I have a question. You've shown interest in just about every position that goes open, but rarely seem to do much work in the department you're interested in beforehand, and put it down to being too busy, despite your interest. Why should we expect you to serve fully in a leadership position if your schedule is too full for the less glamorous jobs in the ministries?
I never said a job was less glamorous,
@Laurentus. I wanted to be able to help out in a position that mattered, and not just a position for me to have just so people wanted to be happy. While my reputation is controversial, yes, I do have skills and experience that I wish to utilise.
This is also a concern of mine as well. From what I've recalled, you've asked at least most of the Jarls to take you on as their Thane, yet as Laurentus stated, you've done little to nothing beforehand to ever show that you would be a worthy choice. The only exception to this is the area of Defense, in which admittedly you did show to a certain degree that you wanted a position within it.
But other areas such as Integration and Culture, there's been almost non-existent effort despite your interest in wanting to be part of those ministries.
This does worry me in translation to a government role. For me, this speaks to wanting a government position simply just to have it. My first inclination is to believe that you want it for status reasons. My reasoning to believe this is both the way you talk about it when you feel others don't do a good job (the same way I do from time to time in saying that they're heavily important positions...but my reasoning for saying such is because they're such a huge time commitment regardless of how little activity may be happening, and actions you take in either a ministry or government role have far more reaching effects and consequences than that of a citizen)...and the way you present yourself at times (asking for votes rather than showing why you deserve them, asking for people to nominate you for Wintreath's Finest -- an award given to those who go above and beyond for no reason other than that they just love what they do and do it exceptionally well and are recognized by others for it).
Granted, I could be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off on this assumption, and I do apologize if I am, however this is merely just based on my own observations.
But rather than echo Laurentus' question, after that lengthy post that has probably upset you a little (which again, I do apologize as that wasn't the intention), but you've seen my observations and my assumption, and I can highly guarantee that if I'm pointing it out, others have probably made similar observations as well.
So to quell those people and to help us better understand your intentions...why is it that you want to serve in the Underhusen, really? When you've shown high interest in wanting to be a part of something but have done little to show you deserve to be in such positions you've asked for...what will make the Underhusen different? What will you do to show us that you both really actually do want to be in the UH for sake of wanting to help make change (preferably positive), and that you deserve to be in it?
I also do have another question, again I apologize for the length of this post.
Based on more observations of mine, some of them including myself as the subject, some being from what I've witnessed firsthand in IRC or on here, and others based on what I've heard from people involved...you've shown more times than not that you will press and push at someone if they don't fully agree with what you say, or withhold opinion out of respect of hurting your feelings. At times you can get downright nasty with what you say, and have done your absolute best to try to make others feel like dirt when you're not getting your way, and completely disregard others' feelings despite the whole ordeal being based on the fact that you feel like they don't regard your own.
As a member of the Underhusen, this would absolutely not be okay in the slightest. Even if you disagreed with what someone said, at the very least you would be expected, and honestly I'd say required to be civil to each of your fellow Skrifa as the Underhusen MUST work together as a team in order to do well. That means that you absolutely would have to refrain from some of your habitual things that you do or otherwise risk being recalled from office, because that behavior wouldn't fly in a government setting.
So my question for you is, would you be able to do that? I'd even argue that outside of the UH it would be required as well, being as you're a representative for the people...so you want to be a sort of "role model" in how you present yourself and that would mean being courteous and professional and understanding boundaries and other people's feelings as well as your own. Would you be able to do such a thing?
And please answer completely honestly, as there's really no wrong answer to this question since it's a personal one in a sense.
@Pengu. Thank you for your question. The past week was hectic and I apologise for not responding sooner. Allow me a chance to respond to your question in detail:
1. This is a bit of an assumption. I'm not asking for a post just for a status, or to show off in my signature, but as I explained above, I want to be in a position where my skills and experience will not be
wasted. I want to be able to do something that matters.
2. I wish to be in the Underhusen because, I do not know if the UH will ever be dissolved, and there is talk about making an open Assembly or something else entirely, and I still wish to assist in the UH in helping to make quality legislation and legislative reform that benefits the entire region. I've served on it before, in a partial term, and I wish to do so again. I have legislative experience from other regions and I wish to bring that here.
3. As a Skrifa, I know how to be professional, coming from my RL work training, and I understand that as a Skrifa I will be representing the people so yes, I will remain professional at all times and chuck my personal opinions of other Skrifa at the door and I will do my best to work with all Skrifa and members of the region, to better improve it.
I hope this addresses your question.
I do apologise for the tardiness of this post, and I really wish that people reconsider their vote and support me for the Underhusen. Voting ends today, so it is not too late to change your vote.
I will also welcome additional questions as time permits.