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Wuufu's Project
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  • My Project is a web-based RPG set in a highly technological society ruled by a rather over controlling and hostile government. You become a member of the resistance movement against this government, and uncover some dangerous secrets...

    The game offers multiple classes (with each character having the ability to have Primary and Secondary classes), a variety of skills (but only four skill slots for each character, you need to choose your skill build wisely), and many companions, NPCs and areas to interact with.

    The release for this challenge will focus on the prologue of the story, to keep things within reachable levels. The interface will mostly be textual based, though there will be images, sounds and audio used to effect as well.

    Written using Python 3 and Foundation Framework.
    2 people like this post: tatte, Emoticonius
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  • My weekend was spent mostly D&Ding (my girlfriend is becoming a budding Dungeon Master), but in between that I got to work on my project. The coding was fierce, because I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to lay out the Story/Location elements of the game, and how these were to be stored, and how they interacted with the UI. I've got something, not 100% happy with it but it'll do.

    The initial game tutorial puts you straight into things and I'm finding you really don't need to know much to play, but I've not got to combat yet. Still a ways to go to get all the game mechanics in the game, so I'm hoping things stay simple.
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  • Time is running out, and I'm only just arriving at combat. I feel that by the time I run out of time, I won't have much story, so apologies there. I'm going to be finishing up on Thursday as I'm away this weekend, but I should have enough time to put things online on Sunday for you all to play with.

    Since I last posted, I've added inventory management, logging of text sent to each player (will be important), added travelling between locations and completed design of all the initial classes and skills. As stated, I've started developing combat, which I'm hoping to complete this week so you'll at least be able to have a fight and see the system work. A bit more to go to get that working though.

    In the meantime, I thought it would be good to end this with a slow introduction on the four primary classes you'll have a chance of picking. Our first introductory class is the Gunslinger. A class focused on being the best damn shooter on the planet, the Gunslinger's focus is all about using guns to their full extreme. As an example, meet Charged Shot, the Gunslinger's staple. Charged Shot takes an extra turn to charge the gun, but deals higher damage in a single shot as a result... rather powerful!
    • Posts: 655
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  • Alright. Here we go. I present to you... the official release of Pscion.

    Bear in mind that I consider this to be nothing more than an early alpha, but you'll get the general concept alright. If you can't access the site, please do be patient as the domain name is fairly new.

    Read Me First!
    • The game is desktop only and is designed to run on Google Chrome. You are advised to use that configuration.
    • Right now, you'll be able to create an account, play through most of the tutorial, and get to the combat area. When you reach the combat, that's it; there's no more to the game.
    • When you are given a chance to explore the menu on the left, be sure to go to Character and equip some skills.
    • When you get to the combat, you can act by clicking on one of your skills, and then targeting it by using the red target reticle in the center of a player or enemy box. You then use the red hourglass icon to move forward a turn. Skills will go red if they need to recharge. You can stay in combat for as long as you want, but once you're done if you refresh the page you'll go back to the previous screen. That's where it halts for the moment.
    The Link
    Alright, here it is:

    The Source
    You'll find the source at my Github account here:

    The Theme
    I really didn't get as far into the prologue as I'd hoped, so I want to announce the game's link to Thyme, which will be used in the story. You see, the resistance movement you become a part of needs to (often) transfer secure data chips around the city. Thyme is a well known material that is used to distract the government's sensors from detecting these chips, so the resistance uses bags of Thyme to store the chips in (the chips are stored inside a small secure pouch in these bags).


    Python3 (backend)
    HTML/CSS/Javascript (frontend)
    Any other frameworks seen in the bower components directory are dependencies of one or more of the above frameworks.

    Feel free to ask any questions you have.
    « Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:49:06 PM by Wuufu »
    • Posts: 655
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    • Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • Queen of Love and Beauty
  • It always says user exists on registration for me.. It looks cool, I want in!
    • Queen of Love and Beauty
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  • It always says user exists on registration for me.. It looks cool, I want in!
    Yup, I found a bunch of things that no longer work when I put them onto a different environment, so I'm slowly working on rebuilding a few parts of the game so that they do. Hopefully won't take too long :P
    • Posts: 655
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    • Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
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