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  • Best string of words so far this year.
    « Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 01:07:48 PM by Violet »
    On tumblr at

    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
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  • So I started a new little programming project (which is somewhat related to another project I was considering doing), which hopefully you all should see at some point!
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Man, I'm really mirin' this Tech Pac LT, but I simply can't justify the price. The backpack is about CA$350, so I can expect to be hit with $45 of taxes at the door, about $30 duties and the shipping is US$80 (fuck Fedex). No one in Canada seems to sell it, at least if I want it to be under warranty. So in total this is a CA$540 backpack just because I don't want to carry my laptop and my tools in different bags. Seems overkill, even for me.
    « Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 03:25:07 AM by Seroim »
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  • So I'm out with some friends for the day for sushi and mini golf, which should be fun.

    One of the friends is my recent ex from about 2 years ago.

    Everything should alright and fun, but I noticed he's wearing the necklaces I bought when we were together.  So that brought some feelings back.  I've never seen him wear them at work, so I was a little surprised to see him wearing both right now.
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  • Finally started my eMAPT exam.. this should be a piece of cake.
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  • Dream Log 08.10.2018
    In a big circular building on its upper floor. We're in the central part, and it overlooks an atrium that goes all the way to the roof. We're on the southwest end of it. We're being rounded up for something. It's something gem related. It seems that the Diamonds have taken over Earth and enslaved the humans. As I find out, we're being rounded up because we're free thinkers and they're going to inject our minds with a hypnotizing syrum to make us obey. We're tied to the walls now, and they're about to start. I hear a voice in my head, or perhaps the person next to me, telling me to break free.
    Suddenly I feel a great strength in me. I break free of the restraints except for the ones on my feet, and I rush towards the manager of the operation. She shoots me in the head, and I lose my coordination. However, in my stumbling, I find and press the ABORT button, and everyone is broken free. Somehow I am okay again, and I rush to the elevator at the northwest end of the atrium. People rush in behind me, but I press all the buttons on the elevator. Maybe it was on accident, maybe it was to save myself and leave them behind. Somehow it goes to the first floor first and THEN goes to the floors I pressed. I get off at the first floor, and I'm all alone.
    A voice comes over the loudspeaker and says something along the lines of "You may have escaped, but wait until you run into our hounds". I go to the eastern door. Outside are rusty cars that are their hounds, ready to bite my face off, in a yard that circles around the building, and a road circles the yard on the outside. A police car is there waiting to bring me back. I go to to the south door, but the same is true. So I run quickly out the east door. I somehow trick the hounds into running into a giant rusty mousetrap that's in the middle of the yard. It didn't work at first, but the second time, the force of the latch closing flipped the mousetrap onto the hounds, crushing them.
    I walk to the streets. My face is Jim Carrey's, and a man in a shop waves to me. I'm free.

    At some indeterminate other time, I'm looking down upon a vast canyon with a raised path running down its length. Along it walk the Crystal Gems, but Garnet has unfused into Ruby and Sapphire, who are in the rear. I can see what they see from the bridge. In the distance, on a terrace in the wall of the canyon, 5 women bathe in some hot springs, and a man from history is in a swimming pool beside them. He's fat and balding.
    Suddenly, I'm in a circular room with holographic walls projecting a blue space kind of background. I sit on a full livingroom set with the Crystal Gems. I am Morvaridite, but I'm me. From a door in the side, families of the voice actors are coming. At first I thought the actors themselves would come in, but then my family, including dad and nanny, walked in. I got up and walked out. Berryite was not present. As soon as I reached a certain threshold, I turned into myself again. It seems that within the bubble, the voice actors turn into the characters they voice.
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    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
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  • So I'm working on a project and I just got done with changing some stuff in it, which is nice. I also wrote some code for some minor/simple memory management, which was moderately fun and interesting.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I had a dream last night where I was told I was gonna die in the dream and I felt sincere fear.
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

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  • I had a dream the other night where someone made a sex-themed MUD and invited other people I knew to it, and I got jealous and checked up on it. It was pretty weird, actually. v_v

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Anyone have tips for sleeping if you're primarily nocturnal? I've tried everything I can think of. Melatonin, sleep deprivation, everything.
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  • If you get a good answer, do share. Sleep has always been rare for me.
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    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • The research on this isn't conclusive, but you can try reducing the amount of blue light you're exposed to in the night time. F.lux is helpful for that, it changes your screen color temperature to have a yellowish-reddish tint after sunset and even more so before bedtime. Ideally, you should just avoid backlit screen displays before sleeping, and switch to things like books and Kindles, but that's not always possible.

    More generally you can try avoiding brighter lights and such areas prior to going to sleep, especially bluer lights such as LEDs.

    Not sure how much that helps, I usually don't have too much trouble finding sleep, though technology tends to keep me awake for longer than I should.
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  • Also another tip, avoid Caffeine if possible. Caffeine at any point in the day can cause issues with the sleep cycle, however I've generally had success with limiting my caffeine intake after 3 and having no Caffeine after 5, at the latest.

    Although if you normally consume large amounts of Caffeine, don't go cold turkey it can be really bad for you. Caffeine withdrawal is real, and is horrible (I speak from experience).
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    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I don't resist my nocturnal nature, I embrace it through the power of napping. I read a great book earlier this year called Take a Nap, Change Your Life, which was mostly about the benefits of napping, it's traditional role in culture, and how to plan out the best nap by taking your sleep cycle into account.

    It's only been recently that I've put the idea into practice, but it's had a major impact for me. I'm actually productive and don't feel like the walking dead at work, and I love how much more focused and alert I am late into the night. It's probably been almost a decade since I've felt so energetic at night, back when I had an afternoon/evening job that I could get up late in the morning for. You might notice that I'm making a lot more Wintreath posts and announcements late at night lately, and it's because of that.

    My normal weekday involves getting up at 7:30am for work and getting home around 5:30pm, then after I have dinner and socialize with my mom, I tend to feel like a nap somewhere between 6:30 and 8pm. I don't set an alarm, but my naps tend to be between an hour and 90 minutes, and then I usually stay up until 3-4am.

    I've also used F.lux on my computer for years...I don't think it's helped me get sleepier per say (I think it used to have an impact when I started using it, but I've adapted to it over the years), but I feel like it reduces the strain on my eyes at night. I'm also looking to cut down/eliminate caffeine, though I've never had any trouble sleeping on caffeine, and I'm doing that more to see if it has an impact on my anxiety.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I don't resist my nocturnal nature, I embrace it through the power of napping. I read a great book earlier this year called Take a Nap, Change Your Life, which was mostly about the benefits of napping, it's traditional role in culture, and how to plan out the best nap by taking your sleep cycle into account.

    It's only been recently that I've put the idea into practice, but it's had a major impact for me. I'm actually productive and don't feel like the walking dead at work, and I love how much more focused and alert I am late into the night. It's probably been almost a decade since I've felt so energetic at night, back when I had an afternoon/evening job that I could get up late in the morning for. You might notice that I'm making a lot more Wintreath posts and announcements late at night lately, and it's because of that.

    My normal weekday involves getting up at 7:30am for work and getting home around 5:30pm, then after I have dinner and socialize with my mom, I tend to feel like a nap somewhere between 6:30 and 8pm. I don't set an alarm, but my naps tend to be between an hour and 90 minutes, and then I usually stay up until 3-4am.

    I've also used F.lux on my computer for years...I don't think it's helped me get sleepier per say (I think it used to have an impact when I started using it, but I've adapted to it over the years), but I feel like it reduces the strain on my eyes at night. I'm also looking to cut down/eliminate caffeine, though I've never had any trouble sleeping on caffeine, and I'm doing that more to see if it has an impact on my anxiety.
    Word of note, that caffeine withdrawal can cause anxiety to spike (which it does for me).

    Also I've always had issues sleeping and I've usually been more nocturnal, up until the past month or so when I suddenly became diurnal instead, although I generally work in the mornings so yeah. I find it odd actually wanting to go to bed before midnight most days and waking up before noon most days, and it being moderately normal.
    See you later space cowboy.
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