Post #62711
February 20, 2016, 04:38:34 PM
1)- I've been in Wintreath from five minutes after the original founding of my NS nation, and I've never seen anything in the community that would make me reconsider my membership of this region or decide that another region would suit me better. I pretty much intend to be here for as long as Wintreath exists, activity lapses aside, and as such serve no role in any other region.
2)- I'm gonna have to echo Laurentus' statement on this one just a little bit. We ultimately serve those who voted us into power as their representatives, and it's important for us not to disrespect and abuse that trust. I like to think that I have my finger on the metaphorical pulse of the region - certainly not all of the region, but enough that I feel confident in saying I'd be aware of the fickle nature of public opinion (haha). In regards to how my own wishes would come across in how I represent our citizenry? Only so far as I think it necessary to protect the regional interest above the interest of its citizenry.
That isn't to say, however, that I won't put forward my own ideas and agendas for consideration - I have a lot of areas I'd hope to be working with in what might be the last full term of the Underhusen, and I'm not afraid to push on issues that I feel are important. For the most part, I believe the interests I'd be pushing for would often if not always match up with the desires of the people.
Effectively, competent leadership comes down to understanding and sympathising with the concerns of those you serve without compromising the ideals which got you elected in the first place.
3)- I'm only tangentially aware of the events you're referring to but I think the matter was rectified with all due haste and the region itself carries on as if not stronger than before. Wintreath is a special place not only because of the efforts we go to in the legislature, nor the efforts Mootles (great as they are) goes to in making our forum as beautiful as possible. What makes us special is our community and the people who make it up; a more varied and wild bunch of reprobates you couldn't find anywhere else. We're something different from many other regions I've known of, and that difference sets us apart.
I understand the concerns raised in reference to recent events, but in my opinion there are already ideas in the works for preventing this sort of - and here I stress - rare occurrence. With the impending formation of our new Open Storting, I've already put forward the suggestion of a unified code of conduct to be tied in with its estabishment, and I've plans in the works for a minor overhaul of the Code of Criminal Laws Act to ensure that, whilst not restricting our members any further, should prevent anything like this happening again. If all goes well, our citizenry will barely notice any change.
Hell, as things are, it won't be long before our citizens are legislating on these matters themselves. For all that I'm willing to represent the wishes and desires of my fellow Wintreans, I don't think it should be forgotten that we've plans to move to an Open Storting system once it's codified, voted on and ratified. My primary concern, therefore, will almost undoubtedly be ensuring that the transition and establishment of our new system of governance is a smooth one that clicks into place with minimal fuss, allowing true representation of the people and accountability to your fellow friends, citizens and region members.