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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;

    Most people sound like idiots even without speech impediments.

    Content over form.
    2 people like this post: BraveSirRobin, Emoticonius
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  • I used to go to speech therapy but my mom got mad and pulled me out of it, plus I couldn't read the notes for speech stuff that I wrote down cause of my hand writing problems.
    I just wish I could go back to speech therapy so I wouldn't sound so stupid when I add random s's to things or randomly switch words around because my brain goes faster than my dumb mouth.
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  • Look at the bright side, at least you can pronounce your sounds properly...I can't pronounce r's properly :P
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Look at the bright side, at least you can pronounce your sounds properly...I can't pronounce r's properly :P

    You can't sing Bad Romance? ;o;
    That's a sad life to live.
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  • I also can not say Rawr. :P
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I also can not say Rawr. :P

    How do you tell a dino you love them, then?  :-\
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  • I can't ;-;
    1 person likes this post: Gerrick
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • It's okay, I can't say the word arboretum.
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  • I probably could semi-pronounce it :\
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Some Random Guy
  • They suggested I say what I feel. About myself, other people. Anything. This is a good a place as any, I suppose.

    I feel ashamed that I am attracted to men. It took years before I could admit to myself that I was attracted to guys. I'm still not totally good with myself. When I look at someone I like and feel... something, I feel shame. Less now, but I still feel it.

    I feel tired. I've had trouble sleeping for as long as I remember. It doesn't really help how I feel about anything. I don't want to take pills because they really just make me feel groggy. So I just feel so tired all the time.

    I'm lonely. Always have been. I have never had more than 3 or 4 friends. I feel like a foreigner in my own country. I feel like an outsider everywhere I go. Even in my own skin I don't comfortable sometimes.

    I am almost certain that I am bipolar. I have pretty wild mood swings. One day I feel great. The next I'm holding a revolver to my head wishing I was dead.

    I'm pretty sure I'm trying to kill myself. If not in a specific, one time way then slowly. I take unnecessary risks. I live with no regard to the future. I live without regards to my health. Even if I don't blow my brains out or jump off the roof or hang myself or any number of the ways I've thought about ending it I'm pretty sure I'll end killing myself through diabetes or cancer or something before I'm 35.

    I don't know why I'm here. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. I don't know what I want from life. The loving family? A wife? Kids? A boyfriend? Friends? A stable job? To be happy? I don't know. All of it? None of it? Hell, I don't know why I even get up in the morning, sometimes.

    It's not all bad. I have some hope. Some.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;

    Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?

    But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'

    Nobody is perfect.  I stutter and repeat words occasionally.
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • They suggested I say what I feel. About myself, other people. Anything. This is a good a place as any, I suppose.

    I feel ashamed that I am attracted to men. It took years before I could admit to myself that I was attracted to guys. I'm still not totally good with myself. When I look at someone I like and feel... something, I feel shame. Less now, but I still feel it.

    I feel tired. I've had trouble sleeping for as long as I remember. It doesn't really help how I feel about anything. I don't want to take pills because they really just make me feel groggy. So I just feel so tired all the time.

    I'm lonely. Always have been. I have never had more than 3 or 4 friends. I feel like a foreigner in my own country. I feel like an outsider everywhere I go. Even in my own skin I don't comfortable sometimes.

    I am almost certain that I am bipolar. I have pretty wild mood swings. One day I feel great. The next I'm holding a revolver to my head wishing I was dead.

    I'm pretty sure I'm trying to kill myself. If not in a specific, one time way then slowly. I take unnecessary risks. I live with no regard to the future. I live without regards to my health. Even if I don't blow my brains out or jump off the roof or hang myself or any number of the ways I've thought about ending it I'm pretty sure I'll end killing myself through diabetes or cancer or something before I'm 35.

    I don't know why I'm here. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. I don't know what I want from life. The loving family? A wife? Kids? A boyfriend? Friends? A stable job? To be happy? I don't know. All of it? None of it? Hell, I don't know why I even get up in the morning, sometimes.

    It's not all bad. I have some hope. Some.

    I don't think we've ever really spoken before. And I guess we don't really know each other at all. But I'd like to offer a listening ear if you'd ever like to talk, or just vent. I came to terms with my own sexuality a few years ago, myself. And much like you I was pretty unhappy with myself. I even attempted suicide. I suppose one thing I recognize looking back is that much of my disappointment with myself was based around other peoples judgements of me. I was very much afraid of what others would think and it lead me to question my own worth. I don't know if it's the same for you but I'd be more than happy to talk sometime. Send me a PM or we could talk on the forums. Till then, peace to you.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;

    Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?

    But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'

    Nobody is perfect.  I stutter and repeat words occasionally.

    I work with someone from Massachusetts and have bgun to drop the letter R out of my vocabulary. I flinch everytime I say Cah.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;

    Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?

    But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'

    Nobody is perfect.  I stutter and repeat words occasionally.

    I work with someone from Massachusetts and have bgun to drop the letter R out of my vocabulary. I flinch everytime I say Cah.

    That happens.  When you're around someone or a group of people with the similar accent for long enough, you pick up on it.  It's like people who spend months and months in a foreign country and begin to develop that accent since it becomes the norm for them.
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  • American and Canadian plebs. The word "car" isn't supposed to have an audible "r" at the end.
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