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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Pengu has a pretty nifty thread going in the gaming area. Be sure to check it out.

    And this is where South Africa is at, politically and economically:

    Also check out this one:

    And this one:

    And this one:

    And this one:

    And for context on just how corrupt Zuma has already proven himself to be, let's take a look at this profile:

    To give you all some idea of how badly the ANC, especially under Zuma, has destroyed our economy, the Rand, our currency, was R3.00 to the US$ in 1994 when the ANC took power. It weakened over time through corruption and incompetence, but nothing approached the shock of Zuma firing our finance minister, Nhlanla Nene.  After Zuma fired Nene, it plummeted to the record low of R17.99 almost over night. That, coupled with these recent revelations of state-capture by the Gupta family, and the long-running Nkandla scandal, spells a tremendous amount of trouble for Zuma, the ANC, and the entire country.
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  • I am very bored...send help ;-;

    Boredom Medicine
    Effective little tikes, they are, North, but I prefer these little guys:  :P
    More Boredom Medicine

    Effective those are as well, BSR, but don't forget these:

    Exotic Boredom Medicine 1

    Exotic Boredom Medicine 2

    KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA SO CUTE! I love all animals but Penguin are such cute little one Nyaaaaaa *cuteness overload* Explosion in 10 seconds! Hide everyone!
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Well... how is everyone? 
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

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  • Good enough I suppose.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • meow + headache + apathy = how I feel right now...
    there will be something here...soon...
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  • So today was my first furlough day, where I take an unpaid day off to save my work money...I spent it by starting a new course called The Analytics Edge. It's a course about working with data...I'm halfway through the first week and so far it's been an introduction to R, which is a statistical language that can do a lot of things with sets of data.

    Then I took a nap. :P
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • The Sims 3 I realize is like youtube.

    You start off downloading regular stuff (clothes, pants, hairstyles), then you find mods that catch your attention as interesting (the decensorer), then for some reason that takes you to one that you wonder how/why it even exists (the penis mod), and finally you're at some dark side of the Sims where you're wondering how they haven't banned that stuff yet (the many, MANY different mods for uncensored sexual stuff for couples of any gender/preference).

    Also, I've been up for god knows how long downloading custom content, and I have to be awake in an hour.
    « Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 11:47:20 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Sims 3 crashed my computer pretty bad today for some reason. Then when it restarted it wanted to boot into the wrong hard drive for some reason. I got it to boot into the right one by disconnecting the other, and then reconnecting it and booting it again, but that was still pretty weird...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • That's...odd.  o_O, I've never had that kind of issue with Sims 3 before.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Gah, I hate plotholes. just bothers me when something happens in the story that either contradicts something earlier...or it's there for a feel-good moment even if it shouldn't be there.

    So I'm rewatching Heroes, and it's Season 4.  Yes, I know, it's beyond where it started to fall apart, but this really just felt lazily done to me to give closure to something that was done the wrong way.

    If you've watched Heroes, you know who Charlie is.  If you haven't, Charlie is Hiro's love interest that dies at the hands of the villain.  He goes back in time to try to save her, but ends up going back too far (6 months), and ends up falling in love with her.  While he attempts to try to talk her into leaving the country and going back to Japan with him, she tells him about her blood clot, and says that he saved her life by just appearing in her life...and they're about to share a kiss until Hiro's power interferes, pushing him back to the present.  It's obvious that she either chose either not to believe his warning, or something happened to where she was unable to leave (his sudden disappearing could have caused her to have second thoughts about it), because she's still very dead in the present.

    In season 4, they revisit that idea when Hiro decides to redo all of the wrongs in his life.  Samuel (the villain of season 4) sways Hiro and talks him into doing what he normally wouldn't in order to REALLY save Charlie's life...which ends up being using the villain who killed her into using his power to get the blood clot out of her brain.  At first, Charlie is annoyed that he used the man who tried to kill her to save her, and leaves.  But she comes back, and Hiro and her are back in good graces as she walks out for a moment to get ready to leave with him.

    It turns out that Samuel took her and used one of his friends to throw her in a random point in time just to get Hiro to do what he tells him...since he uses Charlie as his leverage now.

    Later in the season, Hiro finds out where Charlie is, since she's in the present...though the one he finds is a much older one who is in her last dying days in the hospital.  Hiro talks about going back and retrieving her at the point she was thrown in, but she talks about how she met a wonderful man and raised a family, so he leaves it alone.

    That's where my gripe with this obvious contradiction and plothole step in.  Charlie, a woman from our time, was thrown into the past...specifically the WWII era, if I recall correctly.  She met a man from that era and fell in love with him, and raised a family.  And Hiro is alright with that?

    For starters, his legit name for the villain was "Evil Butterfly Man" because Samuel used him to go back in time and change the past in ways that he wanted.  Letting Charlie stay and live her life in the past is possibly a huge butterfly that Hiro is perfectly okay with letting happen.

    What about the man that she fell in love with?  What about his original destiny?  What if he was destined to fall in love with another, and because of Charlie's interference, didn't?  What about that possible woman's future now? What about the family that would have been, but is now erased from existence because of Charlie?  What about the effects that would have in the future in general?

    It was just such a blatant plothole that was put there just to bring closure to the Hiro/Charlie dynamic...even though out of all people, Hiro really didn't deserve that type of closure.

    To me that was worse than the Season 2 fiasco of Peter's love-interest Caitlyn being taken into the future with him, getting stuck there when Peter's power interferes...and then she's never talked about again.  Peter doesn't even acknowledge her existence at any point in time from then on, and it was another glaring plothole that was never later explained.  Did she continue living in that bleak future even though realistically the future (as per Season 3 shows) changed drastically (IE, like a different universe to where it still exists)?  Was she erased from existence when it changed because she was a piece that didn't belong?  Did she somehow wake up back in the present once it changed?

    I understand the Writer's strike was the dubious factor that altered the story entirely...but at least some kind of mention to her...or her popping up in Peter's trip to the future in Season 3 would have know, nice.
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  • It's time travel. Don't try to understand it. You'll just hurt yourself. :P
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    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • Time travel is almost never done right.
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  • Done right means... impossible, right? Unless it's time travel into the future, which we are all capable of.
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  • You're awfully quick to call it impossible. :P
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Impossible in the same way I'd say faster than light travel is impossible, for a similar reason. As impossible as anything can be.

    The most any time travel mechanism in fiction can be is internally consistent.
    « Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 02:35:36 PM by Evelynx »
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