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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • The way the EU has been childishly threatening Britain not to leave, I'm hoping they do it just to spite the unelected bureaucracy that is the European Union.

    This is literally the kind of attitude I've spent the last 3 months of my life trying to stamp out.

    Sure, Brussells is 'unelected' - if by unelected you mean selected by the elected politicians of each member country. If you want to complain about who's running the EU, vote for a different party at home. That's what it comes down to. That's all it comes down to. Every issue in this debate can be pinned on terrible domestic policies of past and present British governments.

    Not the fucking EU.

    In other words, you don't see a problem with delegates delegating national powers to other delegates with only oblique consent from the people?

    Reminder that all national powers first belong to the people and that political legitimacy derives from the consent of the governed. As the power is delegated further and further away from the people, it's harder for them to control its use and give meaningful consent. It's one thing for a minister to delegate some of his powers to the cornucopia of civil servants working in his ministry, it's another thing entirely to delegate it to appointed representatives of a parliament your own people don't even control. After all, the people delegate their power to the national parliament to make laws, not legislators.

    Also, I'm against unions of ethnically disparate people as a rule; I have the same problem with how Canada is run. What the anglophones want should have no bearing on what actually happens to the francophones (and we actually vote for our federal delegates ourselves). Thus to me the EU is a doubly moronic idea.

    The EU is the perfect example of how not to structure a federation (it's not a federation now, but might become one in the future) if you want it to remain functional and representative.

    The people need to delegate less powers, not more. The Swiss have the right idea. However, I'm hoping that representatives become obsolete in my lifetime as the Internet is finally harnessed for political means and a type of e-direct democracy becomes possible.

    I mean you can think whatever you want, but if I were British I know what I'd vote, damn the consequences. As a Franco-Quebecer I know perfectly what I'd vote if there is ever another secession referendum, again, damn the consequences.
    « Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 02:53:30 AM by Seroim »
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  • Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.

    Goddamn these last two weeks.

    Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?


    Have you not heard about Brexit? It's a referendum being held in the UK today over whether they're going to remain in the EU or leave.

    I'm thinking (and hoping) they'll remain, but, like Weiss said, it could really go either way.

    I'm in the US.  Most of our news has been either talking nonstop about the Florida shooting and how it's the biggest mass shooting in US history, and trying to pump us up and get us more itchy to take down ISIS...or it's been nonstop about the upcoming elections and the candidates, and of course their stance on the shooting and whatnot.

    I've been avoiding the news like the plague because I'm frankly tired of hearing about both subjects, no offense meant against the former part.

    Besides, unless it really concerns us, they usually don't even broadcast it here anyways unless you're watching it on BBC (which I don't).  Even the liberal news networks generally get caught up in purely US-centric affairs and nothing else.

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    « Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 05:02:13 AM by Pengu »
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  • Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.

    Goddamn these last two weeks.

    Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?


    Have you not heard about Brexit? It's a referendum being held in the UK today over whether they're going to remain in the EU or leave.

    I'm thinking (and hoping) they'll remain, but, like Weiss said, it could really go either way.

    I'm in the US.  Most of our news has been either talking nonstop about the Florida shooting and how it's the biggest mass shooting in US history, and trying to pump us up and get us more itchy to take down ISIS...or it's been nonstop about the upcoming elections and the candidates, and of course their stance on the shooting and whatnot.

    I've been avoiding the news like the plague because I'm frankly tired of hearing about both subjects, no offense meant against the former part.

    Besides, unless it really concerns us, they usually don't even broadcast it here anyways unless you're watching it on BBC (which I don't).  Even the liberal news networks generally get caught up in purely US-centric affairs and nothing else.
    What was upsetting me is that the BBC channel in America doesn't have news at 10pm CDT so I got no live television feed of the vote. I'm still keeping track online but it would've been nice to have commentary. (Oddly enough Canada had live online TV coverage of its election last year).
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Well ladies and gentlemen—Britain did it.
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • Fuck.
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  • Count of Highever
  • Well, let's hope for the best. If the British economy goes tits-up, we're all in a bit of trouble.
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  • I would say long-term they fucked themselves over, but in the short-term it's not good for anyone. A lot of nations are still recovering from the previous financial crisis. =/

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  • In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • But on the bright side, even if humanity completely fucks itself over and self-destructs, it will mean little on a galactic scale.

    I take comfort in that, sometimes.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • As do I.

    I've been thinking a lot of the duality of man, lately. I am not, by any measure of the word, a spiritual or religious man, but this concept I have come to see at play in my life. I am actually a very indecisive man. When I engage in a debate with another person, I am debating myself as much as the other person. I can give the appearance of sincerity when I argue something, and I can even be quite convincing when I do say something, but I don't necessarily mean a word of it. What I say and do one day, varies wildly from what I say and do on another, and it leaves me and those around me quite puzzled. Now, these are all aspects of this person that is myself, and yet these aspects are always in conflict with each other. It's for this reason that I find it difficult to talk about myself, because I don't truly know if I understand myself fully.

    I don't really even know what I'm accomplishing by talking of this. It probably makes me sound insane.
    4 people like this post: Bodobol, Gerrick, Wintermoot, Elbbsas
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  • Tomorrow I'm going to Cancun for a week. Woo!

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  • Tomorrow I'm going to Cancun for a week. Woo!

    Have fun!! What's it for?
  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Is Cancun a type of holiday resort?
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  • Cancún is a city in southeastern Mexico that a lot of Americans go to for holidays, so yes, it is a resort town. And Gerrick, have fun!
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