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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :P
    For the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
    Am I the only one who likes the sound of this?
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  • I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :P
    For the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
    Am I the only one who likes the sound of this?
    That drug dealers should be put to death?

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Harsh Laurentus is harsh. ;-; :P

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  • And to cycle back to what I first mentioned, the guy I arrested was almost certainly not just some poor addict. We found 5 grand in cash, bundled different, a book with names, dates and cash amounts and 3 grams of heroin. Dude was totally a dealer. And in Singapore, there are no neighbour hood kids pushed into dealing because they have no alternative. Almost all dealers are gang members. Triads, Russians, Sah Lak Kau. This guy was no exception.
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Is there any fear of the gangs retaliating or something?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Count of Highever
  • Yeah, drug dealers can fuck off and die. Not talking about the lighter stuff like weed, but cocaine, heroin and so forth. They profit from destroying people's lives.

    Of course, I'd prefer it if all prisons were transformed into slave factories (as in, all prisoners work for free, manufacturing pots or some shit), but I won't begrudge a country's laws that decides to put drug dealers to death.

    I definitely don't feel sympathy for the shits that go to sell their poison outside their own country, and get put to death for it.
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    • Count of Highever
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I would argue that it's the people taking it that's destroying their own lives...unless these dealers are putting guns to people's heads making them use it. People start this shit thinking that somehow they're different and they won't get addicted...and they're not and they do. Maybe the dealers are taking advantage of this, but it's not dissimilar to the tobacco industry and the government that makes money off nicotine addiction taking money from it through taxes.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Is there any fear of the gangs retaliating or something?

    Nah, the last time a gang tried to retaliate against cops the SPF crushed them into dust. The gangs leave cops alone here.

    I would argue that it's the people taking it that's destroying their own lives...unless these dealers are putting guns to people's heads making them use it. People start this shit thinking that somehow they're different and they won't get addicted...and they're not and they do. Maybe the dealers are taking advantage of this, but it's not dissimilar to the tobacco industry and the government that makes money off nicotine addiction taking money from it through taxes.

    Well, not literally a gun, but dealers do tend to be the ones that got their clients addicted. And lets not forget what happens to clients that cant afford their fix.
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  • I would argue that it's the people taking it that's destroying their own lives...unless these dealers are putting guns to people's heads making them use it. People start this shit thinking that somehow they're different and they won't get addicted...and they're not and they do. Maybe the dealers are taking advantage of this, but it's not dissimilar to the tobacco industry and the government that makes money off nicotine addiction taking money from it through taxes.

    I don't think culpability has to belong to one person.. =p
    If you make a system that takes in low-income teenagers and outputs drug addicts, you're to blame. Without you, those teenagers wouldn't be addicted. You could argue that it's the teenagers fault and I guess from an individual perspective that's true, but canvassing WORKS. Offer enough people a drug and some of them will take it, and some of them will get addicted, and some of them will have their lives ruined as a result.

    It's like in security for reflective XSS vulnerabilities - what happens is you send a link to a bunch of people, and some of them click it - the URL passes in parameters and the application doesn't filter the parameters before putting them into the application response, allowing JavaScript to be injected.. The JavaScript can modify the UI to send application passwords to an attacker or even just directly forward the value of the session cookie (HttpOnly flag ftw..), allowing a direct session hijack.
    Now, you could say it's the persons fault for clicking the link - but they weren't fully aware of what the consequences could be for understandable reasons. The hacker, however, is entirely culpable.

    The hacker is the drug dealer - socially engineering humans, essentially hacking them.
    People click links. People take drugs.
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  • It is also more complicated, often... The situations which create common street dealers can be complex and for some people, they're often not at fault...
    For a short time I had to deal... It was either that or starve or get into some unpleasantness...
    For some, this is how life goes... I suggest that if we were to put to death drug dealers we should first understand how such a thing occurs...
    And before we made all prisoners work for free, we should have a justice system that is actually equal and has a higher chance of prosecuting the right person...
    Really our whole law system has too many problems to punish prisoners that intensely...
    Honestly it's already too punishing for the amount of innocent people that can get sent there...
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  • Count of Highever
  • Emphasis on the prisoner's rights just leads to more crime. At least if everyone's kept busy doing something that's actually productive, there will be far fewer stabbings and other shit going on in the prisons, the prisoners don't bring down the long-suffering tax-payers, and they actually learn some skills while in prison.

    And like I said, selling weed or something is not the same as selling crack, cocaine or heroin. Honestly, if you dealt heavy drugs, I can't give two shits about your rights. It's not a victimless crime. The drug addict can't be held accountable if he's a teenager, but at the same time, it leads to other things like theft, which is definitely not a victimless crime. So any way you cut it, the dealer is the root cause of all the misery that ensues, freedom of choice be damned.

    That said, that doesn't mean the plan begins and ends with slave prisons. Ideally, people shouldn't end up there to begin with, and to that end, our education systems should be excellent and cheap for the learners. Teachers should have a high income, and if children are growing up in rough neighbourhoods, they should be removed from them, placed in a hostel within a school, and continue learning unobstructed. Even if you have to cut corners in other areas to ensure our education system is properly financed, it would be completely worth it.

    And this might seem contradictory to what I've said previously, but the less dangerous drugs should be decriminalised and taxed, just like any other business. Same with prostitution. When prostitutes get abused, they can't do anything about it, because they'd get arrested for prostitution. If it's legalised, taxed and regulated, it could be a great source of income for the government, a much safer prospect for the prostitutes themselves, and a far lesser health risk since the prostitutes could openly seek medical treatment and undergo tests for various STDs. Their pimps could be cut out of the picture entirely, and sent to the aforementioned slave-labour prisons if they're abusive pieces of shit.

    I mean, think of the possibilities here. Slave labour is cheap, so we could even begin being a challenge to the Chinese factories again. We'd spend money on goods produced inside our own countries, because it has become so much cheaper again, and so the money would stay in circulation within our own borders, instead of filling Chinese coffers.
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  • Emphasis on the prisoner's rights just leads to more crime. At least if everyone's kept busy doing something that's actually productive, there will be far fewer stabbings and other shit going on in the prisons, the prisoners don't bring down the long-suffering tax-payers, and they actually learn some skills while in prison.

    And like I said, selling weed or something is not the same as selling crack, cocaine or heroin. Honestly, if you dealt heavy drugs, I can't give two shits about your rights. It's not a victimless crime. The drug addict can't be held accountable if he's a teenager, but at the same time, it leads to other things like theft, which is definitely not a victimless crime. So any way you cut it, the dealer is the root cause of all the misery that ensues, freedom of choice be damned.

    That said, that doesn't mean the plan begins and ends with slave prisons. Ideally, people shouldn't end up there to begin with, and to that end, our education systems should be excellent and cheap for the learners. Teachers should have a high income, and if children are growing up in rough neighbourhoods, they should be removed from them, placed in a hostel within a school, and continue learning unobstructed. Even if you have to cut corners in other areas to ensure our education system is properly financed, it would be completely worth it.

    And this might seem contradictory to what I've said previously, but the less dangerous drugs should be decriminalised and taxed, just like any other business. Same with prostitution. When prostitutes get abused, they can't do anything about it, because they'd get arrested for prostitution. If it's legalised, taxed and regulated, it could be a great source of income for the government, a much safer prospect for the prostitutes themselves, and a far lesser health risk since the prostitutes could openly seek medical treatment and undergo tests for various STDs. Their pimps could be cut out of the picture entirely, and sent to the aforementioned slave-labour prisons if they're abusive pieces of shit.

    I mean, think of the possibilities here. Slave labour is cheap, so we could even begin being a challenge to the Chinese factories again. We'd spend money on goods produced inside our own countries, because it has become so much cheaper again, and so the money would stay in circulation within our own borders, instead of filling Chinese coffers.

    I'm going to counter your first point with a bit of a selfish yet still accurate one. If you have harsh punishments for common crimes, violence against cops goes up. If you know that being arrested for drugs is a death sentence, what do you have to lose? Might as well try and escape, to hell with who you hurt doing it. And as a cop the last thing anyone wants are violent criminals which leads to paranoid cops which leads to police brutality which starts the whole cycle again.
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  • Count of Highever
  • Speaking as a South African, where our laws favour the criminal, I can safely tell you that punishments that aren't suitably harsh don't lead to any better lives for the cops. I respect honest policemen in this country highly. They don't have long lives.

    Of course, every country's history -- and thus current circumstances -- differ, but here, a tougher stance on crime and corruption would have helped the policemen who actually did their jobs, because they deal with some of the most violent and worst criminals in the world to begin with. And yet, all hell breaks loose when they dare to shoot and kill a murderer, or another serious criminal, while in the line of fire. It's an absurd situation. Our policemen are actively punished for doing what they're supposed to do, and normal citizens don't fare much better. You get shit even if you kill a robber inside your own home. Our crime is incredibly out of control, and its only getting worse. It's no wonder, therefore, that we learn of many cases in which people who were nearly murdered themselves yet managed to kill the perpetrator resort to trying to get rid of the murderer's body. Hell, it's what I would do. Criminals SHOULD fear the police, not ordinary citizens.
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  • we've been given 10 days to move out
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  • This is what political dissent looks like in South Africa.

    Oh, Tshwane is the new name for Pretoria, the city I live in, and the capital of SA.
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