a part of government if you wish.

    We had talked about this before on TG, but I do have a do you think the recent troubles between gameplay and roleplay that started with TBR raiding a RP region will affect this initiative, if at all?

    In any case, I'm curious to see where this goes. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Saeturn Valerius
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  • I don't entirely get what you mean by "Capital" in the title, but this still sounds cool. I may have to make a RP nation for Wintreath.
    Saeturn Valerius
    Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • Controlled Interests! Hai. :P First off, nice graphics! Your talent is pretty impressive. Also, a note...since you're here full-time now, you should probably apply for Citizenship so that you can access all the government Citizen-only areas or become a part of government if you wish.

    We had talked about this before on TG, but I do have a do you think the recent troubles between gameplay and roleplay that started with TBR raiding a RP region will affect this initiative, if at all?

    In any case, I'm curious to see where this goes. :)

    Ai...*smacks self on head* did I forget about citizenship?!  Just applied! :) We'll try to keep our thread clean of any form of war by establishing that any form of aggression expressed on the thread will be a violation of the nature of the thread and will be deleted by moderators.  However, a bit of spam is to be expected, as should be with any on-site thread :(

    With regards to the TBR raiding an RP region, I'm pretty sure that the TBR doesn't have an RP arm (correct me if wrong), so residents of such RP regions are generally unaffected, since they have invested little to no time on actual gameplay elements.   In fact, even a change of delegate would do little to bother most RPers, since they could exist in the pacific and be just fine in terms of RP-ing.  However, there is always that threat of mass invasion (Osiris...), but I guess it is just a risk we have to take?

    I don't entirely get what you mean by "Capital" in the title, but this still sounds cool. I may have to make a RP nation for Wintreath.

    Pretty much, the thread will feature a history of wintreath and pictures from its capital (I'll cook something up with photoshop).  Right now we're deciding how to theme the capital, and perhaps what type of buildings should be found in a Wintery city.  :)
    Controlled Interests
    The Golden Persian
  • Former Citizen
  • Hmmm...this sort of thing seems to compliment the thread Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath... (
    Age-old Extra-Terrestrial Being of Wintreath.

      Has the sworn loyalty of the Extra-Terrestrial Azure, the Demonic Mercenary Nova Arrakis Polaris, and the fiery Italian Ignazio Prospero.

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    The Golden Persian
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    Controlled Interests
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  • Hmmm...this sort of thing seems to compliment the thread Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath... (

    But this needs to go ON the NS site itself, not offsite! :P
    Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • I'm so glad that we finally have a graphics guy and I'm quite pleased to hear that you will be staying with us full time, Interest.

    As to the capital idea... I quite enjoy it and I would adore to help in any way I can.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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    A. Pierangelli
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  • First, welcome to Wintreath as a full-fledged citizen, Controlled Interests. :)

    So, if I understand correctly, and I might not as I'm pretty new, the Gameplay embassy and this would be different endeavors? It sounds like an interesting idea though, and it certainly puts Wintreath's name out for everyone to see.

    I'm willing to help out wherever needed.
    1 person likes this post: JAG

    Thane of Foreign Affairs
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    A. Pierangelli
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    Controlled Interests
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  • I'm so glad that we finally have a graphics guy and I'm quite pleased to hear that you will be staying with us full time, Interest.

    As to the capital idea... I quite enjoy it and I would adore to help in any way I can.

    First, welcome to Wintreath as a full-fledged citizen, Controlled Interests. :)

    So, if I understand correctly, and I might not as I'm pretty new, the Gameplay embassy and this would be different endeavors? It sounds like an interesting idea though, and it certainly puts Wintreath's name out for everyone to see.

    I'm willing to help out wherever needed.

    Well, the first thing to do would be determining a name for this RP capital! :)
    Controlled Interests
    Controlled Interests
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  • Bump!
    Controlled Interests
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  • Popping in to state that Osiris will not take action against Wintreath unprovoked, not whilst I hold a grip over its Foreign Affairs department. I cannot control its military, or however it seeks to play the R/D game but I do have influence regarding foreign relations.

    The only way the government of Osiris will seek action against Wintreath will be as a result of actions against Osiris by Wintreath.

    You have my word on that. Whether or not that means anything to you, is down to you.
    « Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 06:48:28 PM by Raven »
    Joshua Ravenclaw
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Well, CI, it looks like your capital has already received its first visitor and this isn't even off the ground yet! :P

    I would help with a name, but...I suck with names. Took four hours to come up with the name "Wintreath". :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
    Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • Well, CI, it looks like your capital has already received its first visitor and this isn't even off the ground yet! :P

    I would help with a name, but...I suck with names. Took four hours to come up with the name "Wintreath". :P

    How about Winterea ... kinda looks like another word that starts with d and ends with rea though so I'm not too sure about this one.

    Winter City?
    Snow Isle?
    Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • I think it would be wholly acceptable for our capital city's name to not be derived from the name Wintreath or Winter related... Just saying...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
    • Posts: 2,089
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      Wintreath Nation
    Controlled Interests
  • Former Citizen
  • I think it would be wholly acceptable for our capital city's name to not be derived from the name Wintreath or Winter related... Just saying...

    Yup.  On further thought: either Winterea, Wintrea, or Frostlake
    Controlled Interests
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