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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Normal, which is unsettling. Rage, regret, promises to never do it again would be better, I would know what to do then, but I dont know what to do with nothing. And she is my cousin! Even if she is incredibly attractive it still feels wrong. Like I made a mistake. And now I have no idea what to do.
    They call it wincest for a reason, you know. I don't know, I think it's pretty hot myself. :P

    Maybe the fact that she's acting normal is a sign that nothing happened though, especially if it seems like she's not trying to avoid you or anything. What makes you so sure that sex actually happened? You must be pretty sure if you feel so badly about it.

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  • Normal, which is unsettling. Rage, regret, promises to never do it again would be better, I would know what to do then, but I dont know what to do with nothing. And she is my cousin! Even if she is incredibly attractive it still feels wrong. Like I made a mistake. And now I have no idea what to do.
    They call it wincest for a reason, you know. I don't know, I think it's pretty hot myself. :P

    Maybe the fact that she's acting normal is a sign that nothing happened though, especially if it seems like she's not trying to avoid you or anything. What makes you so sure that sex actually happened? You must be pretty sure if you feel so badly about it.

    Oh, dear god, please, never ever say 'wincest' again, I'm getting bloody shivers down my spine.

    I...suppose so. I never actually thought about that. Maybe I should bring it up with her.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Oh, dear god, please, never ever say 'wincest' again, I'm getting bloody shivers down my spine.

    I...suppose so. I never actually thought about that. Maybe I should bring it up with her.
    But it is win. Very win. :P I don't see what the big deal about it is anyways. You have a crush on her, so you obviously already want her, and whats wrong with two consenting adults doing something they want to do?

    Maybe you can bring it up in a way that doesn't clue her in to realizing you think you might have done her. Was she as drunk as you? If not, that makes it even less likely.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Oh, dear god, please, never ever say 'wincest' again, I'm getting bloody shivers down my spine.

    I...suppose so. I never actually thought about that. Maybe I should bring it up with her.
    But it is win. Very win. :P I don't see what the big deal about it is anyways. You have a crush on her, so you obviously already want her, and whats wrong with two consenting adults doing something they want to do?

    Maybe you can bring it up in a way that doesn't clue her in to realizing you think you might have done her. Was she as drunk as you? If not, that makes it even less likely.

    She was pretty drunk as well. And I was veryyyyy intoxicated. I will have to ask her, one way or another.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • She was pretty drunk as well. And I was veryyyyy intoxicated. I will have to ask her, one way or another.
    That's a difficult situation...if she was so drunk, would she remember any better than you? Maybe asking her makes things awkward even if nothing happened, cause logically why would you be asking about it?

    But then again, if it did happen, I hope you used protection. >>

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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    Reminds me of this series of interviews, especially when defectors talked about watching smuggled Western media:

    (Relevant section starts at 13:04)
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  • "You know I think that my Yugoslavia main nation is a tad too politically controversial. Maybe I should go with something else"

    "Yeah, maybe I could just do Canada this time. That'd be pretty cool"

    "But what about Scanadinavia? That'd be pretty cool too"

    "But what about a Greater Finland? That'd be pretty cool too"

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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • "But what about a Greater Finland? That'd be pretty cool too"
    finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
    3 people like this post: Fortis Scriptor, Violet, Laurentus
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    Fortis Scriptor
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  • finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese

    That is fucking gold right there!  :P  But I must retort.

    All they forgot was the skis of the Finnish Army.  8)

    Fortis Scriptor
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  • "But what about a Greater Finland? That'd be pretty cool too"
    finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
    I'm just talking hypothetically here. Finland's a cool concept.
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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese

    That is fucking gold right there!  :P  But I must retort.

    All they forgot was the skis of the Finnish Army.  8)
    There are many possibilities to explain the invention of the Winter War:
    1. American propaganda to make their erstwhile Soviet allies seem incompetent
    2. Soviet cover-up of a Trotskyist uprising, a purge, or another one of Stalin's atrocities
    3. Soviet propaganda to make the border conflicts with Japan seem better, by distributing the casualties across two wars
    4. The war was actually with Sweden, which was not as neutral as they want you to think
    5. The Red Army accidentally ordered an invasion of Finland, and 200,000 soldiers drowned in the Baltic Sea before Zhukov remembered that Finland doesn't exist
    4 people like this post: Violet, Fortis Scriptor, Laurentus, BraveSirRobin
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  • *dusts off tinfoil cap* These all seem like very reasonable explanations for the Finnish conspiracy.

    *Politely removes tinfoil cap, and places it on velvet pedestal* What in the name of god are these.... Hmm you know the second one could be viable if I didn't know for a fact (though it's possible I've woken up in an alternate reality) that Finland exists. The fourth would be the most hilarious coverup in history considering Sweden hasn't been militarily relevant since 1718 muhahahaha.  :P

    All in all this is beautiful.
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    Fortis Scriptor
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  • *dusts off tinfoil cap* These all seem like very reasonable explanations for the Finnish conspiracy.

    *Politely removes tinfoil cap, and places it on velvet pedestal* What in the name of god are these.... Hmm you know the second one could be viable if I didn't know for a fact (though it's possible I've woken up in an alternate reality) that Finland exists. The fourth would be the most hilarious coverup in history considering Sweden hasn't been militarily relevant since 1718 muhahahaha.  :P

    All in all this is beautiful.
    Oh, we've just barely scratched the surface...

    I haven't even brought up why the USSR and Japan invented Finland.

    And no, if you've been to "Finland," you probably were actually in Eastern Sweden. My dearest condolences that you were duped.
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  • Count of Highever
  • The duck test seems to indicate Finland is real. 1. They have their own language. 2. They have a sizable population who vote for Finnish politicians to do things for their alleged country. 3. Every single map indicates there's a little spit of land there, called Finland. 4. If you happen to fly there, you can find an actual physical location where the people are all quite removed from Sweden in real terms, since they don't pay taxes to the Swedish government, and the Swedish government has been pretty content to ignore the fact that a sizable chunk of its population are a bunch of freeloaders who are draining the country's coffers dry.

    I must conclude, therefore, that this is a damned convincing lie, and the Finns have probably invented mind control to dupe us all. Also, they are actually squirrels.

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