I believe The Orendi should have a more culture-centric focus.
This would allow The Orendi to focus on less official things. We could do polls for various topics, possibly on Gameplay subjects that are notable at the time. We could have more intellectual pieces for The Orendi, in-depth analyses of things such as how IRC channels affect regions. Not to mention less serious pieces with some entertainment value. Also we could end each release with something like words of wisdom, joke of the week, etc. This has the potential to garner interest among the citizenry as well as regional residents who could even apply for citizenship just to get more involved in it. The Life of a Wizard polls I do in TRR have had a similar affect for TRR so it's not unreasonable to expect that The Orendi could do the same.
Except what you're touching on is almost identical in ways of what the Lusty Jarl is all about.
At that point, since the Frozen Realm Record and the Monthly report are officially their own things (even if merged), then why not just allow the Lusty Jarl to go international?
It really makes sense to have one magazine/newspaper covering cultural aspects of Wintreath, rather than multiple ones. And since the LJ is a lighthearted magazine with a mixture of cultural articles (interviews, game coverage, RP news, other cultural news) as well as amusing articles (quote/cat of the day/week/month, challenges for the readers, other articles people wish to submit), I think it'd be a good idea to just make it international anyways.
And since the main LJ publications are once a month (mini news occasionally if there's interviews, werewolf/other event signups), then again it makes sense since it's essentially the exact same type of time frame as the Orendi is anyways.
And again, if the Orendi is going to be reduced to just a cultural thing anyways...then again, better one cultural publication to go to everyone than multiple articles of the exact same thing from multiple publications.
That's just me, though. Some people might welcome different articles from different viewpoints and the like. I just think it'd be better to take what we have for a cultural zine and just use that if we're talking about converting the Orendi into something like it.
But if it's decided to just take the LJ international, then I'd really encourage people to submit articles that speak to them in the cultural aspect (Dear abby, review articles, specific discussion articles, etc...) so that the publication can really encompass what makes the culture sector unique (as well as helps the workload a bit