Forgive me if I'm suspicious, but...
Disagreeing and putting words in our mouths without seeking clarification are two very different things.
Again, you use the word "likely" and proceed to operate on your understanding of what I'm saying, instead of opting to find clarification, which could have been a simple: "I'm not sure I understand, could you explain how this differs from an incentivised post-count?"
In my ideal model of a currency, participation and reward based on post count would not be a thing, and instead of that, your actual contribution (starting and maintaining RPs, taking part and
winning in games and possible betting pools, as well as various other little things I'm probably blind to at this very moment, could be rewarded, and then spent in some sort of new forum game or RP, or perhaps just kept as a shiny new number with some little meaning, if it's too much of a hassle to do the former. Actual post-count would have a minuscule influence, as it would not be a factor worth getting paid for. The only application of it insofar as currency would be to measure the activity of an RP, minus the lore master's own posts (for reasons I hope are obvious) to determine how much said lore master earns for maintaining such an RP. Your own participation in RPs would simply be capped at, say, 15 credits (or whatever other amount is deemed appropriate) per RP, and you could steadily lose credits if you become inactive in that RP (granted, the inactivity thing would probably be measured by post-count, but your actual post-count would still have no influence over how much you stand to gain from said RP).
This is what we could have built up to if you weren't so impatient in putting the idea down (and if only you restrained yourself to that, but then you went and insulted me), as you've just admitted to not liking me posting discussion about it here. I expect your, and everyone else's, follow-up reactions to be just as visceral (which I admittedly started with my own overly-visceral reaction, but I'm getting tired of this shit, too).
How exactly were the parts in the quotes you've highlighted me glowering? Is the karma system something with some sort of deep sentimental value to you, and you just can't stand to see it's actual value questioned? (Yeah, this putting-words-in-your-mouth thing doesn't feel nice, does it?)
Be incensed all you want, I'm not going to be discouraged or dissuaded by it. You didn't seek clarification, you sought to quash dissent. You're using my not being a citizen as a convenient excuse, as people generally didn't seem to mind having to come all the way up here (my god, that's like one goddamn mousewheel scroll above where the other discussion is taking place, how dare I make people come here to engage in debate!?

) to respond.
And here finally we see the crux of the matter: it seems you find the notion of me not wanting to be a citizen (by maintaining a NS nation) anymore somehow offensive. I'm not sure how/why.
To a lesser degree, you seem to find Pengu's resignation and eventual loss of citizenship objectionable as well, and I find that highly puzzling. Much of these problems seem to have ignited again as soon as I resigned and renounced my citizenship, since I honestly felt things were going well between us, at least, up to that point. (And yeah, nothing you did made me do that, so if this is some sort of manifestation of your guilt being turned into resentment, which I'm not saying it is, then you can let that shit go. I'm not in the habit of lying to soothe people's feelings.)
Mind, tell me exactly where I take the piss out of every conceivable grievance I can think of? Why exactly would I pursue such a vendetta against you?
If anything, ever since I resigned and became an ex-citizen once more, it feels like it's the exact other way around, where you do that very thing with me.